[CvGmt News] [Fwd: Lettre MODE]

buttazzo at dm.unipi.it buttazzo at dm.unipi.it
Fri Dec 14 20:00:40 CET 2012

-------------------------- Messaggio originale ---------------------------
Oggetto: Lettre MODE
Da:      "Thierry Champion" <champion at univ-tln.fr>
Data:    Ven, 14 Dicembre 2012 11:20
A:       lettre-mode-smai at emath.fr

Lettre MODE
d�cembre 2012

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Table des mati�res

-- Th�ses et Postes
1- Grad Positions at Univ British Columbia, Canada
2- Junior Visiting positions at Centro di Ricerca Matematica Ennio De
Giorgi (Pisa)
3- Carnegie Mellon PIRE Postdoctoral Fellowships
4- Postdoc positions in the research group KU Leuven (Louvain)
5- Tenure-track assistant / associate professor positions Universidad de
6- Poste de MCF en Contr�le-Optimisation-Transport, Univ. de Dijon

-- Conf�rences et �v�nements
7- Annonces de s�minaires
8- Cr�ation du "S�minaire Avignon-Montpellier d'Optimisation, Contr�le
et Dynamique"
9- Journ�e � la m�moire de Jean-Fran�ois Mertens, le 7 janvier 2013
10- CIRM School Stochastic Control for the Management of Renewable Energies
11- Calcul des variations et �quations diff�rentielles*
*12- Nonlinear Optimization : a bridge from theory to applications,
Erice (Italy)
13- XXVI EURO -- INFORMS Joint International Conference: "All roads lead
to OR"
14- Fourth International Conference on Continuous Optimization

-- Autres
15- Deuxi�me appel � projets du Programme Gaspard Monge pour
       et la recherche op�rationnelle
16- Nouveau livre de R.O.
17- Consultation nationale sur les programmes de Classes Pr�paratoires


1- Grad Positions at Univ British Columbia, Canada
(source: J.B. Hiriart-Urruty, M. Th�ra)

Applications are invited for 4 graduate positions (3 MSc and 1 PhD) to
work on optimization and modelling.

One PhD position and two MSc positions are available to work on the road
optimization problem. The research will involve the understanding,
development and numerical testing of new models for the road design
problem. The PhD ideal applicant has a background in optimization (LP,
MIP, NLP, etc.), some programming experience in C++, and the ability to
communicate effectively (in English) with our industrial partner.
Applicants to the MSc positions should have either a solid background in
programming or optimization with a BSc degree in computer science or
mathematics. Funding is already in place for all 3 positions with a
starting date of Sept 2013.

One MSc position (subject to funding) is available in the field of
computational convex analysis. The applicant should have a background in
computer science (BSc) with interest in optimization or a background in
mathematics with programming skills.

You will join a dynamic group of researchers in optimization at the
University of British Columbia (Canada) on the fast growing campus of
Kelowna. The research team is interdisciplinary with faculty member from
Mathematics, Computer Science, and Civil Engineering and is part of
COCANA (Centre for Optimization, Convex Analysis, and Nonsmooth
Analysis, see http://ocana.ok.ubc.ca/).

Application deadline is January 31, 2013 at 4:00 pm but fully funded
positions are open until filled. For further detail see
Applicants must submit an application to the grad program directly and
contact Dr. Yves Lucet, Associate Professor Computer Science at
yves.lucet at ubc.ca for further details.
Yves Lucet, PhD
Associate Professor, Computer Science, Arts & Sciences
The University of British Columbia, Okanagan
Phone 250.807.9505 http://people.ok.ubc.ca/ylucet


2- Junior Visiting positions at Centro di Ricerca Matematica Ennio De
Giorgi (Pisa)
(source: M. Giaquinta)

The "Centro di Ricerca Matematica Ennio De Giorgi" invites applications
to the Junior
Visiting Programme for 2013.

4 Junior Visiting positions are offered each one carrying a monthly grant of
approximately 2.000 Euros for a period of two years starting from
October 2013.
An additional grant of 1.000 Euros per year will also be made available
for research
purposes (travel, or invitations).

No teaching duty are requested.

The junior visitors are requested to partecipate to the  scientific
activities of the Centre
such as intensive periods, workshops and seminars.

