F. Oronzio: Alcune relazioni tra curvatura e topologia per mezzo delle funzioni distanza (Degree Thesis) 2018 V. Agostiniani, L. Mazzieri, F. Oronzio: A geometric capacitary inequality for sub--static manifolds with harmonic potentials Mathematics in Engineering Vol. 4, N. 2, p. 40, 2021 V. Agostiniani, L. Mazzieri, F. Oronzio: A Green's function proof of the positive mass theorem Communications in Mathematical Physics (Accepted Paper) 2021 F. Oronzio: ADM Mass and Linear Potential Theory (PhD Thesis) 2022 F. Oronzio: ADM mass, area and capacity in asymptotically flat $3$--manifolds with nonnegative scalar curvature (Preprint) p. 28, 2022 F. Oronzio: An example in dimension four of a Riemannian manifold such that its sectional curvature is positive and its curvature operator is not nonnegative (Short Note) 2022 V. Agostiniani, C. Mantegazza, L. Mazzieri, F. Oronzio: Riemannian Penrose Inequality via Nonlinear Potential Theory (Submitted Paper) 2022 V. Agostiniani, C. Mantegazza, L. Mazzieri, F. Oronzio: A new proof of the Riemannian Penrose inequality Atti Accad. Naz. Lincei - Rend. Lincei Mat. Appl. (Accepted Paper) 2023