M. Pegon: Large mass minimizers for isoperimetric problems with integrable nonlocal potentials (preprint) p. 41, 2020 B. Merlet, M. Pegon: Large mass rigidity for a liquid drop model in 2D with kernels of finite moments Journal de lÉcole polytechnique Mathématiques Vol. 9, p. 63-100, 2021 M. Goldman, B. Merlet, M. Pegon, S. Serfaty: Compactness and structure of zero-states for unoriented Aviles--Giga functionals Journal de l'Institut Mathématiques de Jussieu (Accepted Paper) 2021 M. Goldman, B. Merlet, M. Pegon: Uniform $C^{1,\alpha}$-regularity for almost-minimizers of some nonlocal perturbations of the perimeter (Submitted Paper) 2022