M. Belloni, B. Kawohl: A direct uniqueness proof for equations involving the $p$-Laplace operator manuscripta mathematica Vol. 109, N. 2, 2002 I. Fragalà, F. Gazzola, B. Kawohl: Existence and nonexistence results for anisotropic quasilinear elliptic equations Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré 2003 M. Belloni, B. Kawohl: The pseudo-$p$-Laplace eigenvalue problem and viscosity solutions as $p\to {\infty}$ ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var. Vol. 10, N. 1, 2003 M. Belloni, V. Ferone, B. Kawohl: Isoperimetric inequalities, Wulff shape and related questions for strongly nonlinear elliptic operators ZAMP Z. Angew. Math. Phys. Vol. 54, 2003 I. Fragalà, F. Gazzola, B. Kawohl: Overdetermined problems with possibly degenerate ellipticity, a geometric approach Math. Zeitschrift Vol. 254, p. 117-132, 2006 A. Farina, B. Kawohl: Remarks on an overdetermined boundary value problem Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations (Accepted Paper) 2007 B. Kawohl, M. Novaga: The $p$-Laplace eigenvalue problem as $p \to 1$ and Cheeger sets in a Finsler metric J. Convex Analysis Vol. 15, N. 3, p. 623-634, 2008 G. Buttazzo, B. Kawohl: Overdetermined boundary value problems for the $\infty$-Laplacian (Preprint) 2009 L. Esposito, V. Ferone, B. Kawohl, C. Nitsch, C. Trombetti: The Longest Shortest Fence and Sharp Poincare-Sobolev Inequalities (Preprint) 2010 L. Esposito, V. Ferone, B. Kawohl, C. Nitsch, C. Trombetti: The Longest Shortest Fence and Sharp Poincare-Sobolev Inequalities (Preprint) 2010 B. Kawohl, J. Manfredi, M. Parviainen: Solutions of nonlinear PDEs in the sense of averages (Submitted Paper) 2011