G. De Philippis, E. Paolini: A short proof of the minimality of Simons cone Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova Vol. 121, p. 233-241, 2009 G. De Philippis: Weak notions of Jacobian determinant and relaxation ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var (Accepted Paper) 2010 L. Ambrosio, G. De Philippis, B. Kirchheim: Regularity of optimal transport maps and partial differential inclusions Rend. Lincei - Mat. e Appl. () 2011 G. De Philippis, F. Maggi: Sharp stability inequalities for the Plateau problem J. Differential Geom. (Accepted Paper) 2011 L. Ambrosio, G. De Philippis, L. Martinazzi: Gamma-convergence of nonlocal perimeter functionals Manuscripta Math. Vol. 134, p. 377-403, 2011 F. Charro, G. De Philippis, A. Di Castro, D. Maximo: On the Aleksandrov-Bakelman-Pucci estimate for the infinity Laplacian Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations (Accepted Paper) 2011 L. Brasco, G. De Philippis, B. Ruffini: Spectral optimization for the Stekloff--Laplacian: the stability issue J. Funct. Anal. p. 28, 2011 G. De Philippis: Regularity of optimal transport maps and applications (Phd Thesis) 2012 G. De Philippis, A. Figalli: Sobolev regularity for Monge-Ampère type equations SIAM J. Math. Anal. (Accepted Paper) 2012 L. Ambrosio, M. Colombo, G. De Philippis, A. Figalli: A global existence result for the semigeostrophic equations in three dimensional convex domains Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. (Accepted Paper) 2012 G. De Philippis, A. Figalli, O. Savin: A note on interior $W^{2,1+\varepsilon}$ estimates for the Monge-Ampere equation Math. Ann. (Accepted Paper) 2012 G. De Philippis, A. Figalli: Second order stability for the Monge-Ampere equation and strong Sobolev convergence of optimal transport maps Anal. PDE (Accepted Paper) 2012 G. De Philippis, A. Figalli: $W^{2,1}$ regularity for solutions of the Monge-Ampère equation Invent. Math. (Accepted Paper) 2012 L. Ambrosio, M. Colombo, G. De Philippis, A. Figalli: Existence of Eulerian solutions to the semigeostrophic equations in physical space: the 2-dimensional periodic case Comm. Partial Differential Equations (Accepted Paper) 2012 L. Ambrosio, G. Crasta, V. De Cicco, G. De Philippis: A nonautonomous chain rule in $W^{1,p}$ and in $BV$ Manuscripta Math. (Accepted Paper) 2012 G. De Philippis, A. Figalli: Optimal regularity of the convex envelope Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. (Accepted Paper) 2013 F. Cagnetti, M. Colombo, G. De Philippis, F. Maggi: Rigidity of equality cases in Steiner's perimeter inequality Anal. PDE (Accepted Paper) 2013 F. Cagnetti, M. Colombo, G. De Philippis, F. Maggi: Essential connectedness and the rigidity problem for Gaussian symmetrization J. Eur. Math. Soc. (Accepted Paper) 2013 G. De Philippis, A. Figalli: Higher integrability for minimizers of the Mumford-Shah functional Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. (Accepted Paper) 2013 G. De Philippis, M. Marini: A note on Petty's Theorem Kodai Mathematical Journal (Accepted Paper) 2014 G. De Philippis, A. Figalli: Partial regularity results in optimal transportation (Springer INdAM series) 2014 G. De Philippis, F. Maggi: Dimensional estimates for singular sets in geometric variational problems with free boundaries J. Reine Angew. Math. (Accepted Paper) p. 15, 2014 G. De Philippis, A. Figalli: A note on the dimension of the singular set in free interface problems Differential Integral Equations (Accepted Paper) 2014 G. Crasta, V. De Cicco, G. De Philippis: Kinetic formulation and uniqueness for scalar conservation laws with discontinuous flux Comm. in P.D.E. (Accepted Paper) p. 31, 2014 G. De Philippis, F. Maggi: Regularity of free boundaries in anisotropic capillarity problems and the validity of Young's law Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. (Accepted Paper) 