[CvGmt News] Fwd: Lettre MODE

buttazzo at dm.unipi.it buttazzo at dm.unipi.it
Thu Nov 6 08:27:49 CET 2008

----- Forwarded message from Thierry Champion <champion at univ-tln.fr> -----
    Date: Wed, 05 Nov 2008 18:32:45 -0300
    From: Thierry Champion <champion at univ-tln.fr>
Reply-To: champion at univ-tln.fr
 Subject: Lettre MODE
      To: lettre-mode-smai at emath.fr


Lettre MODE
novembre 2008

Envoyez vos contributions en format simple texte à
champion at univ-tln.fr avant la fin du mois.

Prière d'indiquer "pour la lettre MODE" dans l'objet.

L'inscription et la désinscription automatiques se font en
écrivant à
lettre-mode-smai-request at emath.fr
et en mettant dans le sujet suivant le cas subscribe ou

Table des matières :

1- Qualification 2009

2- Postdoctoral Research Position at Université Paul Sabatier
3- Seeking candidates for some research projects (Master, PhD, Postdoc)
4- Soutenance de l'HDR de P.-E. Maingé
5- Programme du GT "Advances in Game Theory"
6- Prix Fermat 2009
7- La rubrique questions-réponses de J.-B. Hiriart-Urruty
8- Course on "Optimality, Stabilization, and Feedback in Nonlinear Control"
9- Fourth German-Polish Conference on Optimization
10- Spring School on Variational Analysis, Paseky, 2009
11- International Conference on Power Control and Optimization
12- Eighth World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization
13- Euro 2009 conference - Global Optimization stream
14- VIII Brazilian Workshop on Continuous Optimization
15- Nineth International Conference on Fixed Point Theory and Its 


1- Qualification 2009
(source: Jean-Baptiste Hiriart-Urruty)

Chers collègues
je viens d avoir le ministère au téléphone ; pour une raison
mystérieuse, la ministre a ordonné une réouverture du portail
d'inscription à la qualification à partir du 14 novembre. Il n y a
rien d officiel pour l instant mais je préfère vous en informer le plus
vite possible.

j'ai eu vent ces dernières semaines de quelques ''étourdis'' qui avaient
oublié de s'inscrire à temps pour la qualification , si vous en
connaissez dans votre entourage, prévenez les, et dans tous les cas
diffusez cette information autour de vous : il semble qu ils pourront
donc s inscrire à partir du 14 novembre, qu ils surveillent le site!!

demandez leur de faire cette inscription vite à partir de cette date,
notre bureau CNU 25 se réunit le 24 novembre et leurs dossiers seront
dont traités dans le pôt commun, cela nous arrangera

Jean-Marc Schlenker Tel: +33 5 61 55 82 51
Institut de Mathématiques, Université Toulouse III
F-31062 Toulouse Cedex 9, France


2- Postdoctoral Research Position at Université Paul Sabatier
(source: Dominikus Noll)

The Toulouse Feedback Control (TFC) group offers a one year postdoctoral
research position, extendable to a period of two years. Candidates should
have a PhD in applied mathematics, automatic control or computer science.

Please apply by email with CV and track record at one of the contact
addresses below.

The postdoc will develop and implement optimization methods for problems
in feedback control with special emphasis on security aspects of aeronautic
and space system and other safety critical systems. Ability to work in a
team is expected. Informatic skills (matlab, unix, fortran or C) are

Salary: Approximately 1700 Euro net per month.

Host institution:
TFC is hosted by the Institut de Mathématiques (IMT, CNRS UMR 5219)
at Université Paul Sabatier in Toulouse and offers an excellent environment
in fundamental and applied research. TFC is supported by the Fondation de
Recherche pour l'Aéronautique et l'Espace (FNRAE) and by Agence Nationale
de Recherche (ANR) and has long standing cooperation with ONERA Toulouse.

