[CvGmt News] [Fwd: Lettre MODE -- bonne ann�e !]

buttazzo at dm.unipi.it buttazzo at dm.unipi.it
Fri Jan 18 10:00:50 CET 2013

-------------------------- Messaggio originale ---------------------------
Oggetto: Lettre MODE -- bonne ann�e !
Da:      "Thierry Champion" <champion at univ-tln.fr>
Data:    Gio, 17 Gennaio 2013 16:33
A:       lettre-mode-smai at emath.fr

Lettre MODE
janvier 2012

Le groupe SMAI-MODE souhaite au lecteurs de sa lettre une excellente
ann�e 2013

Envoyez vos contributions en format simple texte �
champion at univ-tln.fr avant la fin du mois.

Pri�re d'indiquer "pour la lettre MODE" dans l'objet.

L'inscription et la d�sinscription automatiques se font en �crivant �
lettre-mode-smai-request at emath.fr
et en mettant dans le sujet suivant le cas subscribe ou unsubscribe.

Vous pouvez �galement retrouver les lettres MODE sur le site :


Table des mati�res

-- Th�ses et Postes
1- Postdoctoral fellowship in optimal control and space mechanics at
CNES Toulouse
2- Postes de CR INRIA Bordeaux
3- Poste MCF (26/27) a Grenoble au LJK (Laboratoire Jean Kunztmann)
4- CDI pour Docteur en Math�matiques appliqu�es ? Informatique ? G�nie
des Proc�d�s

-- Conf�rences et �v�nements
5- Annonces de s�minaires
6- "Stochastic optimization for energy management problems", EDF R&D Clamart
7- CIRM School STOCORE, 8--12 April 2013
8- Ecole d'�t� de Peyresq en traitement du signal et des images
9- 2013 Center for Nonlinear Analysis Summer School, Pittsburgh

-- Autres
10- Livre "Calculus Without Derivatives", J.-P. Penot


1- Postdoctoral fellowship in optimal control and space mechanics at
CNES Toulouse
(source: F. Bonnans, R. Epenoy)

A one year (renewable once) PostDoc position will be available from
(earliest) september
2013 at the French space agency (Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales) in
Toulouse, France
The remuneration is 2258 euros per month before taxes.

The candidate will contribute to the design of low-energy low-thrust
Earth-Moon transfers
by using optimal control techniques and dynamical systems theory.

Requirements: The candidate should hold a PhD in applied mathematics or
in space
mechanics and should have an good background in the dynamics of the
n-body problem.
Knowledge on optimal control will also be appreciated.

Working language: French.

Application: The application, containing the candidate's cv and a
description of his/her
research interests and achievements should be sent by email to

Dr. Richard Epenoy
18 avenue Edouard Belin
31401 Toulouse Cedex 9, France
Richard.Epenoy at cnes.fr

Further enquiries should also be directed to the email address above.

The official application deadline is 31th of March 2013. The successful
candidates might
be selected for an interview process in spring and have to be available
for a start between
September and December 2013.


2- Postes de CR INRIA Bordeaux
(source: M. Mongeau, F. Dufour)

Every year INRIA (http://www.inria.fr/en/) recruits by means of a
competitive exam junior
research scientists on permanent positions.
The INRIA team CQFD in Bordeaux, France is seeking qualified applicants
for a permanent
(full-time) research position in areas such as stochastic optimization,
optimal control,
stochastic modelling, simulation.
If you know any candidates that would be interested in such positions,
please do not hesitate
to give my e-mail address (dufour at math.u-bordeaux1.fr
<mailto:dufour at math.u-bordeaux1.fr>) for further information.

The deadline for submitting application files is 17 February 2013.

Fran�ois Dufour
<http://www.math.u-bordeaux1.fr/%7Edufour/>dufour at math.u-bordeaux1.fr
<mailto:dufour at math.u-bordeaux1.fr>


3- Poste MCF (26/27) a Grenoble au LJK (Laboratoire Jean Kunztmann)
(source: J. Malick)

Laboratoire Jean Kunztmann : http://www-ljk.imag.fr/
Contact : Zaid.Harchaoui at inria.fr

Il existe une forte demande d'outils d'optimisation en grande dimension
appliqu�s dans
les domaines de l'apprentissage statistique et du traitement de donn�es
Les jeux de donn�es � traiter, mais aussi les mod�les qui les
contiennent par
ailleurs des incertitudes dont il s'agit d'estimer et de maitriser
l'impact. L'optimisation dans
le contexte de donn�es massives, l'analyse d'incertitudes, et
l'optimisation robuste pour
minimiser leur influence, sont des probl�matiques qui apparaissent dans
plusieurs domaines
applicatifs dans lesquels le LJK est beaucoup investi. Le LJK souhaite
recruter un ma�tre de
conf�rence, qui cherche � d�velopper des aspects m�thodologiques ou
applicatifs de ces
th�matiques, transverses � plusieurs �quipes et d�partements du


4- CDI pour Docteur en Math�matiques appliqu�es ? Informatique ? G�nie
des Proc�d�s
(source: M. De Lara)

Employeur : ACTILITY
Sp�cialit� : Math�matiques appliqu�es ? Informatique ? G�nie des

Emploi sur Lyon, Caen ou Paris au sein de la R&D de la soci�t�
(pr�f�rence sur Paris).

