G. P. Leonardi: Infiltrations in immiscible fluids systems Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh N. 131A, p. 425-436, 2001 G. P. Leonardi, I. Tamanini: Metric spaces of partitions, and Caccioppoli partitions Adv. Math. Sci. Appl. Vol. 12, N. 2, p. 725-753, 2002 G. P. Leonardi: Partitions with prescribed mean curvatures Manuscripta Math. Vol. 107, N. 1, p. 111-133, 2002 G. P. Leonardi, S. Rigot: Isoperimetric sets in Carnot groups Houston J. Math. (Accepted Paper) 2002 G. P. Leonardi: Gamma-convergence of constrained Dirichlet functionals Boll. UMI Vol. 6-B, N. 8, p. 339-351, 2003 G. P. Leonardi, S. Masnou: On the isoperimetric problem in the Heisenberg group ${\mathbf{H^n}}$ Annali di Mat. Pura Appl. Vol. 184, p. 533-553, 2005 G. P. Leonardi, P. Tilli: On a constrained variational problem in the vector-valued case J. Math. Pures Appl. Vol. 85, p. 251-268, 2006 G. P. Leonardi, R. Monti: End-point equations and regularity of sub-Riemannian geodesics GAFA (Accepted Paper) 2006 G. P. Leonardi, S. Masnou: Locality of the mean curvature of rectifiable varifolds Adv. Calc. Var. Vol. 2, N. 1, p. 17-42, 2009 G. P. Leonardi, V. Magnani: Intersections of intrinsic submanifolds in the Heisenberg group J. Math. Anal. Appl. Vol. 378, N. 1, p. 98108, 2011 G. P. Leonardi, S. Rigot, D. Vittone: Isodiametric sets in the Heisenberg group Rev. Mat. Iberoam. Vol. 28, N. 4, p. 999-1024, 2012 M. Cicalese, G. P. Leonardi: A Selection Principle for the Sharp Quantitative Isoperimetric Inequality Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal. Vol. 206, N. 2, p. 617-643, 2012 E. Le Donne, G. P. Leonardi, R. Monti, D. Vittone: Extremal curves in nilpotent Lie groups GAFA Geometric and Functional Analysis Vol. 23, N. 4, p. 1371--1401, 2013 M. Cicalese, G. P. Leonardi: Best constants for the isoperimetric inequality in quantitative form J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS) Vol. 15, N. 3, p. 1101-1129, 2013 V. Franceschi, G. P. Leonardi, R. Monti: Quantitative isoperimetric inequalities in $\mathbb H ^n$ Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations Vol. 54, N. 3, p. 3229-3239, 2015 E. Le Donne, G. P. Leonardi, R. Monti, D. Vittone: Corners in non-equiregular sub-Riemannian manifolds ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var. Vol. 21, N. 3, p. 625--634, 2015 G. P. Leonardi: An overview on the Cheeger problem (Preprint) 2015 G. P. Leonardi, F. Maggi: Improved convergence theorems for bubble clusters. II. The three-dimensional case Indiana U Math Journal (Accepted Paper) 2015 B. Buet, G. P. Leonardi: Recovering measures from approximate values on balls Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. (Accepted Paper) Vol. 41, p. 1--26, 2016 B. Buet, G. P. Leonardi, S. Masnou: A varifold approach to surface approximation (Preprint) 2016 G. P. Leonardi, A. Pratelli: On the Cheeger sets in strips and non-convex domains Calc. Var. PDE 2016 M. Cicalese, G. P. Leonardi, F. Maggi: Improved convergence theorems for bubble clusters. I. The planar case Indiana U Math Journal Vol. 65, p. 1979-2050, 2016 M. Cicalese, G. P. Leonardi, F. Maggi: Sharp stability inequalities for planar double bubbles Interfaces and Free Boundaries Vol. 19, N. 3, p. 305350, 2017 G. P. Leonardi, R. Neumayer, G. Saracco: The Cheeger constant of a Jordan domain without necks Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations Vol. 56, N. 6, p. 164, 2017 E. Le Donne, G. P. Leonardi, R. Monti, D. Vittone: Extremal polynomials in stratified groups Comm. Anal. and Geom. Vol. 26, p. 723757, 2018 D. Krejcirik, G. P. Leonardi, P. Vlachopulos: The Cheeger constant of curved tubes Arkiv der Mathematik 2018 G. P. Leonardi, M. Ritoré, E. Vernadakis: Isoperimetric inequalities in unbounded convex bodies Mem. AMS (Accepted Paper) 2018 G. P. Leonardi, G. Saracco: Two examples of minimal Cheeger sets in the plane Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4) Vol. 197, N. 5, p. 1511, 2018 G. P. Leonardi, G. Saracco: The prescribed mean curvature equation in weakly regular domains NoDEA Nonlinear Differential Equations Appl. Vol. 25, N. 2, p. 9, 2018 M. Cicalese, G. P. Leonardi: Maximal fluctuations on periodic lattices: an approach via quantitative Wulff inequalities Commun. Math. Phys. Vol. 375, p. 19311944, 2019 G. P. Leonardi, G. Saracco: Minimizers of the prescribed curvature functional in a Jordan domain with no necks ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var. Vol. 26, p. 76, 2020 G. P. Leonardi, G. Saracco: The isoperimetric problem in $2$d domains without necks Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations Vol. 61, N. 2, p. 56, 2022 G. P. Leonardi, G. Saracco: Rigidity and trace properties of divergence-measure vector fields Adv. Calc. Var. Vol. 15, N. 1, p. 133--149, 2022 L. Benini, G. P. Leonardi, M. Spallanzani: Training Quantised Neural Networks with STE Variants: the Additive Noise Annealing Algorithm IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) (Proceedings) 2022 G. E. Comi, G. P. Leonardi: The prescribed mean curvature measure equation in non-parametric form (preprint) 2023 M. Cicalese, L. Kreutz, G. P. Leonardi: Emergence of Wulff-Crystals from atomistic systems on the FCC and HCP lattices Comm. Math. Phys. Vol. 402, N. 3, p. 29312978, 2023 M. Datres, A. Figalli, G. P. Leonardi, D. Sutter: A Two-Scale Complexity Measure for Deep Learning Models (preprint) 2024 G. P. Leonardi, G. Vianello: A Vertex-Skipping property for almost-minimizers of the relative perimeter in convex sets (Preprint) 2024 G. E. Comi, G. P. Leonardi: Measures in the dual of $BV$: perimeter bounds and relations with divergence-measure fields (Preprint) p. 41, 2024 G. P. Leonardi, G. Vianello: Free-Boundary Monotonicity for Almost-Minimizers of the Relative Perimeter (Submitted Paper) 2024