A. Mondino: Some results about the existence of critical points for the Willmore functional Math. Z. Vol. 266, N. 3, p. 583--622, 2010 A. Mondino: Existence of Integral m-Varifolds minimizing $\int |A|^p$ and $\int |H|^p$, p>m, in Riemannian Manifolds Calc. Var. PDE 2010 A. Mondino, T. Rivière: Immersed Spheres of Finite Total Curvature into Manifolds Advances in Calc. Var. (Accepted Paper) p. 33, 2011 A. Mondino: The conformal Willmore Functional: a perturbative approach Journal of Geometric Analysis 2011 E. Kuwert, A. Mondino, J. Schygulla: Existence of immersed spheres minimizing curvature functionals in compact 3-manifolds Math. Annalen (Accepted Paper) 2011 A. Mondino: The Willmore functional and other $L^p$ curvature functionals in Riemannian manifolds (Phd Thesis) 2011 A. Mondino: The Willmore and other $L^p$-curvature functionals in Riemannian manifolds Oberwolfach Reports Vol. 36/2012, p. 23-26, 2012 L. Ambrosio, N. Gigli, A. Mondino, T. Rajala: Riemannian Ricci curvature lower bounds in metric measure spaces with $\sigma$-finite measure Transactions of the AMS (Accepted Paper) 2012 A. Mondino, T. Rivière: Willmore Spheres in Compact Riemannian Manifolds Advances in Math. p. 58, 2012 A. Mondino, J. Schygulla: Existence of immersed spheres minimizing curvature functionals in non-compact 3-manifolds Annales IHP-Anal. Non Lin. (Accepted Paper) p. 19, 2012 N. Gigli, A. Mondino: A PDE approach to nonlinear potential theory in metric measure spaces Journal de Math. Pures et Appl. 2012 A. Mondino, S. Nardulli: Existence of isoperimetric regions in non-compact Riemannian manifolds under Ricci or scalar curvature conditions Communications in Analysis and Geometry p. 17, 2012 N. Gigli, A. Mondino, T. Rajala: Euclidean spaces as weak tangents of infinitesimally Hilbertian metric measure spaces with Ricci curvature bounded below J. Reine Angew. Math. (Accepted Paper) 2013 L. G. A. Keller, A. Mondino, T. Rivière: Embedded surfaces of arbitrary genus minimizing the Willmore energy under isoperimetric constraint Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal. (Accepted Paper) 2013 N. Garofalo, A. Mondino: Li-Yau and Harnack type inequalities in $RCD^*(K,N)$ metric measure spaces Nonlinear Analysis TMA (Accepted Paper) 2013 A. Mondino: A new notion of angle between three points in a metric space Crelle's Journal (Accepted Paper) 2013 A. Carlotto, A. Mondino: Existence of generalized totally umbilic 2-spheres in perturbed 3-spheres Int. Math. Res. Not. (Accepted Paper) 2013 A. Mondino, H. T. Nguyen: A Gap Theorem for Willmore Tori and an application to the Willmore Flow (Nonlinear Analysis: Theory Methods & Applications) 2013 P. Laurain, A. Mondino: Concentration of small Willmore spheres in Riemannian 3-manifolds Analysis and PDEs 2013 N. Gigli, A. Mondino, G. Savaré: Convergence of pointed non-compact metric measure spaces and stability of Ricci curvature bounds and heat flows Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society (Accepted Paper) 2013 A. Mondino, T. Rivière: A frame energy for immersed tori and applications to regular homotopy classes Journal of Differential Geometry (Accepted Paper) 2013 L. Ambrosio, A. Mondino, G. Savaré: On the Bakry-Èmery condition, the gradient estimates and the Local-to-Global property of $RCD^*(K,N)$ metric measure spaces Journal of Geometric Analysis (Accepted Paper) 2014 N. Ikoma, A. Malchiodi, A. Mondino: Embedded area-constrained Willmore tori of small area in Riemannian three-manifolds II: Morse Theory (American Journal of Mathematics) 2014 A. Mondino, A. Naber: Structure Theory of Metric-Measure Spaces with Lower Ricci Curvature Bounds Journ. European Math Soc. (JEMS) (Accepted Paper) 2014 N. Ikoma, A. Malchiodi, A. Mondino: Embedded area-constrained Willmore tori of small area in Riemannian three-manifolds I: Minimization (Proceedings of the London Math. Soc.) 2014 F. Cavalletti, A. Mondino: Sharp geometric and functional inequalities in metric measure