D. Noll (noll at mip.ups-tlse.fr), P. Apkarian (apkarian at cert.fr)


3- Seeking candidates for some research projects (Master, PhD, Postdoc)
(source: Marcel Mongeau)

# Masters (February-August 2009): Polynomial optimization for systems 
with aerospace applications,
supervised by D. Henrion and J. B. Lasserre.

The project focuses on the application to aerospace control systems of
recently developed techniques of polynomial optimization.
More specifically, the candidate should be able to incoporate recent
achievements on linear matrix inequality (LMI) relaxations for polynomial
matrix positivity problems arising when designing fixed-order scheduled

Local funding is available, please contact me before 31 December 2008.

# Masters (February-August 2009): Symmetric determinantal representations
of bivariate polynomials,
supervised by D. Henrion, proposed within the scope of the PEPS CNRS project
GeoLMI on the joint use of algebraic geometry and semidefinite programming.

The candidate should develop a prototype computer algebra software to 
a symmetric pencil whose determinant is a given bivariate polynomial, a 
with applications in nonlinear programming modeling. A good background in
applied mathematics is required, as well as some experience in programming.

Local funding is available, please contact me before 31 December 2008

# PhD (September 2009-August 2012): Numerical aspects of polynomial 
for systems control,
supervised by D. Henrion and J. B. Lasserre.

The project lies on the boundary of several branches of applied mathematics:
numerical analysis (stability of algorithms, linear algebra), real algebraic
geometry (polynomial equations and inequalities), functional analysis 
of moments), mathematical programming (convex optimization over the cone of
positive semidefinite matrices), with systems control engineering 
(automatic control, linear and nonlinear dynamical systems). At the end 
of the
project the candidate should be able to solve numerically some difficult
problems like fixed-order robust controller design. A good background in 
mathematics is required (numerical analysis, functional analysis, 
programming), as well as a deep knowledge of the scientific computing 
Matlab. Some knowledge of systems control is welcome.

No local funding is available, candidates should apply for an institutional
funding during their Masters. Applications for 3-year CNRS PhD grants 
must be
submitted before 30 January 2009, interested candidates please contact 
me before
31 December 2008.

# Post-doc (1 or 2 years): Polynomial optimization and semidefinite 
with applications in control,
supervised by D. Henrion and J. B. Lasserre.

A good background in applied mathematics is required (numerical analysis,
functional analysis, mathematical programming), and some knowledge of 
theory is welcome.

No local funding is available, candidates should apply for their own 
funding. Interested candidates please contact me.

Tel:+33561336308 Fax:+33561336936 http://www.laas.fr/~henrion


4- Soutenance de l'HDR de P.-E. Maingé
(source: Abdellatif Moudafi)

La soutenance de la 1ère HDR en Sciences Exactes et Naturelles à la 
a eu lieu le 28 octobre 2008, il s'agissait de l'HDR de P.-E. Maingé.

Titre: Analyse numérique d'équations de réaction-diffusion et approches
visqueuse et inertielle en calcul de points fixes et en optimisation

Composition du jury :

- H. Attouch, Professeur à l'Université Montpellier II
- R. Cominetti, Professeur à l'Université Santiago du Chili
- A. Le Roux, Professeur à l'Université de Bordeaux I
- M. Théra, Professeur à l'Université de Limoges

- H. Attouch, Professeur à l'Université Montpellier II
- A. Le Roux, Professeur à l'Université de Bordeaux I
- A. Moudafi, Professeur à l'UAG
- O. Nakoulima, Professeur à l'UAG
- M. Théra, Professeur à l'Université de Limoges


5- Programme du GT "Advances in Game Theory"
(source: Jérôme Renault)

Voici le programme du GT "Advances in Game Theory" pour le mois de
Novembre 2008.

November 7, 2008 :
Jörgen Weibull (Stockholm School of Economics)
10h30-12h: Fixed sets under rational behavior.

