A. Marchese, C. Zanco: On a question by Corson about point-finite coverings Israel J. math. 2012 A. Marchese: Two applications of the Theory of Currents (Phd Thesis) 2013 A. Marchese: On the building dimension of closed cones and Almgrens stratification principle. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. (Accepted Paper) 2013 P. Logaritsch, A. Marchese: Kirszbraun's extension theorem fails for Almgren's multiple valued functions Arch. Math Vol. 102, N. 5, p. 455-458, 2014 A. Marchese, A. Massaccesi: An optimal irrigation network with infinitely many branching points ESAIM: COCV (ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var.) 2014 A. Marchese: Lusin type theorems for Radon measures (Rend. Semin. Mat. Univ. Padova) 2015 M. Focardi, A. Marchese, E. Spadaro: Improved estimate of the singular set of Dir-minimizing Q-valued functions via an abstract regularity result Journal of Functional Analysis Vol. 268, p. 3290--3325, 2015 A. Marchese, A. Massaccesi: The Steiner tree problem revisited through rectifiable $G$-currents Advances in Calculus of Variations Vol. 9, N. 1, p. 19-39, 2016 G. Alberti, A. Marchese: On the differentiability of Lipschitz functions with respect to measures in the Euclidean space Geom. Funct. Anal. (GAFA) Vol. 26, N. 1, p. 1-66, 2016 G. De Philippis, A. Marchese, F. Rindler: On a conjecture of Cheeger (Accepted Paper) 2016 A. Marchese, A. Schioppa: Lipschitz functions with prescribed blowups at many points Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations 2016 A. Marchese: On the structure of singular measures in the Euclidean space (Preprint) 2017 A. Marchese: Residually many BV homeomorphisms map a null set in a set of full measure Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A (Accepted Paper) 2017 M. Colombo, A. De Rosa, A. Marchese, S. Stuvard: On the lower semicontinuous envelope of functionals defined on polyhedral chains Nonlinear Analysis Vol. 163C, p. 201-215, 2017 D. Inauen, A. Marchese: Quantitative minimality of strictly stable minimal submanifolds in a small flat neighbourhood J. Funct. Anal. 2017 A. Marchese, S. Stuvard: On the structure of flat chains modulo $p$ Adv. Calc. Var. Vol. 11, N. 3, p. 309-323, 2018 A. Marchese, B. Wirth: Approximation of rectifiable $1$-currents and weak-$\ast$ relaxation of the $h$-mass J. Math. Anal. Appl. 2018 C. De Lellis, A. Marchese, E. Spadaro, D. Valtorta: Rectifiability and upper Minkowski bounds for singularities of harmonic $Q$-valued maps Comm. Math. Helv. Vol. 93, N. 4, p. 737-779, 2018 M. Colombo, A. De Rosa, A. Marchese: Improved stability of optimal traffic paths Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations 2018 M. Colombo, A. De Rosa, A. Marchese: Stability for the mailing problem J. Math. Pures Appl. 2019 A. Marchese, A. Massaccesi, R. Tione: A multi-material transport problem and its convex relaxation via rectifiable G-currents SIAM J. Math. Anal. Vol. 51, N. 3, p. 1965-1998, 2019 C. De Lellis, J. Hirsch, A. Marchese, S. Stuvard: Regularity of area minimizing currents mod $p$ Geom. Funct. Anal. Vol. 30, N. 5, p. 1224-1336, 2020 M. Carioni, A. Marchese, A. Massaccesi, A. Pluda, R. Tione: The oriented mailing problem and its convex relaxation Nonlinear Anal. Vol. 199, 2020 M. Colombo, A. De Rosa, A. Marchese: On the well-posedness of branched transportation Comm. Pure App. Math. 2021 A. Marchese, A. Massaccesi, S. Stuvard, R. Tione: A multi-material transport problem with arbitrary marginals Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations Vol. 60, N. 88, p. 1-49, 2021 C. De Lellis, J. Hirsch, A. Marchese, L. Spolaor, S. Stuvard: Area minimizing hypersurfaces modulo $p$: a geometric free-boundary problem (Submitted Paper) 2021 A. Marchese, A. Merlo: Characterization of rectifiability via Lusin type approximation Analysis & PDE (Accepted Paper) 2021 C. De Lellis, J. Hirsch, A. Marchese, S. Stuvard: Area minimizing currents mod $2Q$: linear regularity theory Comm. Pure Appl. Math. Vol. 75, N. 1, p. 83-127, 2022 G. De Philippis, A. Marchese, A. Merlo, A. Pinamonti, F. Rindler: On the converse of Pansu's Theorem (Submitted Paper) 2022 G. Caldini, A. Marchese, S. Steinbrüchel: Generic uniqueness of optimal transportation networks Calc. Var. PDE (Accepted Paper) 2022 M. Colombo, A. De Rosa, A. Marchese, P. Pegon, A. Prouff: Stability of optimal traffic plans in the irrigation problem Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Vol. 2, N. 4, p. 1647-1667, 2022 G. Alberti, A. Marchese: On the structure of flat chains with finite mass (Preprint) 2022 C. De Lellis, J. Hirsch, A. Marchese, L. Spolaor, S. Stuvard: Fine structure of the singular set of area minimizing hypersurfaces modulo $p$ (Submitted Paper) 2022 G. Alberti, D. Bate, A. Marchese: On the closability of differential operators (Preprint) 2023 G. Caldini, A. Marchese, A. Merlo, S. Steinbrüchel: Generic uniqueness for the Plateau problem J. Math. Pures Appl. (Accepted Paper) 2023 C. De Lellis, J. Hirsch, A. Marchese, L. Spolaor, S. Stuvard: Excess decay for minimizing hypercurrents mod $2Q$ (Submitted Paper) 2023 A. Marchese, A. Merlo: A simple proof of the $1$-dimensional flat chain conjecture (Preprint) 2024