Mission : Au sein de l'�quipe de R&D, vous concevez et d�veloppez les
algorithmes relatifs
� la mod�lisation de processus industriels et � la pr�vision des prix
sur les march�s de
l'�nergie, vous accompagnez nos partenaires de R&D ext�rieurs dans la
conception de
leurs propres algorithmes. Techniques et comp�tences clefs :
- MATlab et �quivalents open source
- statistiques
- recherche op�rationnelle, optimisation dynamique sous contraintes
(MIDO, Bellman,
Principe du maximum, M�thodes variationnelles), optimisation stochastique
- identification de param�tres, algorithmes de descente (e.g. Newton
- soft sensors (filtre de Kalman?)
- Java, Python, C

Exemple de travail th�orique que vous devez savoir comprendre et mettre
en pratique :

Profil des candidats : Bien que les autres candidatures soient �galement
nous recherchons en priorit�, �tant une jeune soci�t� cr��e en
2010, des
docteurs � la
recherche de leur premier CDI.

Nous contacter : contact at actility.com, r�f�rence de cette annonce: MAIGP


5- Annonces de s�minaires
(sources: P.L. Combettes, J.B. Hiriart-Urruty, R. Laraki, N. Igbida, G.

Une rubrique pour signaler succinctement les s�minaires ayant
lieu ce mois-ci et organis�s dans nos laboratoires.
N'h�sitez pas � l'alimenter, pr�f�rentiellement via un lien vers
la page du s�minaire et une liste de conf�renciers,

S�minaire Parisien d'Optimisation (attention : Jussieu, salle 101, barre


Lundi 11 f�vrier
15h00 : H. Attouch (U. Montpellier II)
S�minaire Pluridisciplinaire d'Optimisation de Toulouse (Amphith��tre
des Th�ses de l'ENSEEIHT)


Lundi 4 f�vrier
14h00 : C. Lemar�chal (INRIA Rh�ne-Alpes, Grenoble)
15h00 : F. Malgouyres (UPS, Toulouse)
S�minaire Parisien de TH�orie des Jeux


Lundi 21 janvier : P. Coucheney (Versailles)
Lundi 21 janvier : M. Scarsini (SUTD)
S�minaire de l'�quipe MOD � Limoges (salle 203, batiment XLIM)


Vendredi 25 janvier : P. Boito (XLIM-DMI, Universit� de Limoges)
Vendredi 1 f�vrier : T. Haddad (U. Jijel, Alg�rie)
S�ance du Groupe de Travail Calcul des Variations (U. Orsay, bat. 425,
salle 121-123)

lundi 21 janvier
14h : J. Salomon (U. Paris-Dauphine)
15h15 : S. Masnou (U. Lyon I)
S�ance du Groupe de Travail Calcul des Variations de Dauphine (salle A

lundi 21 janvier
14h00 : M. Goldman (Max Planck Inst, Leipzig)


6- "Stochastic optimization for energy management problems", EDF R&D Clamart
(source: F. Bonnans)

Le d�partement OSIRIS et le LASON (Latin America stochastic optimization
network) organisent,
le 1er f�vrier 2013 � l'Amphi2 du site EDF R&D de Clamart, un s�minaire
autour du th�me
"Stochastic optimization for energy management problems".

Le programme du s�minaire est le suivant :

9:30 - 10:00 :
"Introduction to energy management problems at EDF" by Sandrine
Charousset (EDF R&D)
10:00 - 11:00 :
"SDDP and scenario generation" by Tito Homem-de-Mello (Universidad
Adolfo Ibanez)
11:00 - 12:00 :
"Optimization of a Liquefied Natural Gas Portfolio by SDDP techniques"
by Fr�d�ric Bonnans
13:30 - 14:30 :
"Power management problem for interconnected reservoirs : the Nord-pool
problem" by Nicolas
Grebille (EDF R&D, INRIA)
14:30 - 15:30 :
"European energy equilibrium and decomposition" by Anes Dallagi (EDF R&D)

Merci de vous inscrire par email aupr�s de :

Anes DALLAGI <anes.dallagi at edf.fr>


7- CIRM School STOCORE, 8--12 April 2013
(source: M. De Lara)

We have the pleasure to inform you of the CIRM School STOCORE :

Stochastic Control for the Management of Renewable Energies

that will take place between 8--12 April 2013 at the Centre
International de Rencontres
Math�matiques (CIRM) at Marseille (South of France).
The CIRM School STOCORE is a contribution to the Mathematics of Planet
Earth - MPE2013
initiative and follows the Institut Henri Poincar� trimester Mathematics
of Bio-Economics.
The detailed program can be found at


The 450 euros registration fees cover accommodation and meals, which are
provided at CIRM.

