L. Lussardi, E. Vitali: Non-local approximation of free-discontinuity problems with linear growth ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var. Vol. 13, N. 1, p. 135, 2007 L. Lussardi, M. Negri: Convergence of non-local finite element energies for fracture mechanics Numer. Funct. Anal. Optim. Vol. 28, p. 83-109, 2007 L. Lussardi: An approximation for the Mumford-Shah functional Int. J. Contemp. Math. Sci. Vol. 2, N. 25, p. 1237-1245, 2007 L. Lussardi, E. Vitali: Non-local approximation of free-discontinuity functionals with linear growth: the one-dimensional case Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. Vol. 186, N. 4, p. 721-744, 2007 A. Giacomini, L. Lussardi: Quasistatic evolution for a model in strain gradient plasticity SIAM-J. Math. Anal. Vol. 40, N. 3, p. 1201-1245, 2008 L. Lussardi: An approximation result for free discontinuity functionals by means of non-local energies Math. Meth. Appl. Sci. Vol. 31, N. 18, p. 2133-2146, 2008 L. Lussardi: A Stampacchia-type inequality for a fourth order elliptic operator on Kähler manifolds and applications Rend. Lincei Mat. Appl. Vol. 21, p. 159-173, 2010 A. Chambolle, A. Giacomini, L. Lussardi: Continuous limits of discrete perimeters ESAIM Math. Model. Numer. Anal. Vol. 44, N. 2, p. 207-230, 2010 M. Eleuteri, L. Lussardi, U. Stefanelli: A rate-independent model for permanent inelastic effects in shape memory materials Netw. Heterog. Media Vol. 6, N. 1, p. 145-165, 2011 O. Bottauscio, V. Chiadō Piat, M. Eleuteri, L. Lussardi, A. Manzin: Homogenization of random anisotropy properties in polycrystalline magnetic materials Physica B Vol. 407, p. 1417-1419, 2012 O. Bottauscio, V. Chiadō Piat, M. Eleuteri, L. Lussardi, A. Manzin: Determination of the equivalent anisotropy properties of polycrystalline magnetic materials: theoretical aspects and numerical analysis Math. Models Meth. Appl. Sci. Vol. 23, N. 7, p. 1217-1233, 2013 L. Lussardi, A. Magni: Gamma-limits of convolution functionals ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var. () Vol. 19, N. 2, p. 486-515, 2013 M. Eleuteri, L. Lussardi, U. Stefanelli: Thermal control of the Souza-Auricchio model for shape memory alloys Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. S. Vol. 6 , N. 2, p. 369-386, 2013 L. Lussardi, A. Marzocchi: Surface energy arising from the behavior of lipid molecules in the water via Gamma-convergence Atti Accad. Pelor. Peric. Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. Nat. () Vol. 91, N. 1, p. 1-10, 2013 A. Chambolle, S. Lisini, L. Lussardi: A remark on the anisotropic outer Minkowski content Adv. Calc. Var. Vol. 7, N. 2, p. 241-266, 2014 M. Eleuteri, L. Lussardi: Thermal control of a rate-independent model for permanent inelastic effects in shape memory materials Evolution Equations and Control Theory Vol. 3, N. 3, p. 411-427, 2014 L. Lussardi, M. Peletier, M. Röger: Variational analysis of a mesoscale model for bilayer membranes J. Fixed Point Theory Appl. Vol. 15, N. 1, p. 217-240, 2014 L. Lussardi: On a Poisson's equation arising from magnetism Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. S Vol. 8, N. 4, p. 769-772, 2015 L. Lussardi: A note on a phase-field model for anisotropic systems Asymptotic Anal. Vol. 94, N. 3-4, p. 241-254, 2015 L. Lussardi, M. Röger: Gamma convergence of a family of surface-director bending energies with small tilt Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. Vol. 219, N. 3, p. 985-1016, 2016 L. Lussardi, E. Villa: A general formula for the anisotropic outer Minkowski content of a set Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A () Vol. 146, N. 2, p. 393-413, 2016 L. Lussardi, E. Mascolo: A uniqueness result for a class of non strictly convex variational problems J. Math. Anal. Appl. Vol. 446, N. 2, p. 1687-1694, 2017 E. Fried, G. G. Giusteri, L. Lussardi: Solution of the Kirchhoff-Plateau problem J. Nonlinear Sci. Vol. 27, p. 1043-1063, 2017 L. Lussardi, S. Marini, M. Veneroni: Stochastic homogenization of maximal monotone relations and applications Netw. Heterog. Media Vol. 13, N. 1, p. 27-45, 2018 G. Bevilacqua, L. Lussardi, A. Marzocchi: Soap film spanning electrically repulsive elastic protein links Atti Accad. Peloritana Pericolanti Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. Natur. Vol. 96, