[CvGmt News] Fwd: Postdoctoral positions in Barcelona

Luigi Ambrosio l.ambrosio at sns.it
Tue Feb 26 08:11:04 CET 2013

-------- Messaggio originale --------
Oggetto: 	Postdoctoral positions in Barcelona
Data: 	Mon, 25 Feb 2013 23:47:30 +0100
Mittente: 	Xavier Tolsa Domènech <xtolsa at mat.uab.cat>
A: 	carlos perez moreno <carlosperez at us.es>, Jose Maria Martell 
<chema.martell at icmat.es>, daniel.faraco at uam.es, Koskela Pekka 
<pekka.j.koskela at jyu.fi>, John Garnett <jbg at math.ucla.edu>, 
pemattil at mappi.helsinki.fi, Guy DAVID <guy.david at math.u-psud.fr>, Luis 
Escauriaza <luis.escauriaza at ehu.es>, ALBERT MAS BLESA 
<albert.mas at ehu.es>, Albert Clop <albertcp at mat.uab.cat>, artur Nicolau 
<artur at mat.uab.cat>, Joaquim Ortega-Cerdà <jortega at ub.edu>, 
piazza at us.es, Daniel Girela Alvarez <girela at uma.es>, Tony Carbery 
<A.Carbery at ed.ac.uk>, Alexander Volberg <volberg at math.msu.edu>, Ignacio 
Uriarte-tuero <ignacio at math.msu.edu>, Michael Lacey 
<lacey at math.gatech.edu>, Steven Hofmann <hofmanns at missouri.edu>, Pascal 
Auscher <Pascal.Auscher at math.u-psud.fr>, Eugenio Hernandez 
<eugenio.hernandez at uam.es>, Tatiana Toro <toro at uw.edu>, 
bastero at unizar.es, Luigi Ambrosio <l.ambrosio at sns.it>, Luis Vega 
<luis.vega at ehu.es>, Sandra Pott <sandra at maths.lth.se>, Vasilis 
Chousionis <chousion at mappi.helsinki.fi>, 
Francisco.Villarroya_Alvarez at math.lu.se, Kari Astala 
<kari.astala at helsinki.fi>

Dear colleagues,

There are two open postdoctoral positions available in my research group at the UAB, to start around September 2013. I would like to ask you to forward this message to anyone who you think that might be interested in applying.

These positions are attached to the Advanced ERC grant 320501, which funds my project "Geometric analysis in the Euclidean space", in the Dept. of Mathematics of the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona. The researchers are supposed to do research in connection with the objectives of the project. These objectives deal with problems in the following areas:
- Singular integrals, rectifiability, and possible connections of these notions with optimal mass transport. The David-Semmes problem.
- Quasiconformal maps. In particular, question related to quasiconformal distortion, quasicircles...
- Harmonic measure and unique continuation at the boundary, and related topics.
The positions are intended for one year, and they can be extended for one additional year. The gross salary is 34110 Euros / year.
The contracts will start between the 1^st of September and 15^th of November of 2013. The deadline for application is the 2^nd of April 2013.

For more information see http://mat.uab.cat/~xtolsa/

Thank you, and best wishes,

Xavier Tolsa

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