G. Bevilacqua, L. Lussardi, A. Marzocchi: Soap film spanning electrically repulsive elastic protein links Atti Accad. Peloritana Pericolanti Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. Natur. Vol. 96, N. Suppl. 3, p. 1-13, 2018 G. Bevilacqua, L. Lussardi, A. Marzocchi: Soap film spanning an elastic link Quart. Appl. Math. Vol. 77, N. 3, p. 507-523, 2019 G. Bevilacqua, L. Lussardi, A. Marzocchi: Dimensional reduction of the Kirchhoff-Plateau problem J. Elasticity Vol. 140, N. 1, p. 135-148, 2020 G. Bevilacqua, D. Riccobelli: Surface tension controls the onset of gyrification in brain organoids J. Mech. Phys. Solids 2020 G. Bevilacqua, P. Ciarletta, A. Quarteroni: Morphomechanical model of the torsional c-looping in the embryonic heart SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics Vol. 81, N. 3, p. 897918, 2021 G. Bevilacqua, L. Lussardi, A. Marzocchi: Variational analysis of inextensible elastic curves Proc. Royal Soc. A Vol. 478, p. 20210741, 2022 G. Bevilacqua: Symmetry break in the eight bubble compaction Mathematics in Engineering 2022 G. Bevilacqua, B. Perthame, M. Schmidtchen: The Aronson-Bénilan Estimate in Lebesgue Spaces Annales de lInstitut Henri Poincare - Analyse non lineaire 2023 G. Bevilacqua, L. Lussardi, A. Marzocchi: Geometric invariants of non-smooth framed curves INdAM Springer Series (Accepted Paper) 2023 G. Bevilacqua, C. Lonati: Effects of surface tension and elasticity on critical points of the Kirchhoff-Plateau problem Bollettino dell Unione Matematica Italiana 2023 G. Bevilacqua, C. Lonati, L. Lussardi, A. Marzocchi: A variational analysis of nematic axisymmetric films: the covariant derivative case (preprint) 2024 F. Ballarin, G. Bevilacqua, L. Lussardi, A. Marzocchi: Elastic membranes spanning deformable curves Z. Angew. Math. Mech. p. e202300890, 2024 G. Bevilacqua, S. Stuvard, B. Velichkov: Classical solutions to the soap film capillarity problem for plane boundaries (preprint) 2024 G. Bevilacqua, A. Giorgini: Global Solutions for Two-Phase Complex Fluids with Quadratic Anchoring in Soft Matter Physics SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis Vol. 56, N. 5, 2024