[CvGmt News] [Fwd: Lettre MODE]

buttazzo at dm.unipi.it buttazzo at dm.unipi.it
Fri Jul 5 11:15:37 CEST 2013

Lettre MODE
juillet 2013

Envoyez vos contributions en format simple texte �
champion at univ-tln.fr avant la fin du mois.

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Vous pouvez �galement retrouver les lettres MODE sur le site :


Table des mati�res

-- message du responsable du groupe MODE
0- Edito

-- Th�ses et Postes
1- Proposition de th�se, Universit� Laval (Qu�bec)
2- PhD position in Mathematical Optimization at CWI in Amsterdam

-- Conf�rences et �v�nements
3- SADCO summer school and workshop on optimal and model predictive
control, U. Bayreuth
4- School on Geometric Functional Inequalities and Shape Optimization
in Napoli
5- FGP'13 : last annoucement (Krakow, Poland)
6- M�thodes num�riques et calcul effectif: conf. en hommage � J.-P.
7- Int. Conf. on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (Angers/France)
8- Optimization 2014, University of Minho, Portugal

-- Autres
9- Nouveau livre : "Les �quations diff�rentielles pour les d�butants"


0- Edito
(source: J.-B. Caillau)

Chers collegues,

Le groupe MODE fete ses 22 annees d'existence au sein de la SMAI ;
l'occasion de revoir les comites de liaison depuis la creation en
1991, l'occasion aussi de remercier pour leur action Frederic Bonnans,
responsable du groupe de 2010 a 2013, et Jean-Noel Corvellec,
responsable financier de 2003 a 2013.

La lettre (qui compte plus de 400 abonn�s) anim�e par Thierry
Champion, et le site du groupe (entierement refondu) g�r� par Terence
Bayen, sont les deux fers de lance de la communication du groupe :
merci � nos deux charg�s de mission.

L'ann�e 2013 a vu la premi�re remise du prix PGMO (Programme Gaspard
Monge pour l'Optimisation et la recherche operationnelle, fond� par la
FMJH et EDF) qui r�compense deux th�ses en optimisation sous le
patronnage du groupe MODE et de la ROADEF :

Les journ�es MODE auront lieu � l'INSA de Rennes du 26 au 28 mars 2014
; le site est d�j� en ligne, � vos agenda :

Souhaitons enfin la bienvenue aux nouveaux recrut�s,
enseignants-chercheurs et chercheurs dans les th�matiques du groupe :
une bonne dizaine de coll�gues cette ann�e � Bordeaux, Dijon,
Grenoble, Nancy, Paris, Rouen, Toulouse.

- Jean-Baptiste Caillau


1- Proposition de th�se, Universit� Laval (Qu�bec)
(source: K. Barty)

Dans le cadre d'un projet de recherche en partenariat avec Rio Tinto Alcan
(Saguenay, Qu�bec), le d�partement de g�nie civil et de g�nie des
eaux de
l'universit� Laval recherche un(e) candidat(e) pour r�aliser une
th�se de
doctorat dans le domaine de la gestion des ressources en eau.
Le projet vise � quantifier les gains �conomiques associ�s �
de diff�rentes informations hydrologiques dans la gestion de syst�mes
hydro�lectriques de grande taille. Le cas d?�tude sera le syst�me de
de Rio Tinto Alcan situ� dans la r�gion du Saguenay au Qu�bec.

Profil recherch� :
. Msc (ou �quivalent) en ing�nierie ou recherche op�rationnelle avec un
bon niveau en math�matique et en programmation
. Int�r�t pour la recherche appliqu�e en partenariat avec l'industrie
. Disposition � travailler en �quipe (� l'universit� et chez le
industriel RTA)
. Bonne connaissance de l'anglais

Date de d�marrage : Imm�diatement (ou au plus tard en janvier 2014)
Dur�e du contrat : 3 ann�es

Contact : Les questions et le dossier de candidature (CV, lettre de
motivation) peuvent �tre envoy�s au Professeur Amaury Tilmant
(amaury.tilmant at gci.ulaval.ca), au chercheur Pascal C�t�
(pascal.cote at riotinto.com) ou � Kengy Barty (kengy.barty at edf.fr).


2- PhD position in Mathematical Optimization at CWI in Amsterdam
(source: D. Aussel, J.F. Bonnans)

A PhD position is available in the area of mathematical optimization
in Amsterdam
at Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI).

