I. Chowdhury, G. Csato, P. Roy, F. Sk: Study of fractional Poincaré inequalities on unbounded domains Discrete Continuous Dynam. Syst . 2019 L. Esposito, P. Roy, F. Sk: On the asymptotic behavior of the eigenvalues of nonlinear elliptic problems in domains becoming unbounded Asymptotic Analysis 2019 K. Bal , K. Mohanta, P. Roy, F. Sk: Hardy and Poincaré inequalities in fractional Orlicz-Sobolev space Nonlinear Analysis (Accepted Paper) 2021 K. Mohanta, F. Sk: On the best constant in fractional $p$-Poincaré inequalities on cylindrical domains Differential and Integral Equations 2021 F. Sk: Remarks on the fractional Moser-Trudinger inequality Journal d'Analyse Mathématique (Accepted Paper) 2022 F. Bianchi, L. Brasco, F. Sk, A. C. Zagati: A note on the supersolution method for Hardy's inequality Rev. Mat. Complut. (Accepted Paper) p. 14, 2022 F. Sk: Characterization of fractional Sobolev--Poincaré and (localized) Hardy inequalities Journal of Geometric Analysis (Accepted Paper) p. 18, 2023 M. Bhakta, K. Perera, F. Sk: A system of equations involving the fractional $p$-Laplacian and doubly critical nonlinearities Advanced Nonlinear Studies (Accepted Paper) 2023 N. Biswas, F. Sk: On generalized eigenvalue problems of fractional $(p,q)$-Laplace operator with two parameters Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sec. A: Math (Accepted Paper) p. 34, 2023 L. Brasco, F. Prinari, F. Sk: On Morrey's inequality in Sobolev-Slobodeckij spaces J. Funct. Anal. (Accepted Paper) p. 52, 2023