[CvGmt News] [Notiziario] [Settimanale] avviso di seminario

Giulia Curciarello curciare at dm.unipi.it
Thu Apr 7 17:02:00 CEST 2005


martedi' 12-04-2005 (14:00) - Sala Seminari del Centro di Ricerca Matematica
Ennio De Giorgi
Jean-Rene Chazottes (CPHT, CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique) :
Fluctuations of observables in discrete-time Dynamical Systems

Argomento: Geometria e Analisi Matematica

I will try to describe the different ways people
analyse fluctuations of observables in (merely chaotic) dynamical systems. I
will speak about the traditional approach for time-averages of observables,
namely large deviations and central limit asymptotics. In the Gibbsian
context, I will show how entropy can be obtained via return times. I will
end with a very recent approach on fluctuations of observables which are not
simple time-averages (e.g. the periodogram or power-spectrum).Moreover,
these new deviation inequalities are not asymptotic and apply to a large
class of non-uniformly hyperbolic dynamical systems.''


Il seminario avra' carattere introduttivo e dovrebbe risultare
comprensibile anche per un pubblico di non specialisti.

Giulia Curciarello
Segreteria Didattica
tel: 050-2213219
e-mail curciare at dm.unipi.it

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