2014 G. De Philippis, A. Figalli: The Monge-Ampère equation and its link to optimal transportation Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. (Accepted Paper) 2014 G. De Philippis, B. Velichkov: Existence and regularity of minimizers for some spectral functionals with perimeter constraint Appl. Math. Optim. Vol. 69, N. 2, p. 199--231, 2014 G. De Philippis, A. Figalli: Partial Regularity for optimal transport maps Publ. Math. Inst. Hautes Études Sci. (Accepted Paper) 2014 L. Brasco, G. De Philippis, B. Velichkov: Faber-Krahn inequalities in sharp quantitative form Duke Math. J. Vol. 164, N. 9, p. 1777-1832, 2015 G. De Philippis, N. Gigli: From volume cone to metric cone in the nonsmooth setting Geom. Funct. Anal. (Accepted Paper) 2015 G. De Philippis, A. R. Mészáros, F. Santambrogio, B. Velichkov: BV Estimates in Optimal Transportation and Applications Arch. Ration. Mech. An. (Accepted Paper) 2015 G. De Philippis: On the singular part of measures constrained by linear PDEs and applications (Proceedings of the 7ECM) 2016 G. De Philippis, A. Marchese, F. Rindler: On a conjecture of Cheeger (Accepted Paper) 2016 G. De Philippis, A. Figalli: Rigidity and stability of Caffarelli's log-concave perturbation theorem Nonlinear Anal. (Accepted Paper) 2016 L. Brasco, G. De Philippis: Spectral inequalities in quantitative form (Book Chapter) p. 71, 2016 G. Crasta, V. De Cicco, G. De Philippis, F. Ghiraldin: Structure of solutions of multidimensional conservation laws with discontinuous flux and applications to uniqueness Arch. Ration. Mech. An. (Accepted Paper) 2016 G. De Philippis, F. Rindler: Characterization of generalized Young measures generated by symmetric gradients Arch. Ration. Mech. An. (Accepted Paper) 2016 G. De Philippis, F. Rindler: On the structure of ${\mathscr A}$-free measures and applications Ann. of Math. (Accepted Paper) 2016 G. De Philippis, G. Franzina, A. Pratelli: Existence of isoperimetric sets with densities ''converging from below'' on $\mathbb R^N$ Journal of Geometric Analysis 2016 G. De Philippis, J. Lamboley, M. Pierre, B. Velichkov: Regularity of Minimizers of Shape Optimization Problems involving Perimeter J. Math. Pures Appl. 2016 G. De Philippis, S. Di Marino, M. Focardi: Lower semicontinuity for non-coercive polyconvex integrals in the limit case Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Vol. 146A, p. 243--264, 2016 G. De Philippis, A. De Rosa, F. Ghiraldin: A direct approach to Plateau's problem in any codimension Adv. in Math. Vol. 288, p. 5980, 2016 G. De Philippis, N. Fusco, A. Pratelli: On the approximation of SBV functions Atti Accad. Naz. Lincei Rend. Lincei Mat. Appl. 2017 A. Arroyo-Rabasa, G. De Philippis, F. Rindler: Lower semicontinuity and relaxation of linear-growth integral functionals under PDE constraints Adv. Calc. Var (Accepted Paper) 2017 G. De Philippis, F. Rindler: On the structure of measures constrained by linear PDEs (Proceedings) 2017 C. De Lellis, G. De Philippis, J. Hirsch, A. Massaccesi: Boundary regularity of mass-minimizing integral currents and a question of Almgren Matrix Annals 2017 G. De Philippis, N. Gigli: Non-collapsed spaces with Ricci curvature bounded from below (Preprint) 2017 A. Arroyo-Rabasa, G. De Philippis, J. Hirsch, F. Rindler: Dimensional estimates and rectifiability for measures satisfying linear PDE constraints Geom. Funct. Anal. (Accepted Paper) 2018 G. De Philippis, T. Laux: Implicit time discretization for the mean curvature flow of outward minimizing sets Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci (Accepted Paper) 2018 C. De Lellis, G. De Philippis, J. Hirsch, A. Massaccesi: On the boundary behavior of mass-minimizing integral currents To apper in Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society (Accepted Paper) 2018 G. De Philippis, A. De Rosa, F. Ghiraldin: Rectifiability of varifolds