My plan would then be to first prove the existence of fixed sets under
uhc compact-valued correspondences on topological (vector) spaces, a
result due to Claude Berge, and then apply this to the best-reply,
better-reply and refined-best reply correspondences for finite games.
I will then mention a new epistemic characterization of fixed sets under
best replies, that I am currently working on, and the stochastic learning
results due to Young (1993) and Hurkens (1995), along with a result on
the probability that the minimal fixed set in a symmetric randomly drawn
finite game is a singleton.)

November 14, 2008:
Gilles Stoltz (CNRS, Ecole Normale Supérieure et HEC Paris)
10h00-11h00: Minimization of regret and convergence to sets of equilibria
(exposé général)
11h15-11H45: An explicit strategy to minimize the regret in games with
imperfect monitoring (paper)

November 21, 2008:
10h00-11h00: Josef Hofbauer (Math Dpt, University Vienna)
Evolutionary game dynamics.
11h15-12h15: Yannick Viossat (Ceremade, Université Paris-Dauphine)
Correlated ESS.

November 28, 2008:
Tristan Tomala (HEC)
10h15-12h: Repeated games with incomplete information: belief-free,
completely revealing and ex-post equilibria.

Programme disponible sur
(à consulter pour surveiller les changements).

Le GT a lieu, sauf affluence exceptionnelle, dans la salle 30.19
(deuxième étage au fond à droite) du nouveau bâtiment du département
d'Economie de l'X.
Pour venir à l'X: http://www.polytechnique.fr/campus/campus.php
(le département d'Economie est un bâtiment neuf qui se situe dans
l'espace vert entouré des numéros 4, 7 et 17 du plan en bas de la page.)
This math working group usually takes place in room 30.19 of the new
building of the economic department at Ecole Polytechnique.
To come to Ecole Polytechnique, take a look here:
(the Economic builiding is a new one located between the buildings 4, 7
and 17 from the maps).
Please send me an email if you want to be removed from this mailing list.

N'hésitez pas à faire circuler,

Jérôme Renault
GIS Sciences de la décision X-HEC-ENSAE,
CMAP et Bureau 3017, Dpt d'Economie,
Ecole Polytechnique, 91128 Palaiseau Cedex.


6- Prix Fermat 2009
(source: Jean-Baptiste Hiriart-Urruty)

Le prix Fermat, décerné tous les deux ans, est un élément de
visibilité internationale de notre Institut. La prochaine édition
aura lieu en 2009.

Le prix Fermat couronne un mathématicien plutôt jeune (moins de 45 ans)
actif dans l'un des domaines ou les contributions de Fermat ont été
marquantes :
- fondements du calcul des probabilités et du calcul analytique,
- théorie des nombres,
- énoncés de principes variationnels.
Les lauréats précédents étaient
A. Bahri, K.A. Ribet (1989) – J.-L. Colliot-Thélène (1991) –
J.-M. Coron (1993) – A.J. Wiles (1995) – M. Talagrand (1997) –
F. Bethuel, F. Hélein (1999) – R. L. Taylor, W. Werner (2001) –
L. Ambrosio (2003) – P. Colmez, J.F. Le Gall (2005) – C. Khare (2007).
Le montant du prix est de 20000 Euros. Date limite de dépôt des
candidatures : 30 Juin 2009.

Plus d'informations sur :
et en anglais :

Je vous serais reconnaissant de faire suivre largement cette information
aux collègues potentiellement intéressés, en particulier ceux
susceptibles de candidater ou de proposer un candidat.

Un autre message suivra concernant le prix Fermat Junior, qui
peut être transmis à d'autres correspondants.

