[CvGmt News] [Fwd: Lettre MODE]

buttazzo at dm.unipi.it buttazzo at dm.unipi.it
Sun Feb 10 16:44:05 CET 2013

-------------------------- Messaggio originale ---------------------------
Oggetto: Lettre MODE
Da:      "CHAMPION Thierry" <champion at univ-tln.fr>
Data:    Dom, 10 Febbraio 2013 13:57
A:       lettre-mode-smai at emath.fr

Lettre MODE
f�vrier 2012

Envoyez vos contributions en format simple texte �
champion at univ-tln.fr avant la fin du mois.

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Vous pouvez �galement retrouver les lettres MODE sur le site :


Table des mati�res

-- Th�ses et Postes
1- Postdoc Position in Geometric Measure Theory and its Applications
2- Poste MC � Dijon - Profil controle, optimisation, transport
3- Poste MC � Bordeaux 1 - Profil optimisation math�matique et

-- Conf�rences et �v�nements
4- Annonces de s�minaires
5- cours de G. Buttazzo, PGMO
6- Course on LMI in Prague, April 2013
7- Nonlinear optimization : a bridge from theory to applications, Erice
8- Joint ICORD/EWG-ORD workshop June 27-28, Rome
9- Numerical linear algebra and optimization, Vancouver, August 2013

-- Autres
11- Prix Fermat Junior de Math�matiques - �dition 2013


1- Postdoc Position in Geometric Measure Theory and its Applications
(source: H. Pajot)

The project GEOMETRYA (Geometric Measure Theory and its Applications)
is funded
by the ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche), France. The research
topics include
geometric measure theory in singular metric spaces, Plateau problems, the
Mumford-Shah functional, irrigation and branched transport, and the Willmore

A list of the participating members can be found following the link:

http://www.ljll.math.upmc.fr/~lemenant/GEOMETRY A/members.html

The successful applicant may choose to work for the whole duration of their
position with one member of the project, or alternatively to share their time
between two members of the project.

Please feel free to contact any project member for more information.

Duration : 12 months starting September 1th 2013 or another later.

Application deadline : April 1st 2013.

Application process : Please send in your vitae, publication list and short
research project (up to 3 pages) to Herve.Pajot at ujf-grenoble.fr


2- Poste MC � Dijon - Profil controle, optimisation, transport
(source: J.-B. Caillau)

Poste MC 0436 (26) � Dijon

L'Universite de Bourgogne souhaite recruter pour septembre 2013 un maitre
de conferences en mathematiques appliquees. La personne recrutee sera
affectee au Departement de mathematiques et rattachee a l'Institut de
mathematiques (UMR CNRS 5584). Les competences du laboratoire recouvrent
des domaines varies tels que la geometrie et les systemes dynamiques, la
physique mathematique, le controle et l'optimisation, les probabilites et
les statistiques. Les axes de recherche prioritaires pour ce poste sont :
- le controle optimal,
- l'optimisation,
- le transport optimal.

Institut de mathematiques de Bourgogne : http://math.u-bourgogne.fr
(contact : Luis Paris, mailto:luis.paris at u-bourgogne.fr)


3- Poste MC � Bordeaux 1 - Profil optimisation math�matique et
(source: D. Aussel)

La campagne 2013 de recrutement � l'universit� Bordeaux-I comprend un
de ma�tre de conf�rences en optimisation math�matique et num�rique
dont le
profil est consultable sur


Les modalit�s de d�p�t des candidatures sont indiqu�es :

- sur le site du Minist�re portail GALAXIE

- sur le site de l'universit� , rubrique recrutement

Dates de candidature : du 5 f�vrier 2013 au 7 mars 2013

Les candidats sont invit�s � prendre contact avec Fran�ois Vanderbeck
<fv at math.u-bordeaux1.fr>


4- Annonces de s�minaires
(sources: P.L. Combettes, J.B. Hiriart-Urruty, R. Laraki, N. Igbida,
G. Mercier)

Une rubrique pour signaler succinctement les s�minaires ayant
lieu ce mois-ci et organis�s dans nos laboratoires.
N'h�sitez pas � l'alimenter, pr�f�rentiellement via un lien vers
la page du s�minaire et une liste de conf�renciers,

