[CvGmt News] [Fwd: Lettre MODE]

buttazzo at dm.unipi.it buttazzo at dm.unipi.it
Fri Jun 8 09:06:01 CEST 2012

-------------------------- Messaggio originale ---------------------------
Oggetto: Lettre MODE
Da:      "Thierry Champion" <champion at univ-tln.fr>
Data:    Gio, 7 Giugno 2012 18:54
A:       lettre-mode-smai at emath.fr

Lettre MODE
juin 2012

Envoyez vos contributions en format simple texte �
champion at univ-tln.fr avant la fin du mois.

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Vous pouvez �galement retrouver les lettres MODE sur le site :


Table des mati�res

-- Th�ses et Postes
1- Short stays for young researchers (CRM, Barcelona)
2- Postdoctoral Position in LAAS, University of Toulouse
3- Postdoctoral fellowship for 1 year or 4th-year PHD, Paris School of
4- Postdoc Optimisation de transports
5- Postdoctoral Position in Optimization at University of Edinburgh
6- Postdoctoral position at University of Toronto
7- Postdoc Position on Stochastic Optimization at Argonne National
8- Positions for research scientists at IBM Research Ireland

-- Conf�rences et �v�nements
9- International Conference on Games and Strategy, Sylvain Sorin's 60th
10- Colloque ALEL 2012
11- Second Summer School on Cognitive Wireless Communications: Highlight
on Game Theory
12- Conference on Mixed Integer Programming
13- ISMP 2012: First call for participation
14- International workshop "Around Viability Boundaries", Paris
15- South Pacific Optimization Meeting: SPOM 2013

-- Autre
16- Nouveau Master 2� Recherche Op�rationnelle �


1- Short stays for young researchers (CRM, Barcelona)
(source: M. Th�ra)

We are pleased to announce a call in the CRM that aims to support
research in developing countries. Inthe frame of this program, the CRM
will host,
for stays ranging between 1 and 3 months, young researchers wishing to
in a research program of the CRM, or temporarily joining a research
group of the
CRM or of another Catalan institution.
Deadline to submit applications is *July 15, 2012.*
Detailed information on the call may be found on the following web site:


2- Postdoctoral Position in LAAS, University of Toulouse
(source: D. Henrion)

We are seeking candidates for a post-doctoral position at
LAAS-CNRS, University of Toulouse, France, within an ongoing project
focusing on semidefinite programming and algebraic geometry for
polynomial optimal control. The project may focus on software
implementation (under our existing Matlab toolbox GloptiPoly
for solving generalized problems of moments), transfer of knowledge
to the French aerospace industry (contracts with EADS Astrium and
the French space agency CNES), or more fundamental research activities
covering real algebraic geometry (polynomial equations and inequalities),
functional analysis (theory of moments), mathematical programming
(convex optimization over the cone of positive semidefinite matrices),
and nonlinear dynamical systems control. A strong background in applied
mathematics is required. Some knowledge of systems control is welcome.

For more information on the project see

Interested candidates please send your detailed curriculum vitae
to Didier Henrion.


3- Postdoctoral fellowship for 1 year or 4th-year PHD, Paris School of
(source: F. Koessler)

The positions are financed by the project NET of ANR (Agence Nationale
de Recherche).
The aim of this project is to explore information and communication in
large networks.
The project is motivated by the radical changes in communication that we
have been
experiencing over the past fifteen years through the huge development of
tools, amongst which high-capacity computers and the Internet technology
play a crucial
role. The new environment, characterized by multilateral relationships
on a high scale that
are well described by 'large networks', has opened up new forms of
competition, cooperation,
and power.

The successful applicants will work on subjects related to the project,
for example on
(1) The analysis of systems that are used to organize, process,
aggregate and filter
information on the Internet.
Such systems may be centralized, as is the case with search engines'
ranking systems
(PageRank being the most

famous example), or decentralized (e.g forums of opinions or communities
of interest).

(2) Information transmission and competition in the banking sector,
modeling the multilateral
inter-bank network.

Applicants in economics or computer science will be considered. He/she
is expected to
have a strong background in one of the following fields: social choice
theory, network theory,
game theory, financial economics, computer science.

The positions are opened to post-doc or to fourth-year PhD students
about to complete
their thesis. The duration is from 6 month to one year, between
September 2012 and
December 2013.

Basic salary: 2300 EUR/month net (of social contributions) for a post doc,
1700 EUR/month net for a PHD.

Possibility of extra salary by teaching.

Applicants should send a full CV, including publication list and two
reference letters by
June 30, 2012 to

to mailto:havet at ens.fr <mailto:havet at ens.fr>.

Responsible of the project : Gabrielle Demange


4- Postdoc Optimisation de transports
(source: J.-B. Hiriart-Urruty)

Un postdoc est ouvert dans le cadre du projet Projet ORTRANS
(Optimisation des R�seaux
de TRANSport : analyse des flots et localisation d'activit�s).
Le postdoc dure quatre mois. Date de d�but pr�vue : Mars 2013.