Jean-Marc Schlenker Tel: +33 5 61 55 82 51
Institut de Mathématiques, Université Toulouse III
F-31062 Toulouse Cedex 9, France


7- La rubrique questions-réponses de J.-B. Hiriart-Urruty
(source: Jean-Baptiste Hiriart-Urruty)

Le problème du square opaque

J’ai appris dans les écrits de B. Kawohl (qui lui-même l’a appris de
F. Almgren) le problème de minimisation de formes qui suit. Je ne crois
pas qu’une solution complète et validée soit connue.
On considère un square carré dont les côtés sont de longueur l (mettons
10 mètres). Les habitants dans les maisons dont les façades sont sur les
quatre côtés « ne peuvent pas se voir » et donc ne veulent pas se voir

Il s’agit donc de construire une palissade dans le square, de longueur
minimale (car tous rechignent à payer), de sorte que de chaque côté du
square on soit sûr de ne voir aucun des trois autres côtés.
Dans une version plus « techno » du problème, on peut imaginer que les
côtés du carré émettent des radiations nocives vers l’intérieur, et on
voudrait construire dans le carré une barrière en métal (rare et coûteux)
qui arrêterait les radiations et protégerait les autres côtés.
Une première idée est de placer des palissades sur les deux diagonales du
carré ; la longueur totale en serait 2,828 l. Mais, comme vous l’imaginez,
on peut faire plus court. Comment ?
Finalement, deux habitants dans deux sommets opposés par une diagonale
(seulement deux sur les quatre) souhaitent aller l’un chez l’autre en
passant par le square, sans avoir à escalader la palissade. Peut-on toujours
trouver une palissade de longueur minimale respectant la contrainte énoncée
plus haut et la nouvelle introduite ici ?

En termes mathématiques, voici ce que cela donne. Désignons par K les quatre
côtés du carré.
Premier problème : trouver une courbe C de longueur minimale telle que toute
droite coupant K coupe aussi C.
Deuxième problème : même question que précédemment mais il faut de plus 
chemin puisse relier les deux habitations diagonalement opposées sans 
C à l’intérieur du square (bref, C ne saurait être d’un seul tenant).

Réponses (connues) au prochain numéro du bulletin.


8- Course on "Optimality, Stabilization, and Feedback in Nonlinear Control"
(source: Michel Théra)

 From Francis Clarke:
I am giving an intensive one-week course in February 2009 (9/2 to
13/2) entitled "Optimality, Stabilization, and Feedback in Nonlinear
Control", in the context of the European Embedded Control Institute.
It is aimed at a wide range of graduate students, from mathematicians
to engineers. The past ones have been pretty interesting, I believe.

Details of all the courses, for which credit transfer may be
possible, are available at :


If you have a graduate student who might benefit from one or more of
these courses, please consider sending him/her...

Financial support:

 > Please note that we have got financial substantial supports from
 > the French Ministery of Research and from the Center of Excellence
 > DIGITEO for allowing Master or PhD Students from ALL OVER THE WORLD
 > attending the 2009 EECI Graduate School on Control. Therefore
 > financial (trip and stay) supports of 500 EUR will be given in situ
 > to selected students (*). To apply the student should send me by e-
 > mail as soon as possible (and before 18 December 2008)
 > - his(her) CV
 > - a letter of recommendation from his(her) advisor
 > - the EECI Graduate School on Control registration form,
 > see www.eeci-institute.eu
 > I would appreciate very much if you could let know this information
 > to (your) students and colleagues who might be interested. Many
 > thanks,
 > Best regards,
 > Francoise Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue
 > PS: (*) 4OO EUR for selected students registered in French
 > universities outside Region Ile de France.


9- Fourth German-Polish Conference on Optimization
(source: Michel Théra)

First announcement

14-18 March 2009, Moritzburg, Germany

http://www.math.tu-dresden.de/ gpco2009/

The 4th German-Polish Conference on Optimization will take place from
March 14 - 18, 2009 in Moritzburg, Germany (close to Dresden).
Registration details will be available at this site by September 30, 2009.
Questions and comments are welcome. You may contact the organizers by
sending an email to GPCO2009 at mailbox.tu-dresden.de


10- Spring School on Variational Analysis, Paseky, 2009
(source: Joseph-Frédéric Bonnans et Michel Théra)

First announcement


Dear Colleague,

Following a longstanding tradition, the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
of Charles University in Prague will organize a Spring School on Analysis.
The School will be held at Paseky nad Jizerou, in a chalet in the Krkonose
Mountains, April 19 - April 25, 2009.