S�minaire Parisien d'Optimisation (attention : Jussieu, salle 101,
barre 15-16)


Lundi 11 f�vrier
15h00 : A. Cabot (U. Montpellier 2)
16h00 : A. Lemenant (Paris 7)
S�minaire Parisien de TH�orie des Jeux


Lundi 11 f�vrier : E. Solan (Tel Aviv)
Lundi 18 f�vrier : C. Durr (Paris 6)
Lundi 25 f�vrier : F. Pascual (Paris 6)
S�minaire de l'�quipe MOD � Limoges (salle 203, batiment XLIM)


Vendredi 22 f�vrier : E. Carlini (U. Rome La Sapienza)
S�ance du Groupe de Travail Calcul des Variations (U. Orsay, bat. 425,
salle 121-123)

lundi 18 f�vrier
14h : S. Masnou (U. Lyon I)
15h15 : G. Croce (LMAH, Le Havre)


5- cours de G. Buttazzo, PGMO
(source: F. Santambrogio)

Giuseppe Buttazzo, professeur � l'Universit� de Pise (Italie) et
professeur invit�
du Programme Gaspard Monge pour l'Optimisation (FMJH & EDF) donnera un
cours de 10h
autour de l'Optimisation de Forme dans le cadre de ce programme.

Le cours aura lieu � Orsay les 19, 20, 26 et 27 mars prochains.

Tous les int�ress�s (doctorants, chercheurs...) y sont convi�s. Le
cours aura lieu
soit en fran�ais soit en anglais en accord avec les pr�sents, et une
validation pour
les �tudiants de M2 est possible.

D�tails pratiques

19 mars : 15h-17h30, salle 117-119 (b�t 425)
20 mars : 9h30-12h, salle 229 (b�t 440)
26 mars : 15h-17h30, salle 117-119 (b�t 425)
27 mars : 9h30-12h, salle 229 (b�t 440)

Programme : "Topics in Shape Optimization"
- A general presentation of shape optimization problems, with some
classical issues: the isoperimetric problem with some variants
- Optimal interfaces between two media
- Optimal shape of a thin insulating layer
- Optimal domains for elliptic operators
- A nonexistence example and Relaxed Dirichlet problems
- Existence under geometrical constraints
- An existence result for spectral optimization problems
- Other existence results and open problems


6- Course on LMI in Prague, April 2013
(source: D. Henrion)

Contributed by: Didier Henrion, henrion at laas.fr

Course on LMI optimization with applications in control
by Didier Henrion, LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse, France
and Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic.

Venue and dates:
The course is given at the Czech Technical University in Prague,
Charles Square, down-town Prague (Karlovo Namesti 13, 12135 Praha 2)
during the first week of April 2013. It consists of seven two-hour
lectures, given on Tue 2 Apr, Wed 3 Apr, Thu 4 Apr from 10am to noon
and from 2pm to 4pm, and Fri 5 Apr from 10am to noon. There is no
admission fee, students and reseachers from external institutions
are particularly welcome, but please send an e-mail to
henrion at laas.fr to register.

This is a course for graduate students or researchers with some
background in linear algebra, convex optimization and linear control
systems. The focus in on systems control applications of semidefinite
programming (SDP), or optimization over linear matrix inequalities (LMIs),
an extension of linear programming to the cone of positive semidefinite

In the first part of the course, historical developments of LMIs and
SDP are surveyed. Convex sets that can be represented with LMIs are
classified and studied. LMI relaxations are introduced to solve
non-convex polynomial optimization problems, with a focus on the
primal theory of measures and moments and dual theory of polynomial
sum-of-squares. Interior-point methods and algorithms are described
to solve LMI problems and latest achievements in software and solvers
are reported. The second part of the course, more advanced and closer
to current research topics, focuses on the use of measures and moments
for static polynomial optimisation problems, as well as occupation
measures for polynomial differential equations and related
polynomial optimal control problems.


