S. Bianchini, F. Cavalletti: The Monge Problem For Distance Cost In Geodesic Spaces Comm. Math. Phys. (Accepted Paper) 2009 S. Bianchini, F. Cavalletti: The Monge problem in geodesic spaces ``Nonlinear Conservation Laws and Applications", IMA Vol. Math. Appl., Springer, New York. (Accepted Paper) 2010 F. Cavalletti: The Monge problem in Wiener space Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations (Accepted Paper) 2011 F. Cavalletti: Optimal transport with branching distance cost and the obstacle problem SIAM J. Math. Anal. (Accepted Paper) 2011 F. Cavalletti, K. T. Sturm: Local CD(K,N) implies MCP(K,N) J. Funct. Anal. (Accepted Paper) 2012 F. Cavalletti: Decomposition of geodesics in the Wasserstein space and the globalization problem GAFA (Accepted Paper) p. 39, 2013 F. Cavalletti, M. Westdickenberg: The polar cone of the set of monontone maps Proc. AMS (Accepted Paper) 2013 F. Cavalletti: A note on a residual subset of Lispchitz functions on metric spaces Proceedings of Edinburgh Math. Society (Accepted Paper) 2013 F. Cavalletti, M. Sedjro, M. Westdickenberg: A Simple Proof of Global Existence for the 1D Pressureless Gas Dynamics Equations SIAM J. Math. Anal. (Accepted Paper) 2013 F. Cavalletti: Monge problem in metric measure spaces with Riemannian Curvature-Dimension condition Nonlinear Analysis 2013 F. Cavalletti, M. Huesmann: Existence and Uniqueness of optimal transport map Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire (Accepted Paper) 2013 F. Cavalletti, M. Huesmann: Self-intersection of Optimal geodesics Bull. London Math. Soc. 2013 F. Cavalletti, M. Sedjro, M. Westdickenberg: A Variational Time Discretization for Compressible Euler Equations Trans. AMS (Accepted Paper) 2014 F. Cavalletti, A. Mondino: Sharp geometric and functional inequalities in metric measure spaces with lower Ricci curvature bounds Geom. Topol. () 2015 F. Cavalletti, T. Rajala: Tangent lines and Lipschitz differentiability spaces Anal. Geom. Metr. Spaces (Accepted Paper) 2015 F. Cavalletti, A. Mondino: Sharp and rigid isoperimetric inequalities in metric-measure spaces with lower Ricci curvature bounds Invent. Math. (Accepted Paper) 2015 F. Cavalletti, A. Mondino: Optimal maps in essentially non-branching spaces Commun. Contemp. Math. (Accepted Paper) 2016 F. Cavalletti: An overview of L1 optimal transportation on metric measure spaces (Preprint) 2016 F. Cavalletti, A. Mondino: Measure rigidity of Ricci curvature lower bounds Advances in Math. (accepted) Vol. 286, 2016 F. Cavalletti, A. Mondino: Isoperimetric inequalities for finite perimeter sets under lower Ricci curvature bounds Rend. Lincei. Mat. Appl. (Accepted Paper) 2016 F. Cavalletti, F. Maggi, A. Mondino: Rigidity for critical points in the Levy-Gromov inequality Math. Zeit p. 5, 2016 F. Cavalletti, E. Milman: The Globalization Theorem for the Curvature Dimension Condition Inventiones Math. (Accepted Paper) 2016 F. Cavalletti, A. Mondino: Almost euclidean Isoperimetric Inequalities in spaces satisfying local Ricci curvature lower bounds Intern. Math. Res. Not. (Accepted Paper) 2017 F. Cavalletti, F. Maggi, A. Mondino: Quantitative isoperimetry à la Levy-Gromov Comm. Pure and Applied Math. (Accepted Paper) 2017 F. Cavalletti, F. Santarcangelo: Isoperimetric inequality under Measure-Contraction property J. Funct. Anal. 2018 F. Cavalletti, A. Mondino: New formulas for the Laplacian of distance functions and applications Analysis and PDE (Accepted Paper) 2018 F. Cavalletti, N. Gigli, F. Santarcangelo: Displacement convexity of Entropy and the distance cost Optimal Transportation Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse (Accepted Paper) 2020 A. Akdemir, F. Cavalletti, A. Colinet, R. J. McCann, F. Santarcangelo: Independence of synthetic Curvature Dimension conditions on transport distance exponent Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. (Accepted Paper) 2020 F. Cavalletti, S. Farinelli: Indeterminacy estimates and the size of nodal sets in singular spaces Advances Math (Accepted Paper) 2020 F. Cavalletti, A. Mondino: Optimal transport in Lorentzian synthetic spaces, synthetic timelike Ricci curvature lower bounds and applications Cambridge Journal of Mathematics (Accepted Paper) 2020 P. Antonini, F. Cavalletti: Geometry of Grassmannians and optimal transport of quantum states (Preprint) 2021 F. Cavalletti, A. Mondino: A review of Lorentzian synthetic theory of timelike Ricci curvature bounds General Relativity and Gravitation 2022 F. Cavalletti, A. Mondino, D. Semola: Quantitative Obata's Theorem Analysis & PDE Vol. 16, N. 6, p. 13891431, 2023 F. Cavalletti, A. Mondino: A sharp isoperimetric-type inequality for Lorentzian spaces satisfying timelike Ricci lower bounds (Preprint) 2024 F. Cavalletti, D. Manini, A. Mondino: Optimal transport on null hypersurfaces and the null energy condition (preprint) 2024