The program will consist of series of lectures on

Variational Analysis and its Applications

delivered by

F. Bonnans
INRIA-Saclay Ile de France et CMAP
Optimal Control Problems with State Constraints

Aris Daniilidis
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
Variational Principles and Convex Applications

A. L. Dontchev
National Science Foundation, USA
Implicit Functions and Open Mappings

A. Ioffe
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Variational Analysis and Mathematical Economics

The purpose of this meeting is to bring together researchers with common
interest in the field.
There will be opportunities for informal discussions.
Graduate students and others beginning their mathematical career are
encouraged to participate.

The conference fee will be EUR 450. A reduced rate of EUR 400 will be
offered provided that an application form reaches the organizers before
January 15, 2009.

The conference fee includes all local expenses (room and board) and
transportation between Prague and Paseky. The fee for accompanying persons
is the same.

The organizers may provide financial support to a limited number of 
Applications must be sent before January 15, 2009.

Payment should be made in cash at the registration board in Paseky, or 
it may
be remitted by a bank transfer to

Komercni banka, Vaclavske nam. 42, Praha 1,
account no. 38330021/0100, v.s. 303-60/8022

IBAN: CZ9101000000000038330021

(a copy of the transfer slip should be presented at the registration desk at
Unfortunately, neither cheques nor credit cards can be used and will not be

The village of Paseky lies in the slopes of the Krkonose Mountains in the
North Bohemia.
Accommodation consists of rooms for two or three people. A single room 
can be
arranged on demand if the capacity of the chalet allows. In such case 
EUR 100 will be charged. There are excellent facilities and conditions for
sporting activities: hiking trips, soccer and mini-golf.

A special bus from Prague to Paseky will leave at 4 p.m. on Sunday, 
April 19,
2009. The bus from Paseky will arrive in Prague on Saturday, April 25, 2009.
at about 11:30 a.m.

In case of interest please fill in the preliminary registration form. 
The last
announcement containing more details will be distributed in due time.

Due to the limited capacity of accommodation facilities the organizers 
may be
forced to decline some later registrations.

Kindly inform your colleagues and students interested in this field.

We are looking forward to meeting you in the Czech Republic.

Marian Fabian,
Jaroslav Lukes,
Jiri Outrata.


11- International Conference on Power Control and Optimization
(source: Didier Aussel)

Bali, Indonesia, June 1-3, 2009

Objectives of the Conference:
The objective of the PCO'2009 conference is to bring together researchers
and industrial experts in the area of electrical power engineering, control
systems and methods of optimization techniques. Presentations of interest
may include, but are not limited to:

- Hybrid renewable energy
- Power systems, protection and reliability
- Controllers, drives and machine design
- Smart systems
- Mechatronics and nano physics
- Simulators and software engineering
- Soft computing and computational intelligence
- Fuzzy and hybrid optimization
- Artificial immune systems
- Evolutionary algorithms
- Ant colony, genetic and swarm optimization
- Probabilistic optimization
- Production design and rough sets
- Optimization and decision making
- Searches and simulated annealing

Important dates:
- Receipt of full papers 01/02/09
- Notification for peer review 01/03/09
- Camera ready paper 15/04/09
- Registration with full payment 15/04/09

Curtin University of Technology, Malaysia
Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia

University Technology Petronas, Malaysia.


12- Eighth World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization
(source: Michel Théra)

1 - 5 June 2009, Lisbon, Portugal


The Official Congress of ISSMO
International Society for Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization

Dear Colleague:

The registration and abstract submission for the 8th World Congress
on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization is now open.

