S. Cito: Existence and Regularity of Optimal Convex Shapes for Functionals Involving the Robin Eigenvalues Journal of Convex Analysis Vol. 26, N. 3, p. 925-943, 2019 D. Bucur, S. Cito: Geometric control of the Robin Laplacian eigenvalues: the case of negative boundary parameter Journal of Geometric Analysis 2019 S. Cito: Shape Optimization of Robin Eigenvalues (Ph.D. Thesis) p. 179, 2019 A. Carbotti, S. Cito, D. A. La Manna, D. Pallara: Gamma-convergence of fractional Gaussian perimeter Advances in Calculus of Variations p. 30, 2021 S. Cito, D. A. La Manna: A Quantitative Reverse Faber-Krahn Inequality for the First Robin Eigenvalue with Negative Boundary Parameter ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations 2021 A. Carbotti, S. Cito, D. A. La Manna, D. Pallara: A quantitative dimension free isoperimetric inequality for the Fractional Gaussian Perimeter Communications in Analysis and Geometry (Accepted Paper) p. 20, 2022 A. Carbotti, S. Cito, D. A. La Manna, D. Pallara: Asymptotics of the $s$-fractional Gaussian perimeter as $s\to 0^+$ Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis p. 13, 2022 S. Cito, G. Paoli, G. Piscitelli: A stability result for the first Robin-Neumann eigenvalue: A double perturbation approach (preprint) 2023 S. Cito, A. Giacomini: Minimization of the $k$-th eigenvalue of the Robin-Laplacian with perimeter constraint (Submitted Paper) 2023 M. Carriero, S. Cito, A. Leaci: Minimization of the buckling load of a clamped plate with perimeter constraint Applied Mathematics and Optimization 2024 A. Carbotti, S. Cito, D. A. La Manna, D. Pallara: Local Regularity of very weak $s$-harmonic functions via fractional difference quotients (Submitted Paper) p. 24, 2024 A. Carbotti, S. Cito, D. A. La Manna, D. Pallara: Stability of the Gaussian Faber-Krahn inequality Annali di Matematica Pura e Applicata Vol. 203, p. 21852198, 2024