M. Cicalese, C. Trombetti: Asymptotic behaviour of solutions to p-laplacian equation Asymptotic Analysis Vol. 35, p. 27-40, 2003 M. Cicalese: Multiscale analysis for nonlinear variational problems arising from discrete systems (Ph.D. Thesis) 2004 R. Alicandro, M. Cicalese: A General Integral Representation Result for Continuum Limits of Discrete Energies with superlinear growth SIAM J. Math. Anal. Vol. 36, N. 1, p. 1-37, 2004 R. Alicandro, A. Braides, M. Cicalese: $L^\infty$ energies on discontinuous functions Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Vol. 12, p. 905-928, 2005 R. Alicandro, A. Braides, M. Cicalese: Phase and anti-phase boundaries in binary discrete systems: a variational viewpoint Networks and Heterogeneous Media Vol. 1, p. 85-107, 2006 B. Brandolini, M. Cicalese, C. Nitsch, C. Trombetti: A sharp estimate of the extinction time for the mean-curvature flow Appl. Math. Lett. Vol. 20, N. 5, p. 551-557, 2007 A. Braides, M. Cicalese: Surface energies in nonconvex discrete systems Math. Mod. Meth. Appl. Sci. (M3AS) Vol. 17, p. 985-1037, 2007 R. Alicandro, M. Cicalese, A. Gloria: Mathematical derivation of a rubber-like stored energy functional C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Sér. I Vol. 345, p. 479-482, 2007 R. Alicandro, A. Braides, M. Cicalese: Continuum limits of discrete thin films with superlinear growth densities Calc. Var. Partial Diff. Eq. Vol. 33, p. 267-297, 2008 R. Alicandro, M. Cicalese, A. Gloria: Integral representation of the bulk limit of a general class of energies for bounded and unbounded spin systems Nonlinearity Vol. 21, N. 8, p. 1881-1910, 2008 R. Alicandro, M. Cicalese: Variational analysis of the asymptotics of the $XY$ model Archive Rational Mech. Anal. Vol. 192, N. 3, p. 501-536, 2009 M. Cicalese, A. DeSimone, C. I. Zeppieri: Discrete-to-continuum limits for strain-alignment-coupled systems: magnetostrictive solids, ferroelectric crystals and nematic elastomers Networks and Heterogeneous Media Vol. 4, N. 4, p. 667-708, 2009 M. Cicalese, Y. Nagase, G. Pisante: The Gibbs-Thomson relation for non homogeneous anisotropic phase transitions Advances in Calculus of Variations Vol. 3, N. 3, p. 321-344, 2010 M. Cicalese, E. Spadaro, C. I. Zeppieri: Asymptotic analysis of a second-order singular perturbation model for phase transitions Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations Vol. 41, N. 1-2, p. 127-150, 2011 R. Alicandro, M. Cicalese, A. Gloria: Integral representation results for energies defined on stochastic lattices and application to nonlinear elasticity Archive Rational Mech. Anal. Vol. 20, N. 3, p. 881-943, 2011 R. Alicandro, M. Cicalese, M. Ponsiglione: Variational equivalence between Ginzburg-Landau, XY spin systems and screw dislocations energies Indiana Univ. Math. J. Vol. 60, N. 1, p. 171-208, 2011 R. Alicandro, M. Cicalese, L. Sigalotti: Phase transition in presence of surfactants: from discrete to continuum Interfaces and Free Boundaries Vol. 14, N. 1, p. 65-103, 2012 M. Cicalese, G. P. Leonardi: A Selection Principle for the Sharp Quantitative Isoperimetric Inequality Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal. Vol. 206, N. 2, p. 617-643, 2012 M. Cicalese, E. Spadaro: Droplet Minimizers of an Isoperimetric Problem with long-range interactions Comm. Pure Appl. Math. Vol. 66, N. 28, p. 1298-1333, 2013 M. Cicalese, G. P. Leonardi: Best constants for the isoperimetric inequality in quantitative form J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS) Vol. 15, N. 3, p. 1101-1129, 2013 M. Cicalese, F. Solombrino: Frustrated ferromagnetic spin chains: a variational approach to chirality transitions Journal of Nonlinear Science Vol. 25, N. 2, p. 291-313, 2015 A. Braides, M. Cicalese, F. Solombrino: Q-tensor continuum energies as limits of head-to-tail symmetric spins systems SIAM J. Math. Anal. Vol. 47, N. 4, p. 2832-2867 , 2015 R. Alicandro, M. Cicalese, M. Ruf: Domain formation in magnetic polymer composites: an approach via stochastic homogenization Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. Vol. 218, N. 2, p. 945984, 2015 M. Cicalese, L. De Luca, M. Novaga, M. Ponsiglione: Ground States of a two phase model with cross and self attractive interactions SIAM J. Math. Anal. Vol. 48, N. 5, p. 3412-3443, 2016 M. Cicalese, M. Ruf, F. Solombrino: Chirality transitions in frustrated $S^{2}$-valued spin systems Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences Vol. 26, N. 08, p. 1481-1529, 2016 A. Braides, M. Cicalese, N. K. Yip: Crystalline Motion of Interfaces Between Patterns J. Stat. Phys. Vol. 165, N. 2, p. 274-319, 2016 M. Cicalese, G. P. Leonardi, F. Maggi: Improved convergence theorems for bubble clusters. I. The planar case Indiana U Math Journal Vol. 65, p. 1979-2050, 2016 A. Braides, M. Cicalese: Interfaces, modulated phases and textures in lattice systems Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. Vol. 223, p. 977-1017, 2017 M. Cicalese, M. Ruf, F. Solombrino: On global and local minimizers of prestrained thin elastic rods Calc. Var Pdes Vol. 56, N. 4, p. 115, 2017 M. Cicalese, M. Ruf, F. Solombrino: Hemihelical local minimizers in prestrained elastic bi-strips Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Physik (ZAMP) Vol. 68, N. 6, p. 122, 2017 M. Cicalese, M. Ruf: Discrete spin systems on random lattices at the bulk scaling Disc. Cont. Dyn. Sys.