SUBMISSION PAGE: http://www.wcsmo8.org/submission.php

January 12, 2009 - Abstract Submission Deadline
February 16, 2009 - Abstract Review & Acceptance
April 17, 2009 - Full Paper Submission Deadline
April 17, 2009 – Early Registration Deadline

Structural Optimization
Multidisciplinary Design Optimization
Engineering Optimization and Inverse and Identification problems
Optimization of Thermal and Fluid Engineering systems
Engineering Optimization Techniques and Methods
Emerging Areas: advanced and adaptive materials, bioengineering, MEMS,
ecodesign, multibody system dynamics, multi-scale modeling.

* Detailed topic list in the submission page.

It is our pleasure to invite you, your colleagues and/or students to present
your recent research work on structural and multidisciplinary 
optimization at
this Congress.

With our best regards,

Helder C. Rodrigues
Congress Chairman
CPM - Centre for Mechanical Design
Instituto Superior Técnico
Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal
Ph: +351 218417280 | Fax: +351 218417915 | Email: wcsmo8 at dem.ist.utl.pt


13- Euro 2009 conference - Global Optimization stream
(source: Jean-Paul Penot)

The EURO 2009 Conference will be held in Bonn, July 5 - 8, 2009

Please visit
for all currently available key details.

The abstract submission has been opened, see


If you are interested to participate or to organise a session in the
Global Optimization stream co-ordinated by Janos Pinter and myself,
please contact us.

Eligius M.T. Hendrix
Email: Eligius.hendrix at wur.nl
Webpage: http://www.orl.wur.nl/UK/Staff/hendrix/

Janos D. Pinter
Email: janos.d.pinter at gmail.com
Webpage: http://www.pinterconsulting.com


14- VIII Brazilian Workshop on Continuous Optimization
(source: Jean-paul Penot)

Mambucaba, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 13-17, 2009


The VIII Brazilian Workshop on Continuous Optimization will take place at
Hotel do Bosque, in Mambucaba, near Angra dos Reis (about 200 km from Rio de
Janeiro), between July 13 and 17, 2009. Subjects to be discussed encompass
theoretical, computational and implementation issues, in both linear and
non-linear programming, including variational inequalities, complementarity
problems, nonsmooth optimization, vector optimization, generalized
equations, etc.

The backbone of the workshop will consist of plenary lectures, offered by
invited speakers, of 45 minutes each. There will be also a limited number of
contributed talks, of 25 minutes each. Those interested in contributing 
a talk
should send an abstract, either by regular or electronic mail, to the
below, no later than February 28, 2009. Acceptation of the contributed talks
will be informed no later than March 15, 2009.

Registration fees for foreign participants will be as follows:

EARLY REGISTRATION (until May 1, 2009): US$ 180.00
LATE REGISTRATION (after May 1, 2009): US$ 240.00


The following plenarists have already agreed to attend the workshop:

Hedy Attouch (Universite de Montpelier, France)
Alfred Auslender (Universite de Lyon, France)
Regina Burachik (University of South Australia, Australia)
Alvaro de Pierro (Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil)
Jonathan Eckstein (Rutgers University, USA)
Clovis Gonzaga (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil)
Andreas Griewank (Humboldt Universitat, Germany)
Alexei Izmailov (Moscow State University, Russia)
Jose Mario Martinez (Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil)
Renato Monteiro (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
Boris Mordukhovich (Wayne State University, USA)
R.T. Rockafellar (University of Washington, USA)
Alberto Seeger (Universite de Avignon, France)
Mikhail Solodov (Instituto de Matematica Pura e Aplicada, Brazil)
Benar Fux Svaiter (Instituto de Matematica Pura e Aplicada, Brazil)
Yuan Jin Yun (Universidade Federal de Parana, Brazil)


Scientific sessions will be held on Monday, July 13, Tuesday, July 14,
Thursday, July 16 and Friday, July 17. There will be no scientific
activities on Wednesday, July 15.