Le(la) candidat(e) doit avoir une bonne exp�rience dans certains des
domaines suivants :

-Optimisation combinatoire
-Optimisation des transports

Le(la) candidate doit �tre titulaire d'une th�se en informatique ou
math�matiques discr�tes
ou dans un domaine voisin (la th�se doit �tre soutenue avant le
d�marrage du postdoc).

Les personnes int�ress�es peuvent envoyer un mail contenant CV, liste de
publications, lettre
expliquant leurs domaines de recherche, et le contact de deux r�f�rences
avant le 26 Novembre
D�cision en D�cembre 2012.

Salaire : 1200 euro net/mois. Le billet, la prime d'installation et
l'assurance sont pris en charge.

Le postdoc aura lieu au Laboratoire d'Informatique d'Avignon (LIA), France.

Dr. Babacar M. Ndiaye
Cheikh Anta Diop University Dakar, Senegal
babacarm.ndiaye at ucad.edu.sn


5- Postdoctoral Position in Optimization at University of Edinburgh
(source: M. Th�ra)

Applications are invited for an 18-month fixed-term Postdoctoral
Research Assistant
position in Optimization (ref: 3015812) in the School of Mathematics at
the University
of Edinburgh, United Kingdom.

Applicants must hold a Ph.D. in Operations Research, Computer Science,
Statistics, Machine Learning or a related field by the starting date of
the appointment,
which is September 1, 2012 (+- 1 month, based on mutual agreement).
The successful applicant will join the Edinburgh Research Group in
(http://www.maths.ed.ac.uk/ERGO/) and will work on gradient algorithms
for large-scale
optimization. Strong publication record and good computational skills
are essential;
background in gradient methods,  large-scale optimization and HPC desirable.

More information and online application forms:


6- Postdoctoral position at University of Toronto
(source: M. Mongeau)

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position at the Rotman School
of Management, University of Toronto funded by NSERC grants. Candidates
must hold a Ph.D. in Operations Research / Operations Management or a
relevant discipline and possess a record that demonstrates their research
potential. Doctoral students close to completing their Ph.D. are also
encouraged to apply. Candidates must have strong mathematical, modeling
and computational skills, including stochastic modeling, and optimization.

Commencing Fall 2012, this position is for one year with a possibility of
an extension for another year based on strong performance.  There is some
flexibility with regards to the starting date to accommodate the selected

Applicants should preferably e-mail their CV (including the contact
information for at least two references) and representative papers to
Professor Oded Berman at berman at rotman.utoronto.ca by end of August, 2012.


7- Postdoc Position on Stochastic Optimization at Argonne National
(source: M. Th�ra)

The Mathematics and Computer Science Division at Argonne National Laboratory
is searching for a postdoctoral appointee to develop *scalable
algorithms for
stochastic and robust optimization with probabilistic constraints and
convergence theory*. The candidate will also perform scalability tests
in parallel
computing clusters. The problems of interest arise from the design and
coordination of next-generation national infrastructure systems such as
and natural gas transmission networks where uncertainties originate from
events and spatio-temporal weather and demand fields.

Candidates must possess a comprehensive background in numerical optimization
and statistics as well as solid C/C++ programming skills.

More information on the position can be found in:


The interested candidate can also contact me directly.

Best regards,

Victor M. Zavala
Mathematics and Computer Science Division
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 S Cass Ave, Bldg 240, Argonne, IL 60439
E-mail: vzavala at mcs.anl.gov
Website: http://www.mcs.anl.gov/~vzavala/


8- Positions for research scientists at IBM Research Ireland
(source: M. Mongeau)

The IBM Research Lab in Dublin, which I joined last year, is growing quite
fast at the moment. Right now, there are several openings of permanent
positions for researchers with a background in optimization and / or
control theory.

It would be great, if you could forward the information and links on the
openings to interested phd graduates, postdocs and researchers.

Research scientist - Optimization

Research scientist - System identification and robust control

I would also be glad to provide more information to anyone you know, who is
interested in these positions.


9- International Conference on Games and Strategy, Sylvain Sorin's 60th
(source: V. Perchet)

Nous avons le plaisir d'annoncer la tenue de la conf�rence
internationale "Games
and Strategy in Paris"  � l'occasion des soixante ans de Sylvain Sorin.
Elle se d�roulera du 11 au 13 juin 2012 � l'Institut Henri Poincar�.
gratuite mais obligatoire, se fait sur le site web de la conf�rence


10- Colloque ALEL 2012
(source: M. Th�ra)

ALEL 2012 est la quatri�me �dition d'une manifestation se d�roulant,
soit en Espagne
soit � Limoges et organis�e conjointement par  les universit�s
d'Alicante, Miguel Hern�ndez
de Elche et de Limoges.
Les conf�rences sont donn�es seulement sur invitation, cependant une
  s�ance de
posters est r�serv�e pour ceux qui le souhaitent et en particulier pour
  les th�sards.
Il est encore possible d'inscrire des collegues et des  �tudiants a
l'adresse suivante :