For registration, please send before 28 February 2013 an email to
pierre.carpentier at ensta.fr, delara at cermics.enpc.fr
with Subject ``Registration STOCORE''
with Body expressing your interest for the CIRM School and containing
personal data (a one-page
CV or a link to a professional webpage is welcome).
We have limited funding for PhD and post-doctorate students, who should
add a one-page
motivation letter to their one-page CV.

The organizers Pierre Carpentier, Jean-Philippe Chancelier and Michel De
Lara ENSTA ParisTech
and Ecole des Ponts ParisTech.


8- Ecole d'�t� de Peyresq en traitement du signal et des images
(source: M. Th�ra)

23 -- 29 juin 2013

Le GRETSI et le GdR ISIS organisent depuis 2006 une �cole d'�t�
en traitement
du signal et des images. Ouverte � toute personne int�ress�e
(acad�miques ou industriels),
elle a pour but de pr�senter une synth�se ainsi que les avanc�es les
plus r�centes dans
un th�me de recherche d'actualit�. Cette �cole d'�t� a lieu tous
les ans
et a pour cadre
le magnifique village de Peyresq, perch� � 1500 m�tres d'altitude
sur un
�peron rocheux
des Alpes de Haute Provence.

La session 2013 aura pour th�me :
"Les nouvelles techniques d'optimisation : Applications en signal, images et
sous la direction scientifique de Walid Hachem (LTCI, Telecom ParisTech)

Le site de d�p�t des demandes d'inscription est ouvert, et ceci jusqu'au
4 f�vrier 2013.
Rendez-vous sur :


Patrick Flandrin (Laboratoire de Physique, ENS Lyon)
C�dric Richard (Laboratoire Lagrange, Obs. C�te d'Azur, Univ. Nice


9- 2013 Center for Nonlinear Analysis Summer School, Pittsburgh
(source: N. Watson)


Topics in Nonlinear PDEs and Calculus of Variations, and Applications in
Materials Science

Lecturers :
John Ball, University of Oxford (UK)
Bernard Dacorogna, �cole Polytechnique F�d�rale de Lausanne
Nicola Fusco, Universit� degli Studi di Napoli Federico II (Italy)
Richard James, University of Minnesota (USA)
Sylvia Serfaty, Universit� Pierre et Marie Curie (France)

The mini-courses will be complemented by one-hour talks by leading
researchers in related fields.

Advanced graduate students and postdocs are invited to submit a title
and an abstract for a poster. A cv will also be required. Each poster
will be individually introduced with a five minute oral presentation.
The deadline for submission of posters is April 15, 2013.

Advanced undergraduate students, graduate students, and postdoctoral
fellows are encouraged to apply for financial support.The deadline for
applications is April 15, 2013.



Organizers: Irene Fonseca, Giovanni Leoni and Ian Tice


10- Livre "Calculus Without Derivatives", J.-P. Penot
(source: J.-P. Penot)

Graduate Texts in Mathematics #266, Springer, New York, published last
(but dated 2013). You can have access to the table of contents, the
preface and a large
sample by clicking on the link:


My aim was to present a lucid view at the present stage of nonsmooth
analysis in terms
of subdifferentials, coderivatives and geometrical notions. Unlike some
other books, I did
not rule out some approaches because of personal preferences. I
endeavoured to present
the advantages and weaknesses of each of the theories, so that the
reader can choose
the concept that seems to be the most appropriate for the problem at
hand. I think that
if there were an approach with all the expected qualities, the field
would be called smooth
rather than nonsmooth. Still I consider that there is an undeniable
unity among the
existing approaches.

Also, I believe that it is useful to present the foundations of the
field: differential calculus,
convex analysis and methods relying on functional analysis and metric
estimates. Each of
these three topics forms a chapter of the book which can serve for a
separate course.

These chapters also prepare for the introduction of important ideas such
as fuzziness and
penalization. The fact that the most general calculus rules in convex
analysis are in terms
of fuzziness or approximations clearly justifies the excruciating
importance of this character
of several subdifferentials.

Because these preliminaries form about a half of the book, in order to
provide a book with
a reasonable size, I had to sacrifice applications but the most direct
ones. I also had to cut
almost half of the references. That might be a disappointment to you
just as it has been
a painful task for me.

Please, do not hesitate to mention to me the omissions, deficiencies and
mistakes you may
detect. That will be much more useful to me (and the readers in case a
second edition occurs)
than compliments. I already observed some typos (for instance in the
exponent in
Krasnoselski's inequality and in the numbering of the partial
derivatives in the statement of
the Euler-Lagrange condition). But possible omissions, lacks of credits
are more important in
my views.


Thierry Champion
Laboratoire Imath -- Universit� du Sud Toulon-Var
page personnelle: http://champion.univ-tln.fr
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