C. Mantegazza: Su Alcune Definizioni Deboli di Curvatura per Insiemi Non Orientati (Degree Thesis - Math Dept. Univ. Pisa) 1993 C. Mantegazza: Curvature Varifolds with Boundary J. Diff. Geom. N. 43, p. 807-843, 1996 G. Alberti, C. Mantegazza: A Note on the Theory of SBV Functions Bollettino Un. Mat. Ital. (7) Vol. 11-B, N. 2, p. 375-382, 1997 L. Ambrosio, C. Mantegazza: Curvature and Distance Function from a Manifold J. Geom. Anal. Vol. 8, p. 723-748, 1998 L. Ambrosio, C. De Lellis, C. Mantegazza: Line Energies for Gradient Vector Fields in the Plane Calc. Var. Vol. 9, p. 327-355, 1999 I. Fragalà, C. Mantegazza: On some Notions of Tangent Space to a Measure Proc. Royal Soc. Edinburgh Vol. 129A, p. 331-342, 1999 I. Fonseca, C. Mantegazza: Second Order Singular Perturbation Models for Phase Transitions SIAM J. Math. Anal. Vol. 31, p. 1121-1143, 2000 C. Mantegazza: Smooth Geometric Evolutions of Hypersurfaces GAFA Vol. 12, p. 138-182, 2002 C. Mantegazza, A. C. G. Mennucci: Hamilton-Jacobi Equations and Distance Functions on Riemannian Manifolds Appl. Math. Opt. Vol. 47, N. 1, p. 1-25, 2003 C. Mantegazza, M. Novaga, V. M. Tortorelli: Motion by Curvature of Planar Networks Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci. Vol. 3, N. 2, p. 235-324, 2004 C. Mantegazza: Evolution by Curvature of Networks of Curves in the Plane Progress in Nonlin. Diff. Eqs. and Appl. Vol. 59, p. 95-109, 2004 M. Eminenti, C. Mantegazza: Some Properties of the Distance Function and a Conjecture of De Giorgi J. Geom. Anal. Vol. 14, N. 2, p. 267-279, 2004 G. Bellettini, C. Mantegazza, M. Novaga: Singular Perturbations of Mean Curvature Flow J. Diff. Geom. Vol. 75, N. 3, p. 403-431, 2007 M. Eminenti, G. La Nave, C. Mantegazza: Ricci Solitons - The Equation Point of View Manuscripta Math. Vol. 127, p. 345-367, 2008 A. Magni, C. Mantegazza: Some Remarks on Huisken's Monotonicity Formula for Mean Curvature Flow in "Singularities in Nonlinear Evolution Phenomena and Applications'' (M. Novaga & G. Orlandi eds.), CRM Series of Center "Ennio De Giorgi", Pisa p. 157-169, 2009 A. Magni, C. Mantegazza: Curves Homothetically Shrinking by Curvature () 2009 M. Caldarelli, G. Catino, Z. Djadli, A. Magni, C. Mantegazza: On Perelman's Dilaton Geom. Dedicata Vol. 145, p. 127-137, 2010 C. Mantegazza: Notes on the Distance Function from a Submanifold () 2010 G. Catino, C. Mantegazza: The evolution of the Weyl Tensor under the Ricci Flow Ann. Inst. Fourier Vol. 61, N. 4, p. 1407-1435, 2011 C. Mantegazza: Lecture Notes on Mean Curvature Flow Progress in Mathematics, Birkhauser (Book Introduction and Errata) 2011 G. Catino, C. Mantegazza, L. Mazzieri: On the Global Structure of Conformal Gradient Solitons with Nonnegative Ricci Tensor Commun. Contemp. Math. Vol. 14, N. 6, p. 1250045 (12 pages), 2012 C. Mantegazza, L. Martinazzi: A Note on Quasilinear Parabolic Equations on Manifolds Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci. Vol. 11, p. 857-874, 2012 G. Catino, C. Mantegazza, L. Mazzieri, M. Rimoldi: Locally Conformally Flat Quasi-Einstein Manifolds J. Reine Angew. Math. (Crelle's Journal) Vol. 675 (2013), p. 181-189, 2013 A. Magni, C. Mantegazza, E. Tsatis: Flow by Mean Curvature inside a