Les titres et les resumes des presentations paraitront dans le livre des
Elles devront �
michel.thera at unilim.fr
d�s que possible avec copie �
javier.toledo at umh.es <mailto:javier.toledo at umh.es>

Les informations sont disponibles sur le site :


11- Second Summer School on Cognitive Wireless Communications: Highlight
on Game Theory
(source: J. Renault)

Nous organisons une �cole d'�t� internationale � Paris du 10
juillet au
13 juillet particuli�rement
adapt�e aux doctorants, post-docs et chercheurs.

Cette �cole d'�t� porte sur la th�orie des jeux et l'application
de cet
outil transdisciplinaire
aux r�seaux de t�l�communications. La participation � l'�cole
d'�t� peut
�tre valid�e comme
module d'ouverture scientifique pour les doctorants et donne acc�s � des
cr�dits ECTS.

L'intitul� de l'�cole d'�t� est :

"2nd International Summer School on Cognitive Wireless Communications:
Highlight on Game Theory"

Vous pourrez trouver le programme et plus de d�tails sur le site web:


Les inscriptions se font en allant sur le lien suivant:


Jocelyn Fiorina, Professeur � Sup�lec
Merouane Debbah, Professeur � Sup�lec, Alactel Lucent Chair on flexible
Samson Lasaulce, Charg� de recherche au Laboratoire des Signaux et
Syst�mes, CNRS/Sup�lec.


12- Conference on Mixed Integer Programming
(source: M. Th�ra)

Date: July 16--19 , 2012
Location: UC Davis, Davis, CA
Web site: http://www.math.ucdavis.edu/mip2012
Registration deadline: June 30, 2012


13- ISMP 2012: First call for participation
(source: )

www.ismp2012.org <http://www.ismp2012.org>

ISMP 2012 will take place in Berlin, Germany, August 19 - 24, 2012. ISMP
is the world
congress of mathematical optimization and is held every three years on
behalf of the
Mathematical Optimization Society. At ISMP 2012 there will be more than
1700 talks
on all aspects of mathematical optimization and we expect more than 2000

Important dates
June 15, 2012: early registration deadline
August 19, 2012: opening ceremony at Konzerthaus am Gendarmenmarkt
August 22, 2012: conference dinner
August 24, 2012: scientific program ends at 18:00h


Please register on our webpage www.ismp2012.org
<http://www.ismp2012.org> by choosing the menu item
"Registration & Login" and following the instructions there.

Symposium on discrete mathematics
Prior to ISMP 2012, on August 17-18, the Symposium on Discrete
Mathematics 2012
(biannual meeting of "Fachgruppe Diskrete Mathematik" of the German
Mathematical Society),
will take place at TU Berlin. The main speakers are: Sylvia Boyd
(University of Ottawa),
Michel X. Goemans (MIT), Michael Krivelevich (Tel Aviv University),
Angelika Steger (ETH Z�rich),
and G�nter M. Ziegler (FU Berlin).
For more information see


14- International workshop "Around Viability Boundaries", Paris
(source: H. Frankowska)

This three days international and interdisciplinary workshop is devoted
to an examination
of problems "around viability theory" to motivate further research in
this domain, to forge
new mathematical tools and to revisit new motivations from other
disciplines (regulation
of evolutionary systems under uncertainty, arising in automatics,
biology, economics,
epistemology, etc.)

The first day, December 12, deals with mathematical issues and
techniques close to what
lies under the umbrella of viability theory. The second day, December
13, gathers scientists
from genetics, neurosciences, morphogenesis, biodiversity, economics,
insurance, finance,
epistemology and cognitive psychology. During the last day, some former
PhD students of
the CEREMADE <http://www.ceremade.dauphine.fr/> and the Viabilit�, Jeux,
Contr�le centers from Universit� Paris-Dauphine will
present their current research interests.

For further informations, see :


15- South Pacific Optimization Meeting: SPOM 2013
(source: M. Th�ra)

see the confernce website :


16- Nouveau Master 2� Recherche Op�rationnelle �
(source: M. Mongeau)

Pour information, nous d�marrons � la rentr�e un nouveau master
recherche (M2R) en RO. Vous trouverez plus d'informations sur


Le M2RIT � Recherche Op�rationnelle � constituera le 5e parcours du �
M2R Informatique et T�l�communications � port� par l'Universit�
Sabatier. Il est co-habilit� avec les �coles d'ing�nieurs
toulousaines :

N'h�sitez pas � diffuser ! Date limite d'inscription : 16 juin !

Marcel Mongeau


Thierry Champion
Laboratoire Imath -- Universit� du Sud Toulon-Var
page personnelle: http://champion.univ-tln.fr

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