On each of the working days, from 9:00 AM to 12:15 AM there will be
three 45' plenary talks, with coffee-breaks in between. Lunch
will be served from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM. In the afternoon, from
2:15 PM to 6:15 PM, there will be two 75' sessions for contributed
presentations, with a 45' plenary talk in between, also separated
by coffee breaks. If needed, there will parallel sessions for the
contributed presentations. When ready, the full workshop program
will be posted in the workshop site, and will also be included in
a forthcoming announcement.


I) On Wednesday, July 15, a full day excursion will take place. We
will depart Mambucaba at 9:00 AM, tour Paraty (a colonial city,
included in UNESCO World Heritage list) from 10:00 to 12:00 AM, and
shortly afterward we will board the Bucaneros ship, with which we will
visit the near-by islands. Lunch will be served on board, and the ship
will stop at the Praia Vermelha beach and at the Ilha Rasa island, with
time for swimming and diving. We will be back at Mambucaba
around 6:00 PM.
This excursion is not included in the registration fee. Its price will
be informed in forthcoming announcements.

II) On Thursday, July 16, at 8:30 PM, the workshop dinner will take place
at La Pignatta Restaurant, Rua do Comercio no. 8, Paraty. Transportation
from and to Mambucaba will be provided. The dinner fee will be informed
in forthcoming announcements.

Information on tours anywhere in Brazil either before or after the
workshop can
be found in the site of the following travel agency: 
or requested from Michele Leite at micheleleite at cmoeventos.com.br


Mambucaba is located in the so called Costa Verde (Green Coast) in the
South West
of Rio de Janeiro State, near the boundary with Sao Paulo State. In
this region
the Sierra do Mar mountain range meets the see, and all the mountain
slopes are
covered by a luxuriant vegetation, part of one of the few extant large
of subtropical forest (Mata Atlantica) in the country. The weather is
humid and
tropical. The meeting will take place in winter, which is relatively
drier, but
participants should be prepared for some rain. Daily temperatures in July
fluctuate between 22 and 32 degrees Celsius (72 and 90 degrees Farenheit),
but night lows can go down to 15 Celsius (59 degrees Farenheit).


The meeting will take place at the Hotel del Bosque resort, in Mambucaba,
a beach district of Angra dos Reis county, about 200 km from the city of Rio
de Janeiro. Transportation from Rio to Mambucaba on Sunday, July 12, and 
Mambucaba to Rio on Saturday,July 18, will be provided free of charge by the
meeting organizers. Those willing to arrive or depart Mambucaba at other 
should contact the Organizing Committee. The fully secluded Hotel del Bosque
offers both a spectacular landscape and a wide range of leisure
options, as well
as a magnific wide strip of private beach. For more information, please 
Participants staying at Hotel del Bosque will be able to take advantage 
of the
following special rates:
Single rooms: R$ 381 + 10% service tax
Double rooms: R$ 477 + 10% service tax
These rate include breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Other lodging options are available at the near-by locations of Pequere, 
Historica de Mambucaba and Praia Vermelha. A daily free shuttle will take
participants staying in these locations to and from the Hotel del Bosque.
We describe next these options.

a) Vila Historica de Mambucaba: Located 2 km from Hotel del Bosque, it is a
small beach town (about 500 inhabitants), whose central section was built
in the colonial period, and includes a very pretty XVIII century baroque
church. The three inns described below are at less than 100 m from
the beach.