7- Nonlinear optimization : a bridge from theory to applications, Erice
(source: M. Th�ra)

Erice, Italy
June 10-17, 2013

This is the 59th Workshop of the International School of
Mathematics "G. Stampacchia" at the Ettore Majorana Centre
and Fondation for Scientific Culture (EMCFSC). It is the
seventh Workshop on Nonlinear Optimization and related topics.
The preceding ones have been held every three years starting
from 1995.

The Workshop will be held in Erice, Sicily, Italy, at the EMCFSC.

The Workshop aims to review and discuss recent advances and
promising research trends in Nonlinear Optimization and to
provide a forum for fruitful interactions in strictly related
fields of research, with a particular focus on applications.

Topics include constrained and unconstrained nonlinear optimization,
global optimization, mixed integer nonlinear programming,
derivative-free methods, nonsmooth optimization, nonlinear
complementarity problems, variational inequalities, equilibrium problems,
game theory, bilevel optimization, optimization and machine learning,
applications of nonlinear optimization

The Workshop will include invited lectures (1 hour) and
contributed lectures (30 minutes). Members of the international
scientific community are invited to contribute a lecture
describing their current research and applications.

Further information can be found at the URL:


or requested to the e-mail address:

erice2013 at dis.uniroma1.it

The Scientific and Organizing Committe:
- Gianni DI PILLO, SAPIENZA, University of Rome, Italy
- Franco GIANNESSI, International School of Mathematics, EMCFSC, Erice, Italy
- Massimo ROMA, SAPIENZA, University of Rome, Italy


8- Joint ICORD/EWG-ORD workshop June 27-28, Rome
(source: T. Champion)

Early career/PhD researchers who work in the area of OR for Development are
invited to participate in this joint workshop in Rome on June 27-28, prior
to the EURO-INFORMS conference in Rome, June 30- July 4, 2013. All papers
presented are eligible for submission to the IFORS Prize Competition.

Background: The International Conference on OR for Development (ICORD)
(http://ifors.org/web/icord-history) is joining with EURO Working Group on
Operational Research for Development (EWG-ORD);
http://web.ing.puc.cl/~fcrespo/eurofdv/) for this workshop entitled
"Operations Research: Addressing Issues of Development".

To qualify, participants are required to submit a full paper (of at least
1500 words) on their work which has used  OR to help the decision-making
process in the areas of education, health, water and other basic services,
technology, resource use (physical or financial), infrastructure,
agricultural/industrialization or environmental sustainability, that help
optimize development in view of constraints and limited resources. A stress
on developmental issues will be an important factor; papers of a purely
technical nature, or those that have no relevance in the developmental
context, will not be considered. All papers presented are eligible for
submission to the IFORS Prize Competition.

Workshop Registration Fee: USD 200
A limited number of places will be available for accommodation and
registration support, which will depend on the quality of material

Please email your proposed paper to: icord_ewgsubmissions at ifors.org
For further details, see the website,

Important dates: Full Paper Submission: January 30, 2013 Notification of
Acceptance: February 15, 2013

If you have any queries, please email Honora Smith, honora.smith at soton.ac.uk


9- Numerical linear algebra and optimization, Vancouver, August 2013
(source: M. Th�ra)

A workshop on numerical linear algebra and optimization will take place at
the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, on August 8-10,
The scope of the workshop is fairly broad, involving the interplay between
numerical linear algebra and optimization, with special attention to
problems concerning eigenvalues and singular values. The workshop will honor
Michael Overton on the occasion of his 60th birthday.

Please see the conference website


for further details, including the list of confirmed invited speakers.

The conference is hosted by PIMS (Pacific Institute for the
Mathematical Sciences),
whose support is gratefully acknowledged.  Other support is pending.

Everyone is warmly invited to attend the workshop.  Some travel
support will be
available for early-career researchers and Ph.D. students who
participate in the
poster session: see the web page for details.

We look forward to seeing many of our friends and colleagues in August
in Vancouver!

