S. Della Corte, A. Diana, C. Mantegazza: Global Existence and Stability for the Modified Mullins-Sekerka and Surface Diffusion Flow Math. Engineering Vol. 4, N. 6, p. Paper n.054, 104 pp., 2022 A. Diana, N. Fusco, C. Mantegazza: Stability for the Surface Diffusion Flow (Submitted Paper) 2023 D. De Gennaro, A. Diana, A. Kubin, A. Kubin: Stability of the surface diffusion flow and volume-preserving mean curvature flow in the flat torus Math. Ann. 2023 A. Diana: Elastic flow of curves with partial free boundary Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications NoDEA (Accepted Paper) 2023 S. Della Corte, A. Diana, C. Mantegazza: Uniform Sobolev, interpolation and geometric Calderón-Zygmund inequalities for graph hypersurfaces Note di Matematica (Accepted Paper) 2024