spaces with lower Ricci curvature bounds Geom. Topol. () 2015 F. Cavalletti, A. Mondino: Sharp and rigid isoperimetric inequalities in metric-measure spaces with lower Ricci curvature bounds Invent. Math. (Accepted Paper) 2015 L. Ambrosio, A. Mondino, G. Savaré: Nonlinear diffusion equations and curvature conditions in metric measure spaces Memoirs Amer. Math. Soc. (Accepted Paper) 2015 A. Mondino, H. T. Nguyen: Global conformal invariants of submanifolds Annales de l'Institut Fourier (Accepted Paper) 2015 A. Lerario, A. Mondino: Homotopy properties of horizontal loop spaces and applications to closed sub-riemannian geodesics Transactions of the American Math Society, Series B. (Accepted Paper) 2015 A. Carlotto, A. Mondino: A non-existence result for minimal catenoids in asymptotically flat spaces (Journal of London Math. Society) 2016 A. Mondino, G. Wei: On the universal cover and the fundamental group of an $RCD^*(K,N)$-space (Journal für die reine und angewandte mathematik) 2016 L. Ambrosio, A. Mondino: Gaussian-type Isoperimetric Inequalities in $RCD(K,\infty)$ probability spaces for positive $K$ Rend. Lincei Mat. Appl. Vol. 27, p. 497514, 2016 F. Cavalletti, A. Mondino: Optimal maps in essentially non-branching spaces Commun. Contemp. Math. (Accepted Paper) 2016 F. Cavalletti, A. Mondino: Measure rigidity of Ricci curvature lower bounds Advances in Math. (accepted) Vol. 286, 2016 M. Kell, A. Mondino: On the volume measure of non-smooth spaces with Ricci curvature bounded below Annali SNS (Accepted Paper) 2016 F. Cavalletti, A. Mondino: Isoperimetric inequalities for finite perimeter sets under lower Ricci curvature bounds Rend. Lincei. Mat. Appl. (Accepted Paper) 2016 A. Mondino, E. Spadaro: On a isoperimetric-isodiametric inequality (Analysis & PDE) 2016 F. Cavalletti, F. Maggi, A. Mondino: Rigidity for critical points in the Levy-Gromov inequality Math. Zeit p. 5, 2016 C. Ketterer, A. Mondino: Sectional and intermediate Ricci curvature lower bounds via Optimal Transport Advances in Mathematics (Accepted Paper) 2016 F. Cavalletti, A. Mondino: Almost euclidean Isoperimetric Inequalities in spaces satisfying local Ricci curvature lower bounds Intern. Math. Res. Not. (Accepted Paper) 2017 F. Cavalletti, F. Maggi, A. Mondino: Quantitative isoperimetry à la Levy-Gromov Comm. Pure and Applied Math. (Accepted Paper) 2017 B. Han, A. Mondino: Angles between curves in metric measure spaces Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces Vol. 5, N. 1, p. 47--68, 2017 F. Galaz-Garcia, M. Kell, A. Mondino, G. Sosa: On quotients of spaces with Ricci curvature bounded below Journal of Functional Analysis (Accepted Paper) 2017 N. Ikoma, A. Malchiodi, A. Mondino: Foliation by area-constrained Willmore spheres near a non-degenerate critical point of the scalar curvature Intern. Math. Res. Not. (IMRN) (Accepted Paper) 2018 A. Mondino, D. Semola: Polya-Szego inequality and Dirichlet $p$-spectral gap for non-smooth spaces with Ricci curvature bounded below Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées 2018 F. Cavalletti, A. Mondino: New formulas for the Laplacian of distance functions and applications Analysis and PDE (Accepted Paper) 2018 A. Mondino, S. Suhr: An optimal transport formulation of the Einstein equations of general relativity Journal of the European Math. Society (JEMS) (Accepted Paper) p. 60, 2018 V. Kapovitch, A. Mondino: On the topology and the boundary of $N$-dimensional $RCD(K,N)$ spaces Geometry & Topology (Accepted Paper) 2019 A. Mondino, C. Scharrer: Existence and Regularity of Spheres Minimising the Canham-Helfrich Energy Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 2020 A. Mondino, C. Scharrer: A strict inequality for the minimisation of the Willmore functional under isoperimetric constraint Advances in Calculus of Variations (Accepted Paper) 2020 N. De Ponti, A. Mondino: Sharp Cheeger-Buser type inequalities in $RCD(K,\infty)$ spaces The Journal of Geometric Analysis 