The research project will focus on the design and analysis of
efficient algorithms
for nonlinear optimization problems involving polynomial constraints.
The goal is
to develop new methods and algorithms using algebraic techniques combined
linear and semidefinite programming. Areas of application may include
molecular and systems biology, and logistics.

The position is for three years. The latest possible date to start the
position is
*October 1st, 2013*.

Application- Information and others, follow the links :
Job description at CWI:
MINO ITN:               http://www.mino-itn.unibo.it/


3- SADCO summer school and workshop on optimal and model predictive
control, U. Bayreuth
(source: J.-B. Caillau)

9-13 september 2013, Univ. Bayreuth

see the web-page of this conference :



4- School on Geometric Functional Inequalities and Shape Optimization
in Napoli
(source: M. Th�ra)

School on Geometric Functional Inequalities and Shape Optimization in
Napoli, Italy,
in the period September 9-13, 2013. The school will take place at the

The speakers will be Dorin Bucur, Francesco Maggi, and Massimiliano Morini.

PhD students and young researchers are warmly welcomed to attend:
there is still available financial covering of accommodation for some
PhD students or young researchers.

Please, note that the deadlines for financial support and for
registering have been postponed to June 30th and July 31th.

For a more detailed program and some basic information, see

Please do not hesitate to contact us at erc.napoli at gmail.com if
further information is needed. We apologize for possible


5- FGP'13 : last annoucement (Krakow, Poland)
(source: J.-B. Hiriart-Urruty)

23-27 sept 2013

The conference is the 16th of the series of French-German meetings
which started
in Oberwolfach in 1980. This time it is organized jointly with Poland,
and takes
place in Poland's oldest university town, Krak�w. The conference will
consist of
invited plenary talks, parallel contributed sessions, mini-symposia,
and a poster
session. Krak�w, the ancient capital of Polish kings, is a historical town
situated in the South of Poland, not far from the picturesque Tatra Mountain.

registration online: from March 15th to July 15th
deadline for payment of early registration fee: June 30th July 31st
deadline for payment of late registration fee: July 31st August 31st

see website :  http://www.fgp13.agh.edu.pl/


6- M�thodes num�riques et calcul effectif: conf. en hommage � J.-P.
(source: M. Th�ra)

CIRM, 28-31 octobre 2013

Voir les sites :




7- Int. Conf. on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (Angers/France)
(source: Icores)


March 6 - 8, 2014
Angers, Loire Valley, France

Co-organized by: ESEO
Sponsored by: INSTICC
INSTICC is Member of: WfMC
Technically Co-sponsored by: Apdio
Logistics Partner: SCITEVENTS

   Regular Paper Submission: September 26, 2013
   Authors Notification (regular papers): December 16, 2013
   Final Regular Paper Submission and Registration: December 30, 2013


8- Optimization 2014, University of Minho, Portugal
(source: M. Th�ra)

Guimar�es, Portugal, July 28-30, 2014

Optimization 2014 is the eighth edition of a series of Optimization
international conferences held every three or four years, in Portugal.
This meeting aims to bring together researchers and practitioners
from different areas and with distinct backgrounds, but with common
interests in optimization. This conference series has international
recognition as an important forum of discussion and exchange of
ideas, being organized under the auspices of APDIO (the Portuguese
Operations Research Society).

Additional information regarding registration, contributed talks,
deadlines, and accommodation will be available from the conference
web site:



9- Nouveau livre : "Les �quations diff�rentielles pour les d�butants"
(source: J.-B. Hiriart-Urruty)

J.-B. Hiriart-Urruty, Les �quations diff�rentielles pour les d�butants,
Editions H&K (juin 2013). Prix public : 19,90 euros.

Les �quations diff�rentielles sont des outils indispensables en physique,
chimie, biologie, �conomie et... en math�matiques.
Comme elles ne sont plus enseign�es en lyc�e, ce livre reprend tout
� zero.
Il proc�de par petits pas, qui permettent � tous les �tudiants de
avant d'apprendre, en s'appuyant sur des exemples int�gr�s au fil du


Thierry Champion
Laboratoire Imath -- Universit� du Sud Toulon-Var
page personnelle: http://champion.univ-tln.fr

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