[CvGmt News] [Fwd: Lettre MODE]

buttazzo at dm.unipi.it buttazzo at dm.unipi.it
Wed Nov 9 19:25:13 CET 2011

-------------------------- Messaggio originale ---------------------------
Oggetto: Lettre MODE
Da:      "Thierry Champion" <champion at univ-tln.fr>
Data:    Mer, 9 Novembre 2011 23:07
A:       lettre-mode-smai at emath.fr

Lettre MODE
novembre 2011

Envoyez vos contributions en format simple texte �
champion at univ-tln.fr avant la fin du mois.

Pri�re d'indiquer "pour la lettre MODE" dans l'objet.

L'inscription et la d�sinscription automatiques se font en �crivant �
lettre-mode-smai-request at emath.fr
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Table des mati�res

-- Postes
1- MCF 26 et PR 26 Universit� de Limoges
2- BCAM: International call for researchers
3- Wilkinson fellowship in Scientific Computing

-- Conf�rences et �v�nements
4- Annonces de s�minaires
5- Miniworkshop "Mass Transportation and Related Fields"
6- Sponsorship for XVI Latin American Summer School on Operations Research
7- The 25th Conference of the European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization
8- Workshop on Variational Analysis and its Applications
9- Third Conference on Optimization Methods and Software
10- Summer school on shape optimization, June 3-8 2012
11- Conference on Constructive Nonsmooth Analysis and Related Topics
12- The 25th European Conference on Operational Research
13- The 6th International Conference on Automatic Differentiation

-- Divers
14- Prix � Ibni Oumar Mahamat Saleh � : appel � candidature 2011
15- Special Issue of ANOR on "ORP3-OR for young researchers and


1- MCF 26 et PR 26 Universit� de Limoges
(source: S. Adly)

un poste MCF26 et un poste PR26 sont susceptibles d'�tre vacants �
L'Universit� de Limoges.
Contact : Samir ADLY, Email : samir.adly at unilim.fr

Profil Recherche du MCF 26 :
L'�quipe MOD "Mod�lisation, Optimisation, Dynamique" du Laboratoire
XLIM souhaite recruter un Ma�tre de conf�rence (qualifi� en 26 i�me
section CNU) dont les int�r�ts de recherche s'inscrivent dans les
suivantes : optimisation continue, optimisation num�rique, optimisation
globale, analyse variationnelle, analyse non-lisse ou contr�le optimal.
Le candidat recrut� devra effectuer une partie de ses recherche dans les
programmes transversaux f�d�rateurs aux 6 d�partements composant le
Laboratoire XLIM (http://www.xlim.fr).
L'ouverture du candidat � l'international sera fortement appr�ci�e.

Profil Enseignement du MCF 26 :
L'enseignant recrut� sera charg� des enseignements de math�matiques
(analyse, alg�bre, g�om�trie, probabilit�s et statistiques) en
licence de
math�matiques et autres licences scientifiques. Il devra aussi intervenir
dans le master ACSYON (http://www.unilim.fr/acsyon).

Profil Recherche du PR 26 :
L'�quipe MOD souhaite recruter un professeur (qualifi� en 26 i�me
CNU) dont les int�r�ts de recherche s'inscrivent dans les th�matiques
suivantes : optimisation num�rique, analyse variationnelle et non-lisse.
Le candidat poss�dera une exp�rience solide en math�matiques
tant dans les domaines sus indiqu�s que dans celui du d�veloppement
logiciel et algorithmique. Il jouera, d�s son recrutement, un r�le
� l'interface de plusieurs axes de recherche au sein du laboratoire XLIM.
L'ouverture du candidat � l'international sera fortement appr�ci�e.

Profil Enseignement du PR 26 :
L'enseignant recrut� sera charg� des enseignements de math�matiques
(analyse, alg�bre, g�om�trie, probabilit�s et statistiques) en
math�matiques et autres licences scientifiques. Il devra aussi intervenir
dans le master ACSYON. Il aura pour mission de mettre en place des
enseignements � distance pour le M1 ACSYON et de jouer un r�le important
dans le recrutement de futurs �tudiants.


2- BCAM: International call for researchers
(source: M. Th�ra)

see the webpage :



3- Wilkinson fellowship in Scientific Computing
(source: M. Th�ra)

Mathematics and Computer Science Division
Argonne National Laboratory

The Mathematics and Computer Science (MCS) Division of Argonne National
Laboratory invites outstanding candidates to apply for the J. H. Wilkinson
Fellowship in Scientific Computing. The appointment is for one year and may
be renewed for another year.

