[CvGmt News] Colloquio De Giorgi

Giulia Curciarello curciare at dm.unipi.it
Wed Jun 18 13:04:12 CEST 2003

Giovedì 19 giugno 2003, Aula Mancini ore 15:00, Colloquio De Giorgi
Prof. J.M.Morel, ENS Cachan
"Axiomatic approach in image analysis''
Abstract : In image analysis, there are many algorithms, few theories. The algorithms are claimed to realize a "visual task". This task usually is a mix of perceptual and computing requirements.
By analysing  eight examples, I'll try to show that we cannot invent new  algorithms without inventing new principles. Only the algorithms work,  which have found a good new subjacent principle.

Venerdì 20 giungo 2003, Aula Mancini ore 15:00,
Prof. J.P.Zolésio - INRIA France
"Optimal control of moving domain"
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