2020 A. Mondino, M. Vedovato: A Talenti-type comparison theorem for $\mathrm{RCD}(K,N)$ spaces and applications Calc. Var. PDE (Accepted Paper) 2020 N. De Ponti, A. Mondino: Entropy-Transport distances between unbalanced metric measure spaces Probability Theory and Related Fields (Accepted Paper) 2020 F. Cavalletti, A. Mondino: Optimal transport in Lorentzian synthetic spaces, synthetic timelike Ricci curvature lower bounds and applications Cambridge Journal of Mathematics (Accepted Paper) 2020 A. Michelat, A. Mondino: Quantization of the Willmore Energy in Riemannian Manifolds (Preprint) 2021 G. B. De Luca, N. De Ponti, A. Mondino, A. Tomasiello: Cheeger bounds on spin-two fields Journal of High Energy Physics 2021 M. A. Gunes, A. Mondino: A reverse Hölder inequality for first eigenfunctions of the Dirichlet Laplacian on RCD(K,N) spaces Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. (Accepted Paper) 2021 N. De Ponti, A. Mondino, D. Semola: The equality case in Cheeger's and Buser's inequalities on $ \mathsf{RCD}$ spaces Journal of Functional Analysis Vol. 281, N. 3, 2021 A. Mondino, A. Templeton-Browne: Some rigidity results for the Hawking mass and a lower bound for the Bartnik capacity Journal of the London Math. Society (Accepted Paper) p. 39, 2021 I. Mondello, A. Mondino, R. Perales: An upper bound on the revised first Betti number and a torus stability result for RCD spaces Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici (Accepted Paper) 2021 A. Mondino, D. Semola: Weak Laplacian bounds and minimal boundaries in non-smooth spaces with Ricci curvature lower bounds Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society (Accepted Paper) 2021 F. Cavalletti, A. Mondino: A review of Lorentzian synthetic theory of timelike Ricci curvature bounds General Relativity and Gravitation 2022 A. Mondino, D. Navarro: Moduli spaces of compact RCD(0,N)-structures Math. Annalen (Accepted Paper) 2022 G. B. De Luca, N. De Ponti, A. Mondino, A. Tomasiello: Gravity from thermodynamics: optimal transport and negative effective dimensions SciPost Physics (Accepted Paper) 2022 A. Mondino, D. Semola: Lipschitz continuity and Bochner-Eells-Sampson inequality for harmonic maps from $\mathrm{RCD}(K,N)$ spaces to $\mathrm{CAT}(0)$ spaces American Journal of Mathematics (Accepted Paper) p. 48, 2022 F. Fiorani, A. Mondino, D. Semola: Monotonicity formula and stratification of the singular set of perimeter minimizers in RCD spaces (Preprint) 2023 F. Cavalletti, A. Mondino, D. Semola: Quantitative Obata's Theorem Analysis & PDE Vol. 16, N. 6, p. 13891431, 2023 E. Bruè, A. Mondino, D. Semola: The metric measure boundary of spaces with Ricci curvature bounded below Geom. Funct. Anal. Vol. 33, p. 593--636, 2023 G. B. De Luca, N. De Ponti, A. Mondino, A. Tomasiello: Harmonic functions and gravity localization The Journal of High Energy Physics (Accepted Paper) 2023 A. Mondino, V. Ryborz: On the equivalence of distributional and synthetic Ricci curvature lower bounds (Preprint) 2024 D. Barilari, A. Mondino, L. Rizzi: Unified synthetic Ricci curvature lower bounds for Riemannian and sub-Riemannian structures Memoirs of the AMS (Accepted Paper) 2024 N. Gigli, A. Mondino, D. Semola: On the notion of Laplacian bounds on $\mathrm{RCD}$ spaces and applications Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. Vol. 152, p. 829--841, 2024 S. Honda, A. Mondino: Poincar\'e inequality for one forms on four manifolds with bounded Ricci curvature (Preprint) 2024 F. Cavalletti, A. Mondino: A sharp isoperimetric-type inequality for Lorentzian spaces satisfying timelike Ricci lower bounds (Preprint) 2024 A. Cucinotta, A. Mondino: Half Space Property in RCD(0,N) spaces (Preprint) 2024 G. B. De Luca, N. De Ponti, A. Mondino, A. Tomasiello: Can you hear the Planck mass? (Preprint) 2024 A. Cucinotta, A. Mondino: A splitting theorem for manifolds with a convex boundary component and applications to the half-space property (Preprint) 2024