I) Pousada Vila Historica: Simple but charming rooms with air conditioning,
fridge and TV. Daily rates with breakfast:
Single rooms: R$ 80
Double rooms: R$ 90
Phone: 55-24-3362-2091, e-mail: pousadavilahistorica at hotmail.com
url: http://www.pousadavilahistorica.com.br

II) Pousada das Flores: Higher lever accomodation, also with air
fridge and TV. Daily rates with beakfast:
Single rooms: R$ 130
Double rooms: R$ 150
Phone: 55-24-3362-2089, e-mail: reservas at pousadaflores.com.br
url: http://www.pousadaflores.com.br

III) Pousada Mauri: Basic accomodation. Rooms with TV and ventilator. Daily
rates with breakfast:
Single, double or triple rooms: R$ 80.00
Phone: 55-24-9276-2417

b) Praia Vermelha. Secluded beach 3 km from Hotel del Bosque.

IV) Pousada das Flores: It belongs to the same owner as the inn
with the same
name in Vila Historica (see option II above). The inn is
perched upon the
sea, and has direct access to a semi-private beach. Rooms with air
conditioning, fridge and TV. Daily rates with breakfast:
Single rooms: R$ 150
Double rooms: R$ 180
Phone: 55-24-3362-2089, e-mail: reservas at pousadaflores.com.br
url: http://www.pousadaflores.com.br

c) Pereque: Middle size town, across the highway from Hotel del
Bosque. No access
to the beach, and devoid of touristic attractions.

V) Pousada JB. Less than 1 km from Hotel del Bosque. Basic accomodations.
Rooms with ventilator and TV. Daily rates with breakfast:
Single rooms: R$ 60
Double rooms: R$ 80
Phone: 55-24-3362-3310

On-line reservations at the Hotel del Bosque are available through the
site of CMO,
the travel agency working in connection with the meeting:
For reservations at the remaining inns, please write to Michele Leite at
micheleleite at cmoeventos.com.br

Since the value of the Brazilian currency, the Real, has fluctuated
wildly since
mid September, we refrain from mentioning exchange rates at this
point. You can
check the current value at any time at http://www.xe.com/ucc/


Registration procedures are already operational. For on line
registration, through
which it is possible to take advantage of the early registration fee,
please enter


After filling the registration form, you will receive your registration
confirmation, together with a link to CMO, the travel agency working with
the workshop. Following its directions, you can pay your registration
"on line",
with your credit card.

Participants willing to take advantage of the early registration fees,
but unwilling or unable to use credit cards, can make a deposit or send
a money order to the following bank account:

Banco do Brasil
Branch No. 0598-3
Account No. 23953-4
Account holder: CEMAT OPTIM
Bank swiftcode: BRASBRRJRJ1

Unfortunately, when using this option a surcharge of US$ 20 must be added
to the registration fee, corresponding to banking taxes in Brazil (of 
any banking taxes in the country of origin must also be covered by the


Additional information on the workshop will appear in forthcoming
and will be posted in the workshop site:


e-mail address: optim09 at impa.br
postal adress: VIII Brazilian Workshop on Continuous Optimization
Estrada Dona Castorina 110, Jardim Botanico,
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, CEP 22460-320, Brazil
FAX: (55)-(21)-2529-5129


Regina Burachik, UniSA
Ana Friedlander, UNICAMP
Clovis Gonzaga, UFSC
Jose Mario Martinez, UNICAMP
Claudia Sagastizabal, CEPEL
Susana Scheimberg, UFRJ
Hugo Scolnik, UBA
Mikhail Solodov, IMPA
Wilfredo Sosa, IMCA
Benar Fux Svaiter, IMPA
Yuan Jin Yun, UFPR


Rolando Garciga Otero, UFRJ
Mauricio Grana Drummond, UFRJ
Fernanda Raupp, PUC/RJ
Benar Fux Svaiter, IMPA
Yuan Jin Yun, UFPR


15- Nineth International Conference on Fixed Point Theory and Its 
(source: Michel Théra)

July 16-22, 2009, Changhua, Taiwan
Department of Mathematics National Changhua University of Education



Thierry Champion
Laboratoire Imath -- Université du Sud Toulon-Var
page personnelle: http://champion.univ-tln.fr

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