This fellowship was created in memory of Dr. James Hardy Wilkinson, F.R.S.,
who had a close association with the Mathematics and Computer Science
Division as a consultant and guiding spirit for the EISPACK and LINPACK
projects. The Wilkinson Fellowship is intended to encourage scientists
engaged in state-of-the-art research in scientific computing. Candidates
have received a recent Ph.D. prior to the beginning of the appointment.
The benefits of the appointment include a highly competitive salary, moving
expenses, and a generous professional travel allowance. For additional
including past recipients, see


The appointment will be in the MCS Division, which has strong programs in
scientific computing, software tools, and computational mathematics.
Of special interest are algorithms and software for linear algebra,
differential equations, computational differentiation, stochastic
systems, and
unstructured mesh computations; software tools for parallel computing; and
numerical methods for computational science problems. For further
see http://www.mcs.anl.gov/LANS/ .

Internationally recognized for innovative research in high-performance
the MCS Division supports an excellent computational environment that
large Linux clusters, a distributed systems laboratory, and a virtual
laboratory. Researchers also have access to a Blue Gene/P supercomputer.
For more information, see www.mcs.anl.gov <http://www.mcs.anl.gov> .

Argonne is located in the southwestern Chicago suburbs, offering the
of affordable housing, good schools, and easy access to the cultural
of the city.

Interested candidates should consult the website
or details on how to apply. The application must include a curriculum
vitae; statement
of research interests; a list of publications, abstracts, and
significant presentations;
and three letters of recommendation. Applications will be accepted
starting August 31,
2011. Applications received before December 15, 2011, are assured maximum
consideration. The closing date for applications is January 15, 2012.
material will be reviewed by a selection committee and a candidate
announced in
March 2012.


4- Annonces de s�minaires
(sources: P.L. Combettes)

Une rubrique pour signaler succinctement les s�minaires ayant
lieu ce mois-ci et organis�s dans nos laboratoires.
N'h�sitez pas � l'alimenter, pr�f�rentiellement via un lien vers
la page du s�minaire et une liste de conf�renciers,

S�minaire Parisien d'Optimisation (IHP salle 201)


Lundi 14 novembre
15 h 00 : R. Laraki (Polytechnique)
16 h 15 : P. Cannarsa


5- Miniworkshop "Mass Transportation and Related Fields"
(source: M. Th�ra)

November 17, 2001
Department of Mathematics, University of Pisa - Aula Magna

Talks by Ilaria Fragala (Politecnico di Milano), Guillaume Carlier (Paris
Dauphine), Filippo Santambrogio (Paris Sud).


6- Sponsorship for XVI Latin American Summer School on Operations Research
(source: D. Aussel, M. Th�ra)

The Association of European Operational Research Societies (EURO) is pleased
to announce its sponsorship of two young OR researchers from EURO countries
willing to participate and to present a short communication to the XVI
organized by ALIO, the Latin-Ibero-American Operations Research Association,
with the support of the International Federation of OR Societies (IFORS) :


EURO will cover the travel expenses of the two EURO participants and
IFORS will
cover the local costs. To apply, candidates 25-35 years old with a good
of English should contact their National OR Society and send through
email their
application including (1) a complete CV, and (2) a paper proposal
(complete text
or a 3-5 pages extended abstract).
Each National OR Society will select one candidate and will send his/her
to the EURO/IFORS Vice-President who is responsible for the final
selection through
email and before 10 December 2011.
The EURO/IFORS Vice-President will evaluate and rank the candidates on
the basis
of two criteria, each counting for 50%:
- CV (Diplomas, Publications, Conference presentations, Awards, etc.)
- Paper proposal (originality, quality of results, closeness to OR, real
word applications,
The candidates ranked first and second in the ranking will be selected
to participate
to the Summer School. Announcement of the selected candidates will be
given before
15 December 2011

Prof. Elena Fernandez, EURO Vice-President of IFORS
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya -Technical University of Catalonia
Departament d'Estadistica i Investigacio Operativa.
Campus Nord, C5-208 Jordi Girona,
1-3 08034 Barcelona, Spain
Tel: +34 93 401 70 32
Fax: +34 93 401 58 55
Email: <e.fernandez at upc.edu <mailto:e.fernandez at upc.edu>>


7- The 25th Conference of the European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization
(source: G.-W. Weber, M. Th�ra)

IC Green Palace Hotel, Antalya, Turkey,
April 26 - 28, 2012

www.eccoxxv.org <http://www.eccoxxv.org>

Submission Deadline: February 1, 2012

Dates :
Submission for abstracts starts:
                                      August 30, 2011
Deadline for abstract submission:
                                     February 1, 2012
Notification of acceptance:
                                           February 10, 2012
Deadline for early registration:
                                      March 10, 2012
Deadline for author registration (for inclusion in the program):
      March 20, 2012