The organizers: Ioana Dumitriu, Chen Greif, Emre Mengi


(source: D. Aussel)

J'ai le plaisir de vous annoncer que le GdR MOA a �t� renouvel�
pour quatre ans. J'en assurerai la direction et les responsables
scientifiques seront :

     Samir Adly, Universit� de Limoges
     Didier Aussel, Universit� de Perpignan
     Patrick Louis Combettes, Universit� Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris
     Jean-Bernard Lasserre, LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse
     J�rome Malick, CNRS, Laboratoire J. Kunztmann, Grenoble

La page web du GdR a �t� totalement relook�e. Elle se trouve
maintenant � l'adresse suivante :

Attention, ne manquez pas les

       Journ�e annuelles 2013 du GdR MOA

Elle se tiendront � l'Institut Henri Poincar�, Paris 5e, du 17 au 19
juin 2013.
Ces journ�es annuelles du GdR MOA constituent un moment fort de
de notre groupe. Ce sera l?occasion, dans le cadre agr�able de
l?Institut Henri
Poincar� de faire le point sur les avanc�es r�centes en optimisation et
leurs applications. Mais ce sera surtout une opportunit� pour vos
en th�se de pr�senter leurs travaux � la communaut�. Des aides
pourront �tre accord�es aux doctorants qui proposeront un expos�.
Les inscriptions sont gratuites, mais obligatoires, et se font �
l'adresse suivante :


Une derni�re annonce : un �v�nement parrain�e par le GdR en 2013 :
3rd International Workshop on New Computational Methods for Inverse
Problems (NCMIP13)
les 22 et 23 mai � l'ENS Cachan

Bien � vous,
Didier Aussel, au nom du bureau scientifique.


11- Prix Fermat Junior de Math�matiques - �dition 2013
(source: J.-B. Hiriart-Urruty)

Il est organis� � Toulouse un Prix Fermat Junior en Math�matiques,
parrain� par
l?Universit� Paul Sabatier (Toulouse III) et la revue Quadrature.
Le montant du Prix Fermat Junior pour 2013 est fix� � 2 000 Euros.

Le Prix FERMAT JUNIOR r�compensera la contribution d?un �tudiant des
lyc�es ou
�tablissements d?enseignement sup�rieur fran�ais dans des domaines qui
aux programmes des enseignements du segment de formation BAC
(baccalaur�at) �
BAC + 3, c?est-�-dire essentiellement : classes pr�paratoires aux
grandes �coles,
Licences des universit�s (L1, L2, L3) et premi�res ann�es d?�coles

L?�tudiant devra �tre �g� de moins de 22 ans au moment de la
(c?est-�-dire du d�p�t de son dossier de candidature).

La contribution d?un laur�at pourra prendre la forme suivante :
- Nouvelle d�monstration ou d�monstration particuli�rement courte et
�l�gante d?un
r�sultat de math�matiques figurant aux programmes de math�matiques des
des niveaux vis�s ci-dessus ;
- Point de vue original ou synth�tique sur un ensemble de r�sultats de
acquis au cours de la scolarit� ;
- Nouveau r�sultat pouvant avoir un int�r�t ou une retomb�e
directe dans
l?enseignement des math�matiques�;
- La mise sous forme algorithmique de r�sultats math�matiques,
accompagn�e d?une justification rigoureuse et de l?�valuation de son

Il ne s?agit pas d?un travail de recherche au sens habituel de ce
vocable, mais
plut�t d?une contribution dont la teneur et l?int�r�t doivent �tre
accessibles au
plus grand nombre d?�tudiants engag�s dans des �tudes de
des cursus
des niveaux cit�s plus haut. La contribution peut �tre bas�e sur un
m�moire ou
TIPE effectu� par le candidat. Le texte math�matique peut �tre enrichi
d?exp�ri-mentations ou de visualisations r�alis�es sur un support
Les propositions doivent tenir en dix pages au maximum. Une
contribution originale
de deux ou trois pages est tout � fait recevable.

Le r�glement du Prix, son organisation, le jury, les modalit�s de
d�p�ts de
candidature, etc. sont disponibles aupr�s de :


Date limite de d�p�t des candidatures : 30 septembre 2013.
Les candidats potentiels sont pri�s de se conformer aux modalit�s de
d�p�t pr�conis�es
dans le r�glement.


Thierry Champion
Laboratoire Imath -- Universit� du Sud Toulon-Var
page personnelle: http://champion.univ-tln.fr

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