Moving Ambient Space J. Evol. Eqs. Vol. 13, p. 561-576, 2013 C. Mantegazza: Some Entropies for Mean Curvature Flow () 2013 H. D. Cao, G. Catino, Q. Chen, C. Mantegazza, L. Mazzieri: Bach-Flat Gradient Steady Ricci Solitons Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations Vol. 49, N. 1-2, p. 125-138, 2014 N. Gigli, C. Mantegazza: A Flow Tangent to the Ricci Flow via Heat Kernels and Mass Transport Advances in Math. Vol. 250, p. 74-104, 2014 A. Magni, C. Mantegazza: A Note on Grayson's Theorem Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova Vol. 131, p. 263-279, 2014 C. Mantegazza, G. Mascellani, G. Uraltsev: On the Distributional Hessian of the Distance Function Pacific J. of Math. Vol. 270, p. 151-166, 2014 C. Mantegazza: Smooth Geometric Evolutions of Hypersurfaces and Singular Approximation of Mean Curvature Flow (PhD Thesis - Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa) 2014 G. Catino, C. Mantegazza, L. Mazzieri: A Note on Codazzi Tensors Math. Ann. Vol. 362, N. 1-2, p. 629-638, 2015 G. Catino, C. Mantegazza, L. Mazzieri: Locally Conformally Flat Ancient Ricci Flows Analysis & PDE Vol. 8, p. 365-371, 2015 L. Cremaschi, C. Mantegazza: Short-Time Existence of the Second Order Renormalization Group Flow in Dimension Three Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. - Series A Vol. 35, N. 12, p. 5787 - 5798, 2015 C. Mantegazza, R. Müller: Perelman's Entropy Functional at Type I Singularities of the Ricci Flow J. Reine Angew. Math. (Crelle's Journal) Vol. 703, p. 173-199, 2015 R. Buzano, C. Mantegazza: Perelman's Entropy Functional at Type I Singularities of the Ricci Flow J. Reine Angew. Math. (Crelle's Journal) Vol. 703, p. 173-199, 2015 A. Magni, C. Mantegazza, M. Novaga: Motion by Curvature of Planar Networks II Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci. Vol. XV, p. 117-144, 2016 R. Benedetti, C. Mantegazza: Ricci Flow and Geometric Applications Lecture Notes in Mathematics/CIME Foundation Subseries, Springer. Vol. 2166, 2016 C. Mantegazza: On the Minimality of the Potential Function of a Gradient Shrinking Ricci Soliton () 2016 C. Mantegazza, V. M. Tortorelli: Ennio De Giorgi - Corso di Analisi Matematica Quaderni dell'Accademia Pontaniana di Napoli Vol. 63, 2016 C. Mantegazza, M. Novaga, A. Pluda, F. Schulze: Evolution of Networks with Multiple Junctions Astérisque (Accepted Paper) 2016 G. Catino, L. Cremaschi, Z. Djadli, C. Mantegazza, L. Mazzieri: The Ricci-Bourguignon Flow Pacific J. Math. Vol. 287, N. 2, p. 337-370, 2017 D. Castorina, C. Mantegazza: Ancient Solutions of Semilinear Heat Equations on Riemannian Manifolds Atti Accad. Naz. Lincei - Rend. Lincei Mat. Appl. Vol. 28, N. 1, p. 85-101, 2017 P. Baldi, E. Haus, C. Mantegazza: Networks Self-Similarly Moving by Curvature with Two Triple Junctions Atti Accad. Naz. Lincei - Rend. Lincei Mat. Appl. Vol. 28, p. 323-338, 2017 C. Mantegazza, S. Mongodi, M. Rimoldi: The Cotton Tensor and the Ricci Flow Geometric Flows Vol. 2, p. 49-71, 2017 C. Mantegazza, M. Novaga, A. Pluda: Motion by Curvature of Networks with Two Triple Junctions Geometric Flows Vol. 2, N. 1, p. 18-48, 2017 P. Baldi, E. Haus, C. Mantegazza: On the Classification of Networks Self-Similarly