E. Davoli, R. Ferreira, C. Kreisbeck: Homogenization in $BV$ of a model for layered composites in finite crystal plasticity Adv. Calc. Var. 2019 C. Kreisbeck, E. Zappale: Loss of double-integral character during relaxation SIAM SIMA (Accepted Paper) 2019 C. Kreisbeck, E. Zappale: Lower semicontinuity and relaxation of nonlocal $L^\infty$-functionals Calc. Var. Vol. 59, N. 138, 2020 E. Davoli, C. Kreisbeck: On static and evolutionary homogenization in crystal plasticity for stratified composites Research in the Mathematics of Materials Science. Springer AWM series (Accepted Paper) 2021 C. Kreisbeck, A. Ritorto, E. Zappale: Cartesian convexity in the theory of nonlocal supremal functionals (preprint) 2022 E. Davoli, R. Ferreira, C. Kreisbeck, H. Schönberger: Structural changes in nonlocal denoising models arising through bi-level parameter learning Applied Mathematics and Optimization (Accepted Paper) 2023 D. Engl, C. Kreisbeck, M. Morandotti: Characterizing BV- and BD-ellipticity for a class of positively 1-homogeneous surface energy densities J. Convex Anal. (Accepted Paper) 2024