[CvGmt News] [Fwd: Lettre MODE]

buttazzo at dm.unipi.it buttazzo at dm.unipi.it
Fri Jul 1 19:16:22 CEST 2011

-------------------------- Messaggio originale ---------------------------
Oggetto: Lettre MODE
Da:      "Thierry Champion" <champion at univ-tln.fr>
Data:    Ven, 1 Luglio 2011 17:45
A:       lettre-mode-smai at emath.fr


Lettre MODE
juillet 2011

Envoyez vos contributions en format simple texte �
champion at univ-tln.fr avant la fin du mois.

Pri�re d'indiquer "pour la lettre MODE" dans l'objet.

L'inscription et la d�sinscription automatiques se font en �crivant �
lettre-mode-smai-request at emath.fr
et en mettant dans le sujet suivant le cas subscribe ou unsubscribe.

Table des mati�res

-- Comit� du groupe MODE
1- Compte-rendu de la r�union du 20 juin 2011

-- Postes
2- Post-doc Position in Pavia: "Calculus of Variations"

-- Conf�rences et �v�nements
3- IX Brazilian Workshop on Continuous Optimization
4- Seconde conf�rence sur les Mod�les et l?Analyse des R�seaux
5- Franco-Thai Symposium 2011

-- Autres
6- D�c�s de Charles Broyden


1- Comit� du groupe MODE -- Compte-rendu de la r�union du 20 juin 2011
(source: A. Rondepierre)

Voir le fichier CR_20062011.txt attach� � ce message.


2- Post-doc Position in Pavia: "Calculus of Variations"
(source: A. Pratelli)

Dear collegues, I am writing you about a post-doc position which has just
been opened in Pavia, with title "Calculus of Variations", funded by the
ERC Project of which I am the responsible.

The deadline is on next July 15. You can find all the informations at
the page


I would be grateful if you can extend this news to your potentially
good students. Thank you very much in advance, and excuse me for multiple
posting. Best regards,



3- IX Brazilian Workshop on Continuous Optimization
(source: M. Th�ra)

Luis Correia, Piaui, Brazil, July 29 to August 4, 2012,

The IX Brazilian Workshop on Continuous Optimization will take place
at the beach of Luis Correia, in the state of Piaui, northeast of Brazil,
from July 29 to August 4, 2012.
Subjects to be discussed encompass theoretical, computational and
implementation issues, in both linear and non-linear programming,
including equilibrium problems, variational inequalities, complementarity
problems,   nonsmooth optimization, vector optimization, generalized
equations, optimization in manifolds, etc.

The town of Luis Correia is located next to the city of Parnaiba, in the
spectacular, albeit   little known, coast of Piaui, with its wonderful warm
sea-water beaches (see www.luizcorreia.com.br

The workshop  will take place at the SESC hotel and convention center,
located next to the beach.

The backbone of the workshop will consist of plenary lectures, offered
by invited speakers, of 45   minutes each. There will be also a limited
of contributed talks, of 25 minutes each. Those   interested in contributing
a talk should send an abstract, either by regular or electronic mail, to the
addresses below, no later than February 28, 2012. Acceptation of the
contributed talks will be informed no later than March 31, 2012.
Additional information on the workshop will appear in forthcoming
announcements and will be posted in the workshop site:


e-mail address: brazopt2012 at optim-pi.mat.br
<mailto:brazopt2012 at optim-pi.mat.br>

Jo�o Xavier da Cruz Neto
President of the Organizing Committee


4- Seconde conf�rence sur les Mod�les et l?Analyse des R�seaux
(source: A. Rondepierre)

Seconde conf�rence sur les Mod�les et l?Analyse des R�seaux :
Approches Math�matiques et Informatique

Du 19 au 21 octobre 2011 � Grenoble



Apr�s l'Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse (IRIT) en 2010,
c'est le Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique de Grenoble (LIG) qui
organise ces secondes rencontres MARAMI 2011.

Cette ann�e la conf�rence dure trois journ�es qui seront
structur�es autour
de conf�rences invit�es donn�es par des chercheurs du domaine ainsi que
des pr�sentations de chercheurs et d?industriels. Comme en 2010, les
secondes Journ�es th�matiques : Fouille de Grands Graphes (JFGG'11) sont
associ�es � MARAMI et plusieurs sessions communes seront organis�es.

Les th�matiques privil�gi�es de ces journ�es sont organis�es en
trois grands
axes :

Analyse et visualisation de r�seaux r�els
. recherche de communaut�s, classification,
. recherche de motifs fr�quents,
. visualisation et exploration de grands graphes, ...
Mod�lisation dans les r�seaux
. simulations de ph�nom�nes sur les r�seaux,
. �volutions de r�seaux,
. graphes al�atoires, ...
. r�seaux sociaux,
. r�seaux biologiques,
. r�seaux pair � pair,
. syst�mes de recommandation, filtrage collaboratif,
. syst�mes d'aide � la d�cision (marketing viral, �pid�mies),
. syst�mes multi-agents,
. ontologies / web s�mantique, ...

Soumission des articles : vendredi 22 juillet 2011
Notification aux auteurs : vendredi 16 septembre 2011
Envoi de la version d�finitive : vendredi 30 septembre 2011

Comit� d'organisation
Pr�sidents : Gilles Bisson& Eric Gaussier (LIG)


5- Franco-Thai Symposium 2011
(source: S. Adly)

22-27 Novembre 2011

Applied mathematics:
- Partial differential equations;
- Scientific calculus;
- Optimization, calculus, variations and optimal control;
- Operations research



6- D�c�s de Charles Broyden
(source: F. Bonnans)

Nous annon�ons le d�c�s de Charles Broyden, inventeur dans les
ann�es 60 de la m�thode de quasi-Newton de r�solution d'�quations
non lin�aires. Ila donn� la premi�re lettre du nom de la
fameuse m�thode BFGS de minimisation sans contrainte par
une m�thode de quasi-Newton avec poids.

message original :

Dear OMS Board Members,

I have sad news that Charles Broyden, our honorary board member, passed
away on Friday, 20th May, at the age of 78.


Thierry Champion
Laboratoire Imath -- Universit� du Sud Toulon-Var
page personnelle: http://champion.univ-tln.fr

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