G. De Philippis, A. De Rosa, F. Ghiraldin: A direct approach to Plateau's problem in any codimension Adv. in Math. Vol. 288, p. 5980, 2016 M. Colombo, A. De Rosa, A. Marchese, S. Stuvard: On the lower semicontinuous envelope of functionals defined on polyhedral chains Nonlinear Analysis Vol. 163C, p. 201-215, 2017 A. De Rosa: Minimization of anisotropic energies in classes of rectifiable varifolds SIAM J. Math. Anal. 2018 C. De Lellis, A. De Rosa, F. Ghiraldin: A direct approach to the anisotropic Plateau's problem Adv. Calc. Var. 2018 G. De Philippis, A. De Rosa, F. Ghiraldin: Rectifiability of varifolds with locally bounded first variation with respect to anisotropic surface energies Comm. Pure App. Math. 2018 M. Colombo, A. De Rosa, A. Marchese: Improved stability of optimal traffic paths Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations 2018 G. De Philippis, A. De Rosa, J. Hirsch: The area blow up set for bounded mean curvature submanifolds with respect to elliptic surface energy functionals Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 2019 M. Colombo, A. De Rosa, A. Marchese: Stability for the mailing problem J. Math. Pures Appl. 2019 A. De Rosa, S. Gioffrè: Quantitative stability for anisotropic nearly umbilical hypersurfaces J. Geom. Anal. 2019 A. De Rosa, S. Kolasiski, M. Santilli: Uniqueness of critical points of the anisotropic isoperimetric problem for finite perimeter sets Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. 2020 A. De Rosa, S. Kolasiski: Equivalence of the ellipticity conditions for geometric variational problems Comm. Pure App. Math. 2020 G. De Philippis, A. De Rosa, F. Ghiraldin: Existence results for minimizers of parametric elliptic functionals J. Geom. Anal. 2020 A. De Rosa, D. A. La Manna: A nonlocal approximation of the Gaussian perimeter: Gamma convergence and Isoperimetric properties Comm. Pure Appl. Anal. 2021 M. Colombo, A. De Rosa, A. Marchese: On the well-posedness of branched transportation Comm. Pure App. Math. 2021 A. De Rosa, S. Gioffrè: Absence of bubbling phenomena for non convex anisotropic nearly umbilical and quasi Einstein hypersurfaces J. Reine Angew. Math. 2021 A. De Rosa, A. Khajavirad: The ratio-cut polytope and K-means clustering SIAM J. Optim. 2022 A. De Rosa, L. Lussardi: On the anisotropic Kirchhoff-Plateau problem Math. Eng. 2022 M. Colombo, A. De Rosa, A. Marchese, P. Pegon, A. Prouff: Stability of optimal traffic plans in the irrigation problem Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Vol. 2, N. 4, p. 1647-1667, 2022 A. De Rosa, R. Tione: Regularity for graphs with bounded anisotropic mean curvature Inventiones Mathematicae 2022 A. De Rosa, A. Khajavirad: Explicit convex hull description of bivariate quadratic sets with indicator variables (preprint) 2022 A. De Rosa, R. Tione: The double and triple bubble problem for stationary varifolds: the convex case (Submitted Paper) 2023 A. De Rosa, R. Resende: Boundary regularity for anisotropic minimal Lipschitz graphs Comm. Partial Differential Equations 2023 G. De Philippis, A. De Rosa: The anisotropic Min-Max theory: Existence of anisotropic minimal and CMC surfaces Comm. Pure App. Math. 2023 A. De Rosa, A. Khajavirad: Efficient Joint Object Matching via Linear Programming Math. Program. 2023 A. De Rosa, R. Neumayer: Local Minimizers of the Anisotropic Isoperimetric Problem on Closed Manifolds Indiana Univ. Math. J. 2024 A. De Rosa, A. Khajavirad: On the power of linear programming for K-means clustering (preprint) 2024 A. De Rosa, Y. Lei, R. Young: Construction of fillings with prescribed Gaussian image and applications (preprint) 2024