[CvGmt News] PostDoc Position ERC Milan

Enrico Valdinoci enrico at math.utexas.edu
Wed May 23 19:01:25 CEST 2012

Dear all,

I would like to inform you that the University of Milan
is opening two Post-Doc positions funded by the ERC project
"Elliptic Pde's and Symmetry of Interfaces and 
Layers for Odd Nonlinearities" (EPSILON, for short).

The deadline for the application is July 16 2012.

Participants are expected to either have a PhD degree
or to be close to complete their PhD program
(or, anyway, to have a very high profile mathematical

A comitee will evaluate the candidates and should
reach a final decision by the end of Spetember.

The winners of the competition may choose the starting date
of the position (in the range from November 1 2012 until May 1 2013).

The appointment will be initially for 12 months, and possibly
renewed for additional 12 months, and travel funds are available
for the winners.

Other than myself, the EPSILON projects involves:

Isabeau Birindelli (Universita' di Roma La Sapienza),
Daniela De Silva Columbia University, New York),
Louis Dupaigne (Universite' de Picardie, Amiens),
Alberto Farina (Universite' de Picardie, Amiens),
Fausto Ferrari (Universita' di Bologna),
Matteo Novaga (Universita' di Padova),
Ovidiu Savin (Columbia University, New York),
Berardino Sciunzi (Universita' della Calabria, Cosenza),
Yannick Sire (Universite' Aix-Marseille 3).

I would be grateful if you could forward this information to appropriate
candidates who are requested to send their applications accordingly to the
rules at the following web page

(In Italian)


(In English)

(see, in particular, Art. 3 there concerning how to apply).

Please do not hesitate to contact me if further information is needed.
Best regards and many thanks,
Enrico Valdinoci

Dipartimento di Matematica
Universita' degli Studi di Milano
via Saldini 50
20133 Milano

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