P. D. Lamberti, G. Stefani: Sobolev subspaces of nowhere bounded functions Real Anal. Exchange Vol. 41, N. 2, p. 367--375, 2016 R. Monti, G. Stefani: Improved Lipschitz Approximation of $H$-perimeter minimizing boundaries J. Math. Pures Appl. Vol. 108, N. 3, p. 372--398, 2017 G. Stefani: On the monotonicity of perimeter of convex bodies J. Convex Anal. Vol. 25, N. 1, p. 93--102, 2018 G. E. Comi, G. Stefani: A distributional approach to fractional Sobolev spaces and fractional variation: existence of blow-up Journal of Functional Analysis Vol. 277, N. 10, p. 3373-3435, 2019 V. Franceschi, G. Stefani: Symmetric double bubbles in the Grushin plane ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var. Vol. 25, p. Paper No. 77, 37, 2019 E. Bruč, Q. H. Nguyen, G. Stefani: A maximal function characterization of absolutely continuous measures and Sobolev functions Atti Accad. Naz. Lincei Rend. Lincei Mat. Appl. Vol. 30, N. 3, p. 599--614, 2019 G. Stefani: A Distributional Approach to Fractional Sobolev Spaces and Fractional Variation (Ph.D. Thesis) p. 158, 2020 L. Ambrosio, G. Stefani: Heat and entropy flows in Carnot groups Rev. Mat. Iberoam. N. 1, p. 257--290, 2020 A. Pinamonti, G. Stefani: Existence and uniqueness theorems for some semi-linear equations on locally finite graphs Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. (Accepted Paper) 2021 G. E. Comi, D. Spector, G. Stefani: The fractional variation and the precise representative of $BV^{\alpha,p}$ functions Fract. Calc. Appl. Anal. Vol. 25, p. 520-558, 2022 G. E. Comi, G. Stefani: Leibniz rules and Gauss-Green formulas in distributional fractional spaces J. Math. Anal. Appl. Vol. 514, N. 2, p. Paper No. 126312, 2022 G. E. Comi, G. Stefani: A distributional approach to fractional Sobolev spaces and fractional variation: asymptotics I Rev. Mat. Complut. 2022 G. Stefani: Generalized Bakry-Émery curvature condition and equivalent entropic inequalities in groups J. Geom. Anal. Vol. 32, N. 4, p. 1050 - 6926, 2022 E. Bruč, M. Calzi, G. E. Comi, G. Stefani: A distributional approach to fractional Sobolev spaces and fractional variation: asymptotics II C. R. Math. Vol. 360, p. 589-626, 2022 K. Bessas, G. Stefani: Non-local $BV$ functions and a denoising model with $L^1$ fidelity Adv. Calc. Var. (Accepted Paper) 2022 V. Franceschi, A. Pratelli, G. Stefani: On the Steiner property for planar minimizing clusters. The isotropic case. Commun. Contemp. Math. Vol. 25, N. 5, p. 2250040, 29 pp., 2023 M. Inversi, G. Stefani: Lagrangian stability for a system of non-local continuity equations under Osgood condition Contemp. Math. (Accepted Paper) 2023 G. E. Comi, G. Stefani: On sets with finite distributional fractional perimeter Conference proceedings of the workshop "Anisotropic Isoperimetric Problems & Related Topics" held in Rome, 5-9 Sept 2022. (Accepted Paper) 2023 V. Franceschi, A. Pratelli, G. Stefani: On the Steiner property for planar minimizing clusters. The anisotropic case. J. Éc. polytech. Math. Vol. 10, p. 989--1045, 2023 L. Rizzi, G. Stefani: Failure of curvature-dimension conditions on sub-Riemannian manifolds via tangent isometries J. Funct. Anal. Vol. 285, N. 9, p. Paper No. 110099, 2023 G. E. Comi, G. Stefani: Failure of the local chain rule for the fractional variation Port. Math. Vol. 80, N. 1-2, p. 1-25, 2023 F. Giannetti, G. Stefani: On the convex components of a set in $\mathbb{R}^n$ Forum Math. Vol. 35, N. 1, p. 187 - 199, 2023 L. De Rosa, M. Inversi, G. Stefani: Weak-strong uniqueness and vanishing viscosity for incompressible Euler equations in exponential spaces J. Differ. Equ. Vol. 366, p. 833 - 861, 2023 L. De Rosa, M. Latocca, G. Stefani: Full double Hölder regularity of the pressure in bounded domains Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN 2023 R. Alicandro, A. Braides, M. Solci, G. Stefani: Topological singularities arising from fractional-gradient energies (Submitted Paper) 2023 F. Giannetti, G. Stefani: On the monotonicity of non-local perimeter of convex bodies Topol. Methods Nonlinear Anal. (Accepted Paper) 2023 A. Pinamonti, G. Stefani, S. Verzellesi: Lipschitz approximation of almost $\mathbb G$-perimeter minimizing boundaries in plentiful groups (Submitted Paper) 2023 G. Crippa, M. Inversi, C. Saffirio, G. Stefani: Existence and stability of weak solutions of the Vlasov-Poisson system in localized Yudovich spaces Nonlinearity (Accepted Paper) 2023 L. De Rosa, M. Latocca, G. Stefani: On double Hölder regularity of the hydrodynamic pressure in bounded domains Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations Vol. 62, 2023 N. De Ponti, G. Stefani: Properties of Lipschitz smoothing heat semigroups (Submitted Paper) 2024 G. Saracco, G. Stefani: On the monotonicity of weighted perimeters of convex bodies Math. Nachr. Vol. 297, N. 4, p. 1444--1450, 2024 V. Franceschi, A. Pinamonti, G. Saracco, G. Stefani: The Cheeger problem in abstract measure spaces J. London Math. Soc. (2) Vol. 119, N. 1, p. e12840, 2024 G. E. Comi, G. Stefani: Fractional divergence-measure fields, Leibniz rule and Gauss-Green formula Boll. Unione Mat. Ital. Vol. 17, N. 2, p. 259281, 2024 G. Saracco, G. Stefani: On the $N$-Cheeger problem for component-wise increasing norms J. Math. Pures Appl. (9) 2024 F. Bianchi, G. Stefani, A. C. Zagati: A geometrical approach to the sharp Hardy inequality in Sobolev-Slobodecki spaces (Submitted Paper) 2024 G. Crippa, G. Stefani: An elementary proof of existence and uniqueness for the Euler flow in localized Yudovich spaces Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations Vol. 63, N. 7, p. 168, 31 pp., 2024