8- Workshop on Variational Analysis and its Applications
(source: M. Th�ra)

Erice, Italy, May 14-22, 2012

The Workshop aims at presenting the state-of-the-art and current research on
Variational Analysis and its Applications.
People who accepted to deliver a lecture are: Aram Arutyunov, Alfred
Annamaria Barbagallo, Giuseppe Buttazzo, Vincent Caselles, Giovanni Colombo,
Bernard Dacorogna, Patrizia Daniele, Vladimir F. Demyanov, Asen L. Dontchev,
Ilaria Fragal�, Sofia Giuffr�, Rene Henrion, Alexander Ioffe, Aktar A.
Khan, Irena
Lasiecka, Marco A. Lopez, Juan Enrique Martinez-Legaz, Vincent Millot,
Mingione, Massimiliano Morini, M. Zuhair Nashed, Jiri Outrata, Massimo
Pappalardo, Aldo Pratelli, Fabio Raciti, Maria Alessandra Ragusa,
Stephen M. Robinson,
Terry Rockafellar, Laura Scrimali, Michel Thera, Lionel Thibault,
Roberto Triggiani,
Enrico Valdinoci, Carmela Vitanza, Constantin Zalinescu.

The persons interested can request to give a twenty minutes short
sending title and abstract. The request will be evaluated by the
Directors of the Workshop.
The proceedings after peer review process will be published in a special
issue of the journal
Abstract and Applied Analysis.

Persons wishing to attend the Course should apply, writing to:
Professor Antonino MAUGERI
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
University of Catania
e-mail:maugeri at dmi.unict.i <mailto:maugeri at dmi.unict.it>
Viale A. Doria, 6 -- 95125 CATANIA, Italy


9- Third Conference on Optimization Methods and Software
(source: M. Th�ra)

The 3rd Conference on Optimization Methods and Software
May 13-17, 2012, Crete, Greece


The conference aims to review and discuss recent advances and promising
research trends in continuous and discrete optimization theory,
methods, applications and software development.

Abstract submission :
Abstracts should not exceed 400 words. Details of the submission are
available on the conference web site. Papers presented at the
conference will be considered for peer-reviewed publication in a
special issue of the journal Optimization Methods and Software.

Session organization :
Proposals of organizing sessions are welcome and can be sent to
Luis Nunes Vicente by email lnv<at>mat.uc.pt

Dates and Deadlines :
Abstract submissions: January 15, 2012
Notification of acceptance: February 1, 2012
Early registration: March 31, 2012


10- Summer school on shape optimization, June 3-8 2012
(source: M. Th�ra)

June 3-8 2012
Let me advertise the following Summer School on Shape Optimization I
next year in De Giorgi Center in Pisa
There will be three courses of 6 or 7 hours each on
- existence of optimal shapes: Dorin Bucur (University of Chambery, France)
- regularity of optimal shapes: Michel Pierre (ENS Bretagne, Rennes France)
- geometric properties of optimal shapes: Bernd Kawohl (University of
Young participants (up to 30) wil be entirely covered by De Giorgi Center.
Inscription and more details on the webpage:
Please, encourage young people around you to participate.
Best regards
Antoine Henrot


11- Conference on Constructive Nonsmooth Analysis and Related Topics
(source: M. Th�ra)

June 18-23 , 2012,

Euler International Mathematical Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

see the webpage :



12- The 25th European Conference on Operational Research
(source: D. Aussel)

Vilnius, Lithuania, 8-11 July, 2012


The Organizers of the 25th EURO Conference have a great pleasure of inviting
you to take part in this Conference to be held in Vilnius, Lithuania.

The Programme and Organizing Committees, chaired by Marielle Christiansen
and Leonidas Sakalauskas, are preparing a high quality scientific programme
and an exciting social programme for the Conference.

We are convinced that the EURO XXV Conference will be an excellent
for the OR community to get together again in a pleasant atmosphere,
and, thus,
we are looking forward to meeting you in Vilnius, the historical capital
of Lithuania,
in 2012!

Please visit the EURO XXV Conference website (www.euro-2012.lt) for more

Registration starts -- September 25, 2011
Deadline for abstract submission -- February 29, 2012
Notification of acceptance -- March 31, 2012
Deadline for early registration -- April 22, 2012
Deadline for author registration (for inclusion in the program) -- May
1, 2012
Conference: July 8-11, 2012


13- The 6th International Conference on Automatic Differentiation
(source: M. Th�ra)

The 6th International Conference on Automatic Differentiation (AD2012)
will take place July 23-27, 2012 in Fort Collins, CO (USA).

