D. A. La Manna: Local minimality of the ball for the Gaussian perimeter Advances in Calculus of Variations (Accepted Paper) 2017 D. A. La Manna: An isoperimetric problem with a Coulombic repulsion and attractive term ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations (Accepted Paper) 2018 D. A. La Manna: A short proof of a nonexistence result (Preprint) 2018 V. Julin, D. A. La Manna: Short time existence of the classical solution to the fractional mean curvature flow Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré (Accepted Paper) 2020 D. A. La Manna, C. Leone, R. Schiattarella: On the regularity of very weak solutions for linear elliptic equations in divergence form Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications (Accepted Paper) 2020 N. Gavitone, D. A. La Manna, G. Paoli, L. Trani: A quantitative Weinstock inequality for convex sets CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS AND PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS Vol. 59, N. 2, 2020 S. Guarino Lo Bianco, D. A. La Manna, B. Velichkov: A two-phase problem with Robin conditions on the free boundary Journal de l'École polytechnique - Mathématiques 2020 V. Julin, D. A. La Manna: A priori estimates for the motion of charged liquid drop: A dynamic approach via free boundary Euler equations (preprint) 2021 A. Carbotti, S. Cito, D. A. La Manna, D. Pallara: Gamma-convergence of fractional Gaussian perimeter Advances in Calculus of Variations p. 30, 2021 A. De Rosa, D. A. La Manna: A nonlocal approximation of the Gaussian perimeter: Gamma convergence and Isoperimetric properties Comm. Pure Appl. Anal. 2021 S. Cito, D. A. La Manna: A Quantitative Reverse Faber-Krahn Inequality for the First Robin Eigenvalue with Negative Boundary Parameter ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations 2021 A. Carbotti, S. Cito, D. A. La Manna, D. Pallara: A quantitative dimension free isoperimetric inequality for the Fractional Gaussian Perimeter Communications in Analysis and Geometry (Accepted Paper) p. 20, 2022 A. Carbotti, S. Cito, D. A. La Manna, D. Pallara: Asymptotics of the $s$-fractional Gaussian perimeter as $s\to 0^+$ Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis p. 13, 2022 S. Guarino Lo Bianco, D. A. La Manna, B. Velichkov: Free boundary cluster with Robin condition on the transmission interface (Submitted Paper) 2022 N. Fusco, D. A. La Manna: Some weighted isoperimetric inequalities in quantitative form (preprint) 2022 N. Fusco, D. A. La Manna: A remark on a conjecture on the symmetric Gaussian Problem (preprint) 2023 V. Julin, D. A. La Manna: Convergence of the volume preserving fractional mean curvature flow for convex sets (preprint) 2023 A. Carbotti, S. Cito, D. A. La Manna, D. Pallara: Stability of the Gaussian Faber-Krahn inequality Annali di Matematica Pura e Applicata p. 16, 2023 A. Carbotti, S. Cito, D. A. La Manna, D. Pallara: Local Regularity of very weak $s$-harmonic functions via fractional difference quotients (Submitted Paper) p. 24, 2024 A. Kubin, D. A. La Manna: Characterization of sets of finite local and non local perimeter via non local heat equation (Submitted Paper) 2024