with locally bounded first variation with respect to anisotropic surface energies Comm. Pure App. Math. 2018 G. De Philippis, M. Goldman: A two-point function approach to connectedness of drops in convex potentials CAG (Accepted Paper) 2018 G. De Philippis, L. Palmieri, F. Rindler: On the two-state problem for general differential operators Nonlinear Anal. (Accepted Paper) 2018 G. De Philippis, M. Marini, E. Mukoseeva: The sharp quantitative isocapacitary inequality (Submitted Paper) 2019 G. De Philippis, A. De Rosa, J. Hirsch: The area blow up set for bounded mean curvature submanifolds with respect to elliptic surface energy functionals Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 2019 G. De Philippis, J. Hirsch, G. Vescovo: Regularity of minimizers for a model of charged droplets Comm. Math. Phys. (Accepted Paper) 2019 G. De Philippis, A. Pratelli: The closure of planar diffeomorphisms in Sobolev spaces Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire (Accepted Paper) 2019 G. De Philippis, J. Núñez-Zimbrón: The behavior of harmonic functions at singular points of $\mathsf{RCD}$ spaces (preprint) 2019 C. De Lellis, G. De Philippis, J. Hirsch: Nonclassical minimizing surfaces with smooth boundary J. Differential Geom. (Accepted Paper) 2019 C. De Lellis, G. De Philippis, B. Kirchheim, R. Tione: Geometric measure theory and differential inclusions Annales de la Faculte' des Sciences de Toulouse 2019 G. De Philippis, F. Rindler: Fine properties of functions of bounded deformation -- an approach via linear PDEs (Survey paper) 2019 G. De Philippis, M. Marini, M. Mazzucchelli, S. Suhr: Closed geodesics on reversible Finsler 2-spheres (Preprint) 2020 G. De Philippis, A. De Rosa, F. Ghiraldin: Existence results for minimizers of parametric elliptic functionals J. Geom. Anal. 2020 G. De Philippis, M. Engelstein, L. Spolaor, B. Velichkov: Rectifiability and almost everywhere uniqueness of the blow-up for the vectorial Bernoulli free boundaries (Preprint) 2021 L. De Masi, G. De Philippis: Min-max construction of minimal surfaces with a fixed angle at the boundary (preprint) 2021 A. Arroyo-Rabasa, G. De Philippis, J. Hirsch, F. Rindler, A. Skorobogatova: Higher integrability for measures satisfying a PDE constraint (preprint) 2021 L. Brasco, G. De Philippis, G. Franzina: Positive solutions to the sublinear Lane-Emden equation are isolated Comm. Partial Differential Equations (Accepted Paper) p. 31, 2021 G. De Philippis, L. Spolaor, B. Velichkov: Regularity of the free boundary for the two-phase Bernoulli problem Inventiones mathematicae 2021 G. De Philippis, L. Spolaor, B. Velichkov: (Quasi-)conformal methods in two-dimensional free boundary problems J. Eur. Math. Soc. (Accepted Paper) 2021 G. De Philippis, N. Fusco, M. Morini: Regularity of capillarity droplets with obstacle (Submitted Paper) 2022 G. De Philippis, A. Pigati: Non-degenerate minimal submanifolds as energy concentration sets: a variational approach (preprint) 2022 G. De Philippis, A. Marchese, A. Merlo, A. Pinamonti, F. Rindler: On the converse of Pansu's Theorem (Submitted Paper) 2022 G. De Philippis, M. Goldman, B. Ruffini: From energy bounds to dimensional estimates in a branched transport model for type-I superconductors (Submitted Paper) 2023 G. De Philippis, R. Tione: On singular strictly convex solutions to the Monge-Ampere equation (Preprint) 2023 G. De Philippis, A. De Rosa: The anisotropic Min-Max theory: Existence of anisotropic minimal and CMC surfaces Comm. Pure App. Math. 2023 G. De Philippis, A. Guerra, R. Tione: Unique continuation for differential inclusions (preprint) 2023 G. De Philippis, C. Gasparetto, F. Schulze: A short proof of Allards and Brakkes regularity theorems International Mathematics Research Notices 2023 G. De Philippis, A. Halavati, A. Pigati: Decay of excess for the abelian Higgs model (Submitted) 2024