AD2012 is sponsored by SIAM.  It represents a follow up on the
previous conferences held in Breckenridge (USA), Santa Fe (USA),
Nice (France), Chicago (USA); the last international conference
in the series was held in Bonn (Germany) in 2008.

Conference topics include:
    * algorithmic foundations of automatic differentiation (AD)
    * applications in science, engineering, and finance;
      especially ODE, DAE, inverse problems, and optimization
    * AD and numerical paradigms
    * higher-order derivatives
    * combinatorial problems in AD
    * AD tool design and implementation
    * exploitation of parallelism

Contributed papers (limit 10 pages) must be submitted
by December 21, 2011.

Proceedings of all accepted papers will be published in the
Springer LNCSE series.

Details regarding the paper submission and further information
about the conference are available at



14- Prix � Ibni Oumar Mahamat Saleh � : appel � candidature 2011
(source: D. Aussel)

La Soci�t� Fran�aise de Statistique, la Soci�t� de
Math�matiques Appliqu�es
et Industrielles et la Soci�t� Math�matique de France ont cr��
un prix � la
m�moire de Ibni Oumar Mahamat Saleh afin de poursuivre son engagement
pour une formation de qualit� des jeunes math�maticiens africains.
Le prix a re�u le soutien de l'IMU (International Mathematical Union),
de l'UMA
(Union Math�matique Africaine) et de la LMS (London Mathematical Society).
Il fait l'objet d'une souscription.
On trouvera toutes les informations sur le prix Ibni � :


Le prix � Ibni Oumar Mahamat Saleh � est d�cern� annuellement par
un comit�
scientifique mis en place par le CIMPA. Il s'adresse aux �tudiants d'un
d'Afrique Centrale ou d'Afrique de l'Ouest (*), sp�cialis�s dans les
math�matiques et leurs applications, en train d'effectuer un master ou
une th�se.
Il permet au laur�at du prix de faire un s�jour scientifique dans un
pays autre que
le sien. Tous les pays sont �ligibles comme pays d'accueil.
Le stage a en g�n�ral une dur�e de trois mois. Il est effectu�
dans un
laboratoire de
math�matiques dont l'�quipement permette un stage dans des conditions
sous la conduite d'un encadrant d�sign� dans ce laboratoire. Il est
souhaitable qu'il y ait
un co-encadrant du pays de l'�tudiant. L'organisation mat�rielle du
stage de l'�tudiant
est g�r�e par l'administration du laboratoire d accueil.

Dossier de candidature
Le dossier de candidature doit comprendre :
      .  une lettre de candidature pr�cisant le laboratoire d'accueil et
les coordonn�es
         d'une personne de ce laboratoire pr�te � accueillir le candidat
ou la candidate ;
      .  un projet scientifique r�dig� par le candidat ;
      .  un CV complet ;
      .  une lettre de soutien de la candidature �crite par une personne
du laboratoire
         d'accueil susceptible d'encadrer le stage ;

D'autres lettres de recommandation, ainsi que tout autre document
(pr�-publication, etc.)
pourront �tre joints au dossier de fa�on facultative.
Le dossier doit �tre envoy� par courriel avant le 30 novembre 2011 �
des trois
personnes suivantes :
      .  Aline Bonami (email: aline.bonami [at] univ-orleans.fr)
      .  Alain Godinot (email: adgodinot [at] orange.fr)
      .  Marie-Francoise Roy (email: marie-francoise.roy [at]
Choix du r�cipiendaire d�but 2012.


15- Special Issue of ANOR on "ORP3-OR for young researchers and
(source: A. Rodriguez Chia)

The Annals of Operations Research seeks submissions for a special volume on
ORP3-OR for young researchers and practitioners. This volume of the Annals
of Operations Research is devoted to stimulate research activity of young
researchers in all areas of Operations Research. Therefore, this issue is
conceived, but not only, to gather selected papers presented at ORP3
conference together with any others including at least one young author
(papers can be coauthored with senior researchers).

ORP3 is the EURO peripatetic conference designed for young OR
researchers and
practitioners which objective is to promote scientific and social exchanges.
For more details see http://orp3.uca.es/

All papers will follow the high standard refereeing process of Annals of
Research. The Annals of Operations Research publish peer-reviewed
original articles
dealing with key aspects of operations research, including theory,
practice, and
Instructions for authors can be found at:


Guest editors: Justo Puerto, Antonio M. Rodr�guez-Ch�a and Arie Tamir

Deadline: December 31, 2011.


Thierry Champion
Laboratoire Imath -- Universit� du Sud Toulon-Var
page personnelle: http://champion.univ-tln.fr
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