Full details about the Junior Visiting Programme 2013 and the
application process can
be found at:


and at


  With best regards,
Mariano Giaquinta


3- Carnegie Mellon PIRE Postdoctoral Fellowships
(source: N. Watson)

PIRE Postdoctoral Fellowships

Applications are invited for postdoctoral positions at the Department of
Mathematical Sciences in Carnegie Mellon University, partly funded by
the NSF PIRE award "Science at the Triple Point Between Mathematics,
Mechanics and Materials Science" :
The scientific scope is  directed to issues in applied mathematics and
mechanics, including  partial differential equations, calculus of
and scientific  computation, which arise from the materials sciences.
Four principal  areas are identified: Pattern formation from energy
minimization,  challenges in atomistic to continuum modeling and
computing, prediction  of hysteresis, and pattern dynamics and evolution
of material  microstructure.

The appointment is for three years starting on September 1, 2013 with
two semesters spent at one or more of our international partner sites:
International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA, Trieste, Italy), Max
Planck Institute (Leipzig, Germany), University of Antwerp (Belgium),
University of Bonn (Germany), University of Oxford (United Kingdom) and
University of Warwick (United Kingdom)

Priority will be given to U.S. citizens and permanent residents.
Candidates should apply directly through MathJobs.Org. Processing of
applications will begin on December 15, 2012.


4- Postdoc positions in the research group KU Leuven (Louvain)
(source: J.B. Hiriart-Urruty)

The research group KU Leuven (Louvain) ESAT-SCD is currently offering 2
positions (1-year, extendable) within the framework of the ERC Advanced
Grant A-DATADRIVE-B http://www.esat.kuleuven.be/sista/ADB in connection
to the OPTEC KU Leuven Center of Excellence: Optimization in Engineering
http://www.kuleuven.be/optec/ .

The research positions relate to the following possible topics:
-- Prior knowledge incorporation
-- Kernels and tensors
-- Modelling structured dynamical systems
-- Sparsity
-- Optimization algorithms
-- Core models and mathematical foundations
-- Next generation software tool

The research group ESAT-SCD http://www.esat.kuleuven.be/scd/ at the
university KU Leuven Belgium provides an excellent research environment
being active in the broad area of mathematical engineering, including
systems and control theory, neural networks and machine learning,
nonlinear systems and complex networks, optimization, signal processing,
bioinformatics and biomedicine.

The research will be conducted under the supervision of Prof. Johan
Suykens. Interested candidates having a solid mathematical background
and PhD degree can apply for these positions by sending their CV and
motivation letter to johan.suykens at esat.kuleuven.be. For further
information on these positions you may contact
johan.suykens at esat.kuleuven.be.


5- Tenure-track assistant / associate professor positions Universidad de
(source: M. Th�ra)

The Instituto de Matem�ticas at the Universidad Nacional Aut�noma de
(UNAM) seeks candidates for full-time tenure-track assistant / associate
positions, starting immediately.

UNAM is the leading university of Mexico, and among the strongest research
Math institutions in Latin America. The institute has more than 70 full time
researchers covering many areas of Mathematics. Its main site is located in
the campus of UNAM in Mexico City but also has sites in the cities of
Oaxaca and Quer�taro. More information about the Institute and the
can be found atwww.matem.unam.mx <http://www.matem.unam.mx/> .

Qualifications include two years of postdoctoral experience (or equivalent
experience), effective communication skills, commitment to teaching
and an active research program in Mathematics. Candidates in all areas
of pure
and applied mathematics are welcome to apply.

Responsibilities include, maintaining a strong research program,
teaching one
course per semester at the undergraduate or graduate level in a topic of
to the candidate, and advising students.

Applications must include a cover letter, a curriculum vitae, including
a list of
publications and a research plan. Evidence of teaching interest and
abilities may
also be included. Additionaly two letters of recommendation must be send

Applicants are encouraged to use the service provided by AMS at
to submit an application. Alternatively, application materials may be
sent to
the Secretaria Acad�mica, (see adress below). Letters of recommendation
should be uploaded to MathJobs by the recommender, or sent directly to the
the Secretaria Acad�mica

Review of applications will begin on February 15, 2013, and will
continue until
the positions are filled.