Moving by Curvature Geometric Flows Vol. 2, p. 125-137, 2017 R. Benedetti, C. Mantegazza: La congettura di Poincaré e il flusso di Ricci Rivista UMI - Matematica, Cultura e Società Vol. 2, N. 3, p. 245-289, 2017 P. Baldi, E. Haus, C. Mantegazza: Non-Existence of Theta-Shaped Self-Similarly Shrinking Networks Moving by Curvature Comm. PDE Vol. 43, N. 3, p. 403-427, 2018 C. Mantegazza, M. Novaga, A. Pluda: Lectures on Curvature Flow of Networks Springer INdAM Series (Lecture Notes) Vol. 33, p. 369-417, 2019 P. Baldi, E. Haus, C. Mantegazza: Existence of a LensShaped Cluster of Surfaces SelfShrinking by Mean Curvature Math. Ann. Vol. 375, p. 1857-1881, 2019 D. Castorina, C. Mantegazza, B. Sciunzi: A Liouville Theorem for Superlinear Heat Equations on Riemannian Manifolds Milan J. Math. Vol. 87, N. 2, p. 303-313, 2019 D. Castorina, C. Mantegazza: Ancient solutions of superlinear heat equations on Riemannian manifolds Comm. Cont. Math. Vol. 23, N. 3, p. 2050033 (16 pages), 2021 C. Mantegazza: On $C^2$ umbilical hypersurfaces (Short Note) 2021 C. Mantegazza: Some Elementary Questions in the Calculus of Variations Rend. Semin. Mat. Univ. Padova Vol. 145, p. 107-115, 2021 C. Mantegazza, M. Pozzetta: The Lojasiewicz-Simon Inequality for the Elastic Flow Calc. Var. Vol. 60, N. 1, p. Paper n.56, 17 pp., 2021 C. Mantegazza, A. Pluda, M. Pozzetta: A Survey of the Elastic Flow of Curves and Networks Milan J. Math. Vol. 89, N. 1, p. 59-121, 2021 S. Della Corte, A. Diana, C. Mantegazza: Global Existence and Stability for the Modified Mullins-Sekerka and Surface Diffusion Flow Math. Engineering Vol. 4, N. 6, p. Paper n.054, 104 pp., 2022 D. Castorina, G. Catino, C. Mantegazza: A Triviality Result for Semilinear Parabolic Equations Math. Engineering Vol. 4, N. 1, p. Paper n.002, 15 pp., 2022 C. Mantegazza, M. Novaga, A. Pluda: Type-0 singularities in the network flow - Evolution of trees J. Reine Angew. Math. (Crelle's Journal) Vol. 792, p. 189-221, 2022 V. Agostiniani, C. Mantegazza, L. Mazzieri, F. Oronzio: Riemannian Penrose Inequality via Nonlinear Potential Theory (Submitted Paper) 2022 C. Mantegazza, M. Pozzetta: Asymptotic convergence of evolving hypersurfaces Revista Matematica Iberoamericana Vol. 38, N. 6, p. 1927-1944, 2022 G. Ascione, D. Castorina, G. Catino, C. Mantegazza: A matrix Harnack inequality for semilinear heat equations Math. Engineering Vol. 5, N. 1, p. Paper n.003, 15 pp., 2023 D. Castorina, G. Catino, C. Mantegazza: Semilinear Li & Yau inequalities Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. Vol. 202, p. 827-850, 2023 A. Diana, N. Fusco, C. Mantegazza: Stability for the Surface Diffusion Flow (Submitted Paper) 2023 V. Agostiniani, C. Mantegazza, L. Mazzieri, F. Oronzio: A new proof of the Riemannian Penrose inequality Atti Accad. Naz. Lincei - Rend. Lincei Mat. Appl. Vol. 34, N. 3, p. 715-726, 2023 R. Benedetti, C. Mantegazza: La congettura di Poincaré Atti Accad. Peloritana Pericolanti Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. Natur. (Accepted Paper) 2024 S. Della Corte, A. Diana, C. Mantegazza: Uniform Sobolev, interpolation and geometric Calderón-Zygmund inequalities for graph hypersurfaces Note di Matematica (Accepted Paper) 2024