F. Alouges, G. Di Fratta: Cell averaging two-scale convergence: Applications to periodic homogenization (preprint) 2016 F. Alouges, G. Di Fratta: Parking 3-sphere swimmer. I. Energy minimizing strokes (preprint) 2016 D. Cruz-Uribe, G. Di Fratta, A. Fiorenza: Modular inequalities for the maximal operator in variable Lebesgue spaces Nonlinear Analysis 2017 G. Di Fratta, T. Führer, G. Gantner, D. Praetorius: Adaptive Uzawa algorithm for the Stokes equation (preprint) 2018 E. Davoli, G. Di Fratta: Homogenization of chiral magnetic materials - A mathematical evidence of Dzyaloshinskii's predictions on helical structures Journal of Nonlinear Science 2019 G. Di Fratta, V. Slastikov, A. Zarnescu: On a sharp Poincaré-type inequality on the 2-sphere and its application in micromagnetics SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis Vol. 51, N. 4, 2019 G. Di Fratta, M. Innerberger, D. Praetorius: Weak-strong uniqueness for the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation in micromagnetics Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications Vol. 55, 2020 G. Di Fratta, J. Robbins, V. Slastikov, A. Zarnescu: Landau-de Gennes corrections to the Oseen-Frank theory of nematic liquid crystals Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis Vol. 236, 2020 G. Di Fratta, A. Fiorenza: A short proof of local regularity of distributional solutions of Poisson's equation Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. Vol. 148, 2020 G. Di Fratta, C. Muratov, F. Rybakov, V. Slastikov: Variational principles of micromagnetics revisited SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis Vol. 52, N. 4, 2020 G. Di Fratta, A. Fiorenza: BMO-type seminorms from Escher-type tessellations Journal of Functional Analysis Vol. 279, N. 3, 2020 G. Di Fratta: Micromagnetics of curved thin films Zeitschrift fuer Angewandte Mathematik und Physik (ZAMP) 2020 G. Di Fratta, A. Jüngel, D. Praetorius, V. Slastikov: Spin-diffusion model for micromagnetics in the limit of long times Journal of Differential Equations 2020 E. Davoli, G. Di Fratta, D. Praetorius, M. Ruggeri: Micromagnetics of thin films in the presence of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 2020 G. Di Fratta, A. Fiorenza, V. Slastikov: On symmetry of energy minimizing harmonic-type maps on cylindrical surfaces Mathematics in Engineering 2021 G. Di Fratta, A. Monteil, V. Slastikov: Symmetry properties of minimizers of a perturbed Dirichlet energy with a boundary penalization SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 2021 G. Di Fratta, A. Fiorenza: A unified divergent approach to Hardy-Poincaré inequalities in classical and variable Sobolev Spaces Journal of Functional Analysis 2021 G. Di Fratta, V. Slastikov: Curved thin-film limits of chiral Dirichlet energies Nonlinear Analysis 2022 E. Davoli, G. Di Fratta, V. Pagliari: Sharp conditions for the validity of the Bourgain-Brezis-Mironescu formula Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Sect. A Mathematics (Accepted Paper) 2023 G. Di Fratta, C. Muratov, V. Slastikov: Reduced energies for thin ferromagnetic films with perpendicular anisotropy M3AS - Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences (Accepted Paper) 2023 G. Di Fratta, V. Slastikov, A. Zarnescu: Sufficient conditions for the existence of minimizing harmonic maps with axial symmetry in the small-average regime Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 2023 E. Davoli, G. Di Fratta, A. Fiorenza, L. Happ: A modular Poincaré-Wirtinger type inequality on Lipschitz domains for Sobolev spaces with variable exponents NoDEA 2024 G. Di Fratta, F. Rybakov, V. Slastikov: Reduced theory of symmetric and antisymmetric exchange interactions in nanowires (Preprint) 2024 E. Davoli, G. Di Fratta, R. Giorgio: A Bourgain-Brezis-Mironescu formula accounting for nonlocal antisymmetric exchange interactions SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis (SIMA) (Accepted Paper) 2024 G. Di Fratta, F. Solombrino: Korn and Poincaré-Korn inequalities: A different perspective Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 2024