G. Di Matteo: Analysis of Type I Singularities in the Harmonic Ricci Flow (Preprint) 2018 G. Di Matteo: Nondegeneracy of standard double bubbles Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society Vol. 147, p. 4379-4395, 2019 G. Di Matteo: Mixed Integral Norms for Ricci Flow Journal of Geometric Analysis 2020 G. Di Matteo, A. Malchiodi: Double Bubbles with High Constant Mean Curvatures in Riemannian Manifolds Nonlin. Anal., to appear. (Accepted Paper) p. 37, 2021 R. Buzano, G. Di Matteo: A Local Singularity Analysis for the Ricci Flow and its Applications to Ricci Flows with Bounded Scalar Curvature Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations Vol. 61, 2022