-S Vol. 10, N. 1, p. 101-117, 2017 M. Cicalese, N. Fusco: A note on relaxation with constraints on the determinant Esaim: COCV Vol. 25, N. 41, p. 1-15, 2017 M. Cicalese, G. P. Leonardi, F. Maggi: Sharp stability inequalities for planar double bubbles Interfaces and Free Boundaries Vol. 19, N. 3, p. 305350, 2017 A. Braides, M. Cicalese, M. Ruf: Continuum limit and stochastic homogenization of discrete ferromagnetic thin films Analysis & PDE Vol. 11, N. 2, p. 499-553, 2018 R. Badal, M. Cicalese, L. De Luca, M. Ponsiglione: $\Gamma$-convergence analysis of a generalized $XY$ model: fractional vortices and string defects Commun. Math. Phys. Vol. 358, N. 2, p. 705739, 2018 M. Cicalese, M. Forster, G. Orlando: Variational analysis of a two-dimensional frustrated spin system: emergence and rigidity of chirality transitions SIAM J. Math. Anal. Vol. 51, N. 2, p. 4848-4893, 2019 M. Cicalese, G. P. Leonardi: Maximal fluctuations on periodic lattices: an approach via quantitative Wulff inequalities Commun. Math. Phys. Vol. 375, p. 19311944, 2019 A. Bach, A. Braides, M. Cicalese: Discrete-to-continuum limits of multi-body systems with bulk and surface long-range interactions SIAM J. Math. Anal. Vol. 52, p. 3600-2665, 2020 M. Cicalese, A. Gloria, M. Ruf: From statistical polymer physics to nonlinear elasticity Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis Vol. 236, p. 1127-1215, 2020 M. Cicalese, M. Focardi, C. I. Zeppieri: Phase-field approximation of functionals defined on piecewise-rigid maps J. Nonlinear Sci. Vol. 31, N. 5, p. Paper No. 78, 25pp, 2021 A. Bach, M. Cicalese, L. Kreutz, G. Orlando: The antiferromagnetic XY model on the triangular lattice: chirality transitions at the surface scaling Calc. Var. Partial Diff. Equations Vol. 60, N. 4, p. Paper No. 149, 36pp., 2021 M. Cicalese, G. Orlando, M. Ruf: Coarse graining and large-$N$ behavior of the $d$-dimensional $N$-clock model Interfaces and Free Boundaries Vol. 23, N. 3, p. 323-351, 2021 A. Bach, M. Cicalese, M. Ruf: Random finite-difference discretizations of the Ambrosio-Tortorelli functional with optimal mesh size SIAM J. Math. Anal. Vol. 53, N. 2, p. 22752318, 2021 R. Alicandro, A. Braides, M. Cicalese, L. De Luca, A. Piatnitski: Topological singularities in periodic media: Ginzburg-Landau and core-radius approaches Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. Vol. 243, p. 559-609, 2022 M. Cicalese, M. Forster, G. Orlando: Variational analysis of the $J_1$-$J_2$-$J_3$ model: a non-linear lattice version of the Aviles-Giga functional Arch. Ration. Mech. anal. Vol. 245, N. 2, p. 11351196, 2022 R. Badal, M. Cicalese: Renormalized energy between fractional vortices with topologically induced free discontinuities on $2$-dimensional Riemannian manifolds (Preprint) 2022 A. Bach, M. Cicalese, L. Kreutz, G. Orlando: The antiferromagnetic XY model on the triangular lattice: topological singularities Indiana Univ. Mat. J. Vol. 71, p. 24112475, 2022 M. Cicalese, G. Orlando, M. Ruf: The N-clock model: variational analysis for fast and slow divergence rates of N Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis Vol. 245, N. 2, p. 11351196, 2022 M. Cicalese, G. Orlando, M. Ruf: Emergence of concentration effects in the variational analysis of the N-clock model Comm. Pure Appl. Math. Vol. 75, N. 10, p. 22792342, 2022 R. Alicandro, M. Cicalese, L. De Luca: Screw dislocations in periodic media: variational coarse graining of the discrete elastic energy Nonlinear Analysis Vol. 231, 2023 M. Cicalese, L. Kreutz, G. P. Leonardi: Emergence of Wulff-Crystals from atomistic systems on the FCC and HCP lattices Comm. Math. Phys. Vol. 402, N. 3, p. 29312978, 2023 M. Cicalese, G. Orlando, M. Ruf: A classical $\mathbb{S}^2$ spin system with discrete out-of-plane anisotropy: variational analysis at surface and vortex scalings Nonlinear Analysis Vol. 231, p. 33, 2023 R. Alicandro, A. Braides, M. Cicalese, M. Solci: Discrete Variational Problems with Interfaces Cambridge University Press (Book) 2023 M. Cicalese, T. Heilmann: Surfactants in the Two Gradient Theory of Phase Transitions (preprint) 2024 A. Bach, M. Cicalese, A. Garroni, G. Orlando: Stacking faults in the limit of a discrete model for partial edge dislocations (Preprint) 2024 M. Cicalese, T. Heilmann, A. Kubin, F. Onoue, M. Ponsiglione: A notion of $s$-fractional mass for $1$-currents in higher codimension (Preprint) 2024 M. Cicalese, A. Kubin: Discrete and Continuum Area-Preserving Mean-Curvature Flow of Rectangles (Preprint) 2024