[CvGmt News] avviso di seminario

Giulia Curciarello curciare at dm.unipi.it
Mon Oct 20 12:21:52 CEST 2003

Seminario di geometria algebraica reale

 Lunedi 20 Ottobre 2003, ore 15, Sala dei Seminari
Benoît BERTRAND (Pisa)
"Tropical Geometry and Real Algebraic Curves"


ABSTRACT : We will give the formal definition of tropical varieties and
explain how algebraic curves (and hypersurfaces) are related to tropical
ones. This talk will be based on articles of Mikhalkin ( [Mik00] and
[Mik]) and Shustin ([Shu]).

We will define the amoeba of an algebraic hypersurface and show how to get
the corresponding tropical hypersurface. We will also give the general
definition of a tropical variety and sketch the proof of 'Bezout' tropical

If times allows, we'll give an application of amoebas in topology of real
algebraic curves.

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