[CvGmt News] [Fwd: Lettre MODE]

buttazzo at dm.unipi.it buttazzo at dm.unipi.it
Sat Mar 19 00:42:43 CET 2011

-------------------------- Messaggio originale ---------------------------
Oggetto: Lettre MODE
Da:      "Thierry Champion" <champion at univ-tln.fr>
Data:    Mer, 16 Marzo 2011 11:33
A:       lettre-mode-smai at emath.fr


Lettre MODE
mars 2011

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champion at univ-tln.fr avant la fin du mois.

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Table des mati�res

-- Conf�rences et �v�nements
1- Annonces de s�minaires
2- A workshop on Computational and Analytical Mathematics

3- Groupe MODE -- Congr�s SMAI 2011

4- Mini-course on PDE-Constrained Optimization
5- Funded Doctoral Program in Computational Optimization
6- Ph.D.-course on Topology Optimization
7- Ecole d'�t� en Calcul des Variations et Applications (CIRM)
8- Workshop on Well-posedness of Optimization Problems and Related Topics


1- Annonces de s�minaires
(sources: P.L. Combettes)

Une rubrique pour signaler succinctement les s�minaires ayant
lieu ce mois-ci et organis�s dans nos laboratoires.
N'h�sitez pas � l'alimenter, pr�f�rentiellement via un lien vers
la page du s�minaire et une liste de conf�renciers,

S�minaire Parisien d'Optimisation (IHP salle 314)


Lundi 21 mars 2011 15h : G. Vigeral (Paris Dauphine)
16h : R. Ignat (Paris 11)


2- A workshop on Computational and Analytical Mathematics
(source: M. Th�ra)

May 16�20, 2011 at IRMACS Center, at Simon Fraser University

in honour of Jonathan Borwein's 60th birthday.



3- Groupe MODE -- Congr�s SMAI 2011
(source: F. Bonnans)

Nous vous rappelons la date limite du 18 mars pour soumission de r�sum�s
� la
la conf�rence SMAI 2011 :


Les membres du groupe SMAI-MODE sont encourag�s � soumettre et �
� cette conf�rence, au cours de laquelle nous ferons un point sur les
activit� du

F. Bonnans
Responsable du groupe


4- Mini-course on PDE-Constrained Optimization
(source: D. Aussel)

University of Basel,
Switzerland; May 23-27, 2011

The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of
Basel will host a one week mini-course on PDE-Constrained Optimization.
The mini-course will be given Prof. Eldad Haber, University of British
Columbia, Canada.

The course is designed to present practical solutions for optimization
problems with partial differential equations as constraints. The course is
made of lectures and exercises that use realistic problems and, for some
cases, real data. Code will be written in Matlab.

There is no mini-course fee. Further information can be found at the


Marcus Grote and Olaf Schenk, University of Basel

The mini-course is supported by the SNF Pro*Doc program on "NumPDE on
Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing"


5- Funded Doctoral Program in Computational Optimization
(source: F. Bonnans)

A funded Doctoral Program at the University of Vienna

On July 1st 2011, a new funded doctoral program will start at the
University of Vienna. A special emphasis is put into Optimization under
Uncertainty. Successfull applicants will be enrolled in a 3-year
doctoral program and will get a stipend to cover at least all costs of
living. Applications are accepted until May 1st, 2011.

For further details please visit the webpa


or write to me.

Georg Pflug (georg.pflug at univie.ac.at)


6- Ph.D.-course on Topology Optimization
(source: M. Th�ra)

at Danish Center for Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, DCAMM

Ole Sigmund, Jakob S�ndergaard Jensen, Mathias Stolpe and Anton Evgrafov,
Technical University of Denmark

Time: 29 June - 5 July 2011

Place: Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark
For registration please contact Ms Kari Haugland, dcamm(a)mat.dtu.dk.

description :


or on the web-site :



7- Ecole d'�t� en Calcul des Variations et Applications (CIRM)
(source: T. Champion)

dates : 11-15 juillet 2011, CIRM -- Luminy (Marseille)

Cette �cole d'�t� s'adresse � un petit groupe de doctorants
et jeunes chercheurs et a pour objectif de les introduire �
des sujets en plein d�veloppement, aupr�s de sp�cialistes
reconnus dans le domaine du Calcul des Variations et de ses

Les th�mes abord�s seront issus de situations diverses et
trait�s tant d'un point de vue th�orique que de l'impl�mentation

Les conf�renciers invit�s sont :

Pierre Cardaliaguet (CEREMADE, Universit� Paris-Dauphine),
Ilaria Fragal� (Dipartimento di Matematica, Politecnico di Milano),
Edouard Oudet (LAMA, Universit� de Savoie),
Filippo Santambrogio (D�partement de Math�matiques,
Universit� Paris-Sud Orsay).

L'organisation est assur�e par :
Pierre Bousquet (LATP, Marseille) et Thierry Champion (Imath, Toulon)

Cette �cole est soutenue par :
le GDR MOA, le laboratoire LATP, le laboratoire Imath, le CNRS et

Pour plus d'information, se reporter � la page suivante :



8-Workshop on Well-posedness of Optimization Problems and Related Topics
(source: J. Revalski)

dates : 12 -- 13 september 2011, Borovets, Bulgaria.

The 13-th Workshop on Well-posedness of Optimization Problems and Related
Topics will take place between 12-th and 16-th of September, 2011, in
Borovets, Bulgaria.

The deadline for abstract submission is 15 April.

For more detailed information see the web-site



Thierry Champion
Laboratoire Imath -- Universit� du Sud Toulon-Var
page personnelle: http://champion.univ-tln.fr

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