A. Jevnikar: New existence results for the mean field equation on compact surfaces via degree theory Rend. Semin. Mat. Univ. Padova (Accepted Paper) 2014 A. Jevnikar, S. Kallel, A. Malchiodi: A topological join construction and the Toda system on compact surfaces of arbitrary genus (Analysis and PDE) 2015 A. Jevnikar: An existence result for the mean-field equation on compact surfaces in a doubly supercritical regime Proc. Royal Soc. Edinburgh A Vol. 5, N. 143, p. 1021-1045, 2015 L. Battaglia, A. Jevnikar, A. Malchiodi, D. Ruiz: A general existence result for the Toda system on compact surfaces (Adv. Math.) 2015 A. Jevnikar: A note on a multiplicity result for the mean field equation on compact surfaces Advanced Nonlinear Studies (Accepted Paper) 2015 A. Jevnikar, J. Wei, Y. Wen: On the Topological degree of the Mean field equation with two parameters Indiana Univ. Math. J. (Accepted Paper) 2016 A. Jevnikar, J. Wei, W. Yang: Classification of blow-up limits for the sinh-Gordon equation Differential and Integral Equations (Accepted Paper) 2016 A. Jevnikar, W. Yang: Analytic aspects of the Tzitzéica equation: blow-up analysis and existence results Calc. Var. and PDEs (Accepted Paper) 2016 A. Jevnikar, W. Yang: A mean field equation involving positively supported probability measures: blow-up phenomena and variational aspects Proc. Royal Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A (Accepted Paper) 2016 C. Gui, A. Jevnikar, A. Moradifam: Symmetry and uniqueness of solutions to some Liouville-type equations and systems (Comm. PDEs) 2017 A. Jevnikar: Blow-up analysis and existence results in the supercritical case for an asymmetric mean field equation with variable intensities J. Diff. Eq. (Accepted Paper) 2017 D. Bartolucci, A. Jevnikar, Y. Lee, W. Yang: Uniqueness of bubbling solutions of mean eld equations J. Math. Pures Appl. (Accepted Paper) 2017 D. Bartolucci, A. Jevnikar, Y. Lee, W. Yang: Non degeneracy, Mean Field Equations and the Onsager theory of 2D turbulence Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal. (Accepted Paper) 2017 W. Ao, A. Jevnikar, W. Yang: On the boundary behavior for the blow up solutions of the sinh-Gordon equation and rank $N$ Toda systems in bounded domains Intern. Math. Res. Not. (IMRN) (Accepted Paper) 2017 D. Bartolucci, A. Jevnikar, C. S. Lin: Non-degeneracy and uniqueness of solutions to singular mean field equations on bounded domains J. Diff. Eq. (Accepted Paper) 2018 D. Bartolucci, C. Gui, A. Jevnikar, A. Moradifam: A singular Sphere Covering Inequality: uniqueness and symmetry of solutions to singular Liouville-type equations Math. Ann. (Accepted Paper) 2018 D. Bartolucci, A. Jevnikar, Y. Lee, W. Yang: Local uniqueness of $m$-bubbling sequences for the Gel'fand equation Comm. PDEs (Accepted Paper) 2018 D. Bartolucci, A. Jevnikar, Y. Lee, W. Yang: Local uniqueness and non-degeneracy of blow up solutions of mean field equations with singular data J. Diff. Eq. (Accepted Paper) 2019 D. Bartolucci, C. Gui, Y. Hu, A. Jevnikar, W. Yang: Mean field equations on tori: existence and uniqueness of evenly symmetric blow-up solutions Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. (Accepted Paper) 2019 A. Jevnikar, A. Malchiodi, R. Wu: Existence results for a super-Liouville equation on compact surfaces Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. (Accepted Paper) 2020 D. Bartolucci, A. Jevnikar: On the global bifurcation diagram of the Gel'fand problem Anal. PDE (Accepted Paper) 2020 A. Jevnikar, A. Malchiodi, R. Wu: Existence results for super-Liouville equations on the sphere via bifurcation theory J. Math. Study (Accepted Paper) 2020 W. Ao, A. Jevnikar, W. Yang: Wave equations associated to Liouville-type problems: global existence in time and blow up criteria Ann. Mat Pura Appl. (Accepted Paper) 2020 A. Jevnikar, A. Malchiodi, R. Wu: Min-max solutions for super sinh-Gordon equations on compact surfaces J. Diff. Eq. (Accepted Paper) 2021 A. Jevnikar, R. Lopez-Soriano, M. Medina, D. Ruiz: Blow-up analysis of conformal metrics of the disk with prescribed Gaussian and geodesic curvatures Anal. PDE (Accepted Paper) 2021 D. Bartolucci, A. Jevnikar: New universal estimates for free boundary problems arising in plasma physics Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. (Accepted Paper) 2021 D. Bartolucci, Y. Hu, A. Jevnikar, W. Yang: Generic properties of free boundary problems in plasma physics Nonlinearity (Accepted Paper) 2021 Y. Hu, A. Jevnikar, W. Xie: Infinitely many solutions for Schrödinger-Newton equations Commun. Contemp. Math. (Accepted Paper) 2021 D. Bartolucci, A. Jevnikar: On the uniqueness and monotonicity of solutions of free boundary problems J. Diff. Eq. (Accepted Paper) 2022 A. Jevnikar, Y. Sire, W. Yang: Prescribing $Q$-curvature on even-dimensional manifolds with conical singularities (Preprint) 2022 W. Ao, A. Jevnikar, W. Yang: Blow up solutions for Sinh-Gordon equation with residual mass Calc. Var. and PDEs (Accepted Paper) 2022 L. Battaglia, A. Jevnikar, Z. A. Wang, W. Yang: Prescribing Gaussian curvature on surfaces with conical singularities and geodesic boundary Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (Accepted Paper) 2022 D. Bartolucci, A. Jevnikar, J. Jin, C. S. Lin, S. Liu: Non-degeneracy and uniqueness of solutions to general singular Toda systems on bounded domains J. Math. Anal. Appl. (Accepted Paper) p. 17, 2023 D. Bartolucci, Y. Hu, A. Jevnikar, W. Yang: Generic properties of the Rabinowitz continuum Adv. Nonlinear Stud. (Accepted Paper) 2023 A. Jevnikar, R. Wu: Existence results for a super Toda system Ann. Glob. Anal. Geom. (Accepted Paper) 2023 D. Bartolucci, P. Cosentino, A. Jevnikar, C. S. Lin: On the first eigenvalue of Liouville-type problems (Preprint) p. 14, 2023 D. Bartolucci, A. Jevnikar, R. Wu: A Courant nodal domain theorem for linearized mean field type equations Commun. Pure Appl. Anal. (Accepted Paper) p. 18, 2023 A. Jevnikar, J. Wang, W. Yang: Liouville type theorems and periodic solutions for the nonhomogeneous parabolic systems Z. Angew. Math. Phys. (Accepted Paper) 2023 D. Bartolucci, A. Jevnikar, R. Wu: On the global bifurcation diagram of the equation $-\Delta u=\mu|x|^{2\alpha}e^u$ in dimension two Differential and Integral Equations (Accepted Paper) p. 15, 2023 D. Bartolucci, A. Jevnikar, R. Wu: Sharp estimates, uniqueness and spikes condensation for superlinear free boundary problems arising in plasma physics (Preprint) p. 54, 2024