Application Material Required: Submit the following items online at the
www.mathjobs.org <http://www.mathjobs.org/>


    ? Cover Letter
    ? Curriculum Vitae
    ? Research Statement
    ? Teaching Statement
    ? Publication List
    ? Two Reference Letters

And anything else requested in the position description.
Further Info: www.matem.unam.mx <http://www.matem.unam.mx/>


6- Poste de MCF en Contr�le-Optimisation-Transport, Univ. de Dijon
(source: A. Jourani, J. Bolte)

Enseignement :

Fili�res de formation concern�es :
L'enseignant-chercheur recrut� devra s'impliquer dans les enseignements des
fili�res de math�matiques (niveau licence et master), les
pr�parations aux
concours, ainsi que dans les fili�res pluridisciplinaires de
Son recrutement contribuera � la structuration et au d�veloppement
d'un p�le
de math�matiques appliqu�es.
Objectifs p�dagogiques et besoins d'encadrement :
Il s'impliquera dans les projets tutor�s, notamment informatiques au niveau
licence, dans l'encadrement de stages et de m�moires des �tudiants de
master. Il participera � la prise de responsabilit� et � la
des t�ches
Contact enseignement : Abderrahim Jourani, Directeur du D�partement de
(abderrahim.jourani at u-bourgogne.fr)

Recherche :

Le candidat effectuera sa recherche au sein de l'Institut de
Math�matiques de
Bourgogne (UMR 5584 du CNRS), � l'Universit� de Bourgogne. Les
du laboratoire recouvrent des domaines vari�s tels que la g�om�trie
et les
syst�mes dynamiques, la physique math�matique, le contr�le et
les probabilit�s et les statistiques.
Les axes de recherche prioritaires pour ce poste sont les suivants :
- le contr�le optimal,
- l'optimisation,
- le transport optimal.
Le candidat devra poss�der une expertise dans l'une des th�matiques
Les candidats sachant ma�triser les outils th�oriques ou num�riques et
les appliquer
� d'autres disciplines seront particuli�rement pris en consid�ration.
Laboratoire d'accueil : IMB, UMR 5584 du CNRS.
Contact recherche : Luis Paris, Directeur de l'IMB


7- Annonces de s�minaires
(sources: P.L. Combettes, J.B. Hiriart-Urruty, R. Laraki, N. Igbida, G.

Une rubrique pour signaler succinctement les s�minaires ayant
lieu ce mois-ci et organis�s dans nos laboratoires.
N'h�sitez pas � l'alimenter, pr�f�rentiellement via un lien vers
la page du s�minaire et une liste de conf�renciers,

S�minaire Parisien d'Optimisation (attention : Jussieu, salle 101, barre


Lundi 14 janvier
16h00 : M. Mazzola
S�minaire Pluridisciplinaire d'Optimisation de Toulouse (Amphith��tre
des Th�ses de l'ENSEEIHT)


Lundi 7 janvier
14h00 : E. F�ron
15h00 : S. Cafieri
S�minaire Parisien de TH�orie des Jeux


Lundi 7 janvier : journ�e hommage � J.F. Mertens (voir plus bas dans la
S�minaire de l'�quipe MOD � Limoges (salle 203, batiment XLIM)


Vendredi 21 d�cembre : V. Pateloup
S�ance du Groupe de Travail Calcul des Variations (U. Orsay, bat. 425,
salle 121-123)

lundi 17 d�cembre
14h : B. Merlet
15h15 : J. Louet
S�ance du Groupe de Travail Calcul des Variations de Dauphine (salle A

lundi 17 d�cembre
15h30 : J.F. Babadjian


8- Cr�ation du "S�minaire Avignon-Montpellier d'Optimisation, Contr�le
et Dynamique"
(source: A. Cabot)

Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer la cr�ation du "S�minaire
d'Optimisation, Contr�le et Dynamique (SAMOCOD)".
Le comit� d'organisation est compos�, par ordre alphab�tique, de

-A. Cabot (Univ. Montpellier II)
-A. Rapaport (INRA, Montpellier)
-A. Seeger (Univ. Avignon)

La premi�re s�ance aura lieu � Montpellier le mardi 15 janvier, les
suivantes auront
lieu tous les deux mois avec alternance entre Montpellier et Avignon.
Chaque s�ance sera compos�e de deux expos�s.

Le programme pr�visionnel est consultable � l'adresse suivante:


Le programme de la premi�re s�ance (15 janvier) est le suivant:

10h00- 11h00: Guillaume Carlier (Universit� Paris-Dauphine)
G�od�siques dans l'espace des mesures de probabilit�

11h00-12h00: Lionel Thibault (Universit� Montpellier II)
Sur les c�nes tangents.

Ces deux expos�s auront lieu dans la salle 331 du b�timent 9 (UM2).


9- Journ�e � la m�moire de Jean-Fran�ois Mertens, le 7 janvier 2013
(source: R. Laraki, J. Renault)

Cette journ�e sp�ciale aura lieu le Lundi 7 janvier 2013
au Centre Emile Borel de l'Institut Henri Poincar�.
Tous les renseignements sur le site :



10- CIRM School Stochastic Control for the Management of Renewable Energies
(source: D. Aussel, M. De Lara, M. Th�ra)

The CIRM School Stochastic Control for the Management of Renewable Energies
that will take place between 8--12 April 2013 at the Centre International de
Rencontres Math�matiques (CIRM) at Marseille (South of France).

The CIRM School STOCORE is a contribution to the Mathematics of Planet Earth
MPE2013 initiative and follows the Institut Henri Poincar� trimester
of Bio-Economics.

The detailed program can be found at

Due to limited capacity at CIRM, we open a pre-registration now.
The limit date is 31 December 2012.

The 450 euros registration fees cover accommodation and meals,
which are provided at CIRM.

For pre-registration, please send before 31 December 2012 an email to
pierre.carpentier at ensta.fr, delara at cermics.enpc.fr
with Subject ``Pre-registration STOCORE'' and with Body expressing your
for the CIRM School and containing personal data (a one-page CV or a
link to a
professional webpage is welcome).

We have limited funding for PhD and post-doctorate students, who should
add a
one-page motivation letter to their one-page CV.

The organizers
Pierre Carpentier, Jean-Philippe Chancelier and Michel De Lara
ENSTA ParisTech and Ecole des Ponts ParisTech


11- Calcul des variations et �quations diff�rentielles
(source: M. Th�ra)

Date: Monday, Jun 10, 2013 -- Wednesday, Jun 12, 2013

Place: EPF Lausanne

Calcul des variations et �quations diff�rentielles.
Conf�rence en l'honneur du 60�me anniversaire de Bernard Dacorogna.


Organizing Commitee: B. Buffoni, W. Gangbo, C. Pfister

Invited Speakers: L. Boccardo, H. Brezis, G. Buttazzo, G. Carlier, M.
I. Ekeland, I. Fonseca, N. Fusco, B. Kawhol, O. Kneuss, P. L. Lions, P.
G. Mingione, E. Paolini, C. Villani


12- Nonlinear Optimization : a bridge from theory to applications, Erice
(source: J.B. Hiriart-Urruty)

Erice, Italy
June 10-17, 2013

This is the 59th Workshop of the International School of
Mathematics "G. Stampacchia" at the Ettore Majorana Centre
and Fondation for Scientific Culture (EMCFSC). It is the
seventh Workshop on Nonlinear Optimization and related topics.
The preceding ones have been held every three years starting
from 1995.

The Workshop aims to review and discuss recent advances and
promising research trends in Nonlinear Optimization and to
provide a forum for fruitful interactions in strictly related
fields of research, with a particular focus on applications.

Topics include
- constrained and unconstrained nonlinear optimization
- global optimization
- derivative-free methods
- nonsmooth optimization
- nonlinear complementarity problems
- variational inequalities
- equilibrium problems
- game theory
- bilevel optimization
- optimization and machine learning
- applications of nonlinear optimization

The Workshop will include invited lectures (1 hour) and
contributed lectures (30 minutes). Members of the international
scientific community are invited to contribute a lecture
describing their current research and applications.

Further information can be found at the URL:


or requested to the e-mail address:

erice2013 at dis.uniroma1.it

The Scientific and Organizing Committe:
- Gianni DI PILLO, SAPIENZA, University of Rome, Italy
- Franco GIANNESSI, International School of Mathematics, EMCFSC, Erice,
- Massimo ROMA, SAPIENZA, University of Rome, Italy


13- XXVI EURO -- INFORMS Joint International Conference: "All roads lead
to OR"
(source: S. Fores)

XXVI EURO -- INFORMS Joint International Conference
July 1-4, 2013


euro2013 at ega.it <mailto:euro2013 at ega.it>

Following the success of previous EURO Conferences, we announce the
XXVI EURO -- INFORMS Joint International Conference: "All roads lead to
OR" which will be held in Rome on  July 1-4, 2013. The Program
Committee chaired by Marc Sevaux (EURO) and David Simchi Levi
(INFORMS) and the Organizing Committee chaired by Paolo Dell'Olmo
(AIRO), are preparing a high quality scientific  program and an
exciting social program for the conference. We are confident that the
XXVI EURO -- INFORMS Joint International Conference will be an
extraordinary opportunity for the OR community to get together again
in a unique location, and we are looking forward to meeting you in
Rome in 2013. Please visit the Conference website (www.euro2013.org
for more information.

