[CvGmt News] Fwd: Positions Available

buttazzo at dm.unipi.it buttazzo at dm.unipi.it
Tue Nov 11 17:27:00 CET 2003

----- Forwarded message from "Guynn, Norma" <nguynn at VT.EDU> -----
    Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2003 09:17:57 -0500
    From: "Guynn, Norma" <nguynn at VT.EDU>
Reply-To: "Guynn, Norma" <nguynn at VT.EDU>
 Subject: Positions Available

If you do not wish to receive these announcements, please send e-mail to
LISTSERV at LISTSERV.VT.EDU with "SIGNOFF MECHATRONICS" as the body of the message.

Virginia Tech
College of Engineering

The College of Engineering at Virginia Tech seeks applications for four
tenure-track positions in the college from individuals desiring to make
fundamental contributions to computational science and engineering, as
broadly defined.  Successful candidates will have an appointment in one
or more of the ten departments in the college.  Faculty involved in
computational science and engineering have access to the top-five
ranked 2200-processor Terascale Computing Facility recently established
by the university, as well as other multiprocessor clusters within the
college.  (See http://computing.vt.edu/research_computing/terascale/.)

The positions provide competitive salaries and startup funding for
tenure-track faculty at all ranks.  Applicants seeking appointment at
an associate or full professor level must have a significant track
record of accomplishments. All applicants must have a Ph.D. in
engineering, computer science, or an allied area, have a demonstrated
record of publications in computational science and engineering, and a
commitment to applying high performance computing to significant
engineering and science problems. Ability to collaborate with
researchers both within and without the college is required. A
demonstrated record of multidisciplinary collaboration and
accomplishments in large scale computational science and engineering is
preferred. Successful applicants for tenure-track positions will be
expected to secure significant external funding, conduct a highly
productive research program, teach both undergraduate and graduate
courses, and advise doctoral students in science and engineering.
Additional information on the positions and the college is available at

The university and the college have a strong commitment to
computational science and engineering.  Recent external computational
science and engineering proposals have involved over 40 faculty members
from four different colleges.  Examples of established, well funded
computational science and engineering research centers include the
Interdisciplinary Center for Applied Mathematics, the Laboratory for
Advanced Scientific Computing and Applications, and the
Multidisciplinary Analysis and Design Center for Advanced Vehicles.
The college has an outstanding record of multidisciplinary research and
has projects in a number of areas, including biomedical computing,
computational mechanics, computer vision, environmental modelling,
molecular computation, Monte Carlo methods, multidisciplinary design
optimization, networking, nonlinear coupled transient analysis,
numerical analysis, optimization, phase transformations, problem
solving environments, and scientific and parallel computing.  Excellent
opportunities for collaborative research exist with researchers in the
College of Science (which also has new positions in computational
science), the College of Agriculture, and the Virginia Bioinformatics

Virginia Tech is located in Blacksburg, a scenic, lively, All-American
Award winning town in southwest Virginia with affordable housing. Nearby
is the white water of the New River and 1.7 million mountainous acres of
national forest.

Applicants should send a curriculum vitae, a 1-2 page statement of
teaching and research goals in computational science and engineering,
and arrange to be sent at least three letters of reference to

CSE Cluster Hire Search
Department of Computer Science, MC 0106
Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University
Blacksburg, VA 24061

These materials may also be sent via e-mail, as separate PDF files, to
CSEsearch at cs.vt.edu. Review of candidates will begin January 5, 2004,
and continue until the positions are filled. Virginia Tech is an equal
opportunity employer.

If you do not wish to receive these announcements, please send e-mail to
LISTSERV at LISTSERV.VT.EDU with "SIGNOFF MECHATRONICS" as the body of the message.

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