M. Friedrich: A Korn-Poincare-type inequality for special functions of bounded deformation (Preprint) 2015 M. Friedrich, B. Schmidt: A quantitative geometric rigidity result in SBD (Preprint) 2015 M. Friedrich: A derivation of linearized Griffith energies from nonlinear models (Preprint) 2015 M. Friedrich: A Korn-type inequality in SBD for functions with small jump sets (Preprint) 2015 M. Friedrich: A piecewise Korn inequality in $SBD$ and applications to embedding and density results (Preprint) 2016 M. Friedrich, P. Piovano, U. Stefanelli: The geometry of $C_{60}$: a rigorous approach via Molecular Mechanics SIAM J. Appl. Math. Vol. 76, N. 5, p. 2009-2029, 2016 M. Friedrich, F. Solombrino: Quasistatic crack growth in 2d-linearized elasticity Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré (C) Analyse Non Linéaire Vol. 35, N. 1, p. 28--64, 2018 M. Friedrich, E. Mainini, P. Piovano, U. Stefanelli: Characterization of optimal carbon nanotubes under stretching and validation of the Cauchy-Born rule Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. 2018 M. Friedrich, L. Kreutz: Crystallization in the hexagonal lattice for ionic dimers Math. Mod. Meth. Appl. Sci. (M3AS) (Accepted Paper) 2018 M. Friedrich, E. Mainini, P. Piovano: Atomistic potentials and the Cauchy-Born rule for carbon nanotubes: a review Rendiconti Sem. Mat. Univ. Pol. Torino Vol. 77, N. 2, p. 79-98, 2019 M. Friedrich, L. Kreutz: Finite crystallization and wulff shape emergence for ionic compounds in the square lattice Nonlinearity 2019 M. Friedrich, F. Solombrino: Functionals defined on piecewise rigid functions: Integral representation and $\Gamma$-convergence Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis Vol. 236, p. 1325--1387, 2020 V. Crismale, M. Friedrich: Equilibrium configurations for epitaxially strained films and material voids in three-dimensional linear elasticity Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. Vol. 237, p. 1041-1098, 2020 E. Davoli, M. Friedrich: Two-well rigidity and multidimensional sharp-interface limits for solid-solid phase transitions Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations 2020 V. Crismale, M. Friedrich, F. Solombrino: Integral representation for energies in linear elasticity with surface discontinuities Advances in Calculus of Variations 2020 M. Friedrich, L. Kreutz, B. Schmidt: Emergence of rigid Polycrystals from atomistic Systems with Heitmann-Radin sticky disk energy Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis (Accepted Paper) p. 58, 2020 M. Friedrich, M. Perugini, F. Solombrino: Lower semicontinuity for functionals defined on piecewise rigid functions and on $GSBD$ Journal of Functional Analysis Vol. 280, N. 7, p. 108929, 2021 M. Friedrich, L. Kreutz, K. Zemas: From atomistic systems to linearized continuum models for elastic materials with voids Nonlinearity Vol. 36, N. 1, p. 50, 2022 E. Davoli, M. Friedrich: Two-well linearization for solid-solid phase transitions JEMS (Accepted Paper) 2022 S. Almi, E. Davoli, M. Friedrich: Non-interpenetration conditions in the passage from nonlinear to linearized Griffith fracture J. Math Pure Appl. (Accepted Paper) 2022 R. Badal, M. Friedrich, J. Seutter: Existence of quasi-static crack evolution for atomistic systems Forces in Mechanics Vol. 9, N. 100138, 2022 M. Friedrich, L. Kreutz: A proof of finite crystallization via stratification Journal of Statistical Physics N. 17, 2022 S. Almi, M. Caponi, M. Friedrich, F. Solombrino: Geometric rigidity on Sobolev spaces with variable exponent and applications (Preprint) 2023 M. Friedrich, M. Perugini, F. Solombrino: $$-convergence for free-discontinuity problems in linear elasticity: Homogenization and relaxation Indiana University Mathematics Journal Vol. 72, N. 5, p. 1949--2023, 2023 A. F. Donnarumma, M. Friedrich: Stochastic homogenisation for functionals defined on asymptotically piecewise rigid functions (preprint) 2023 S. Almi, M. Caponi, M. Friedrich, F. Solombrino: A fractional approach to strain-gradient plasticity: beyond core-radius of discrete dislocations (Submitted Paper) 2024 M. Bresciani, M. Friedrich: Quasistatic growth of cavities and cracks in the plane (preprint) 2024 M. Friedrich, J. Seutter: Atomistic-to-continuum convergence for quasi-static crack growth in brittle materials (Submitted Paper) 2024 M. Bresciani, M. Friedrich, C. Mora-Corral: Variational models with Eulerian-Lagrangian formulation allowing for material failure (Preprint) 2024 M. Friedrich, L. Kreutz, K. Zemas: Derivation of effective theories for thin 3D nonlinearly elastic rods with voids Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci. (M3AS) Vol. 34, N. 04, p. 723-777, 2024 M. Friedrich, L. Kreutz, K. Zemas: Geometric rigidity in variable domains and derivation of linearized models for elastic materials with free surfaces Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire (C) (Accepted Paper) p. 51, 2024