Submission Deadline: March 1, 2013
Notification of Authors: March 15, 2013
Deadline early registration (and inclusion in the program) -- April 15, 2013

For any further information please contact:

Studio Ega Srl -- EURO-INFORMS Conference Secretariat

Viale Tiziano, 19 - 00196 Rome, Italy

E-mail: euro2013 at ega.it <mailto:euro2013 at ega.it>


14- Fourth International Conference on Continuous Optimization
(source: J.B. Hiriart-Urruty, M. Th�ra)

ICCOPT 2013, The Fourth International Conference on Continuous
Optimization of the Mathematical Optimization Society will take
place in Lisbon, Portugal, from July 27 to August 1, 2013, and
includes a Conference (July 29 - August 1) and a Summer School
(July 27-28).

The Conference plenary speakers are: Paul I. Barton, Michael C. Ferris,
Yurii Nesterov, Yinyu Ye.

The Conference semi-plenary speakers are: Amir Beck, Regina Burachik,
Sam Burer, Coralia Cartis, Michel De Lara, Victor DeMiguel,
Michael Hinterm�ller, Ya-xiang Yuan.

In addition, several clusters or streams of organized sessions
are being prepared (topics and co-chairs available from the website).

The deadline for submitting an abstract is April 15.

The Summer School (July 27-28) is directed to graduate students and
young researchers, and includes two courses: (i) PDE-Constrained
Optimization, by M. Ulbrich and C. Meyer; (ii) Sparse Optimization and
Applications to Information Processing, by M. A. T. Figueiredo and
S. J. Wright. The deadline for applications is May 15.

There will be a paper competition for young researchers in Continuous
Optimization (deadline April 1; information available from the website).

The website is http://eventos.fct.unl.pt/iccopt2013


15- Deuxi�me appel � projets du Programme Gaspard Monge pour
     et la recherche op�rationnelle
(source: F. Bonnans)

Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer le lancement du deuxi�me appel �
du Programme Gaspard Monge pour l'Optimisation et la recherche
op�rationnelle :


Cet appel � projet concerne les deux sous-programmes du PGMO :
                 *  les projets de recherche math�matique en
optimisation (PRMO)
                  *  l'Initiative de Recherche � Optimisation et Energie
� (IROE)

La date limite de r�ponse est le 28 f�vrier 2013. (Comme en 2012, le
de soumission se d�roulera en 2 �tapes, avec une soumission finale le 21
avril 2013)

Vous trouverez le texte de l'appel � projets et les formulaires de
soumission sur
le site web:

Les r�ponses � l'appel � projet peuvent �tre soumises sur le site (de
pr�f�rence) ou
par email (cf ci-dessous)

Pour plus d'informations vous pouvez nous contacter par email:
pgmo at fondation-hadamard.fr

Bien cordialement,
Gr�goire ALLAIRE et Sandrine CHAROUSSET


16- Nouveau livre de R.O.
(source: Y. Benadada)

Nous avons le plaisir, Mr. El Hilali et moi, de vous annoncer la
parution d'un ouvrage
de 312 pages de Recherche Op�rationnelle intitul� "Programmation
Math�matique, de la
mod�lisation � la r�solution" qui sera disponible � partir du 25
2012 chez
l'�diteur-imprimeur Kawtar Print. En vous remerciant d'assurer une large
diffusion de
ce message aupr�s de vos contacts, nous serons heureux de recevoir vos
remarques et

Pr. Youssef BENADADA
ENSIAS - Rabat


17- Consultation nationale sur les programmes de Classes Pr�paratoires
(source: T. Champion)

Le Minist�re de l'Education Nationale organise une consultation sur les
de programmes des Classes Pr�paratoires aux Grandes Ecoles (CPGE) -
rentr�e 2013 :



Cette consultation, qui vous permet aussi de prendre connaissance des
programmes, est ouverte jusqu'au 16 d�cembre.


Thierry Champion
Laboratoire Imath -- Universit� du Sud Toulon-Var
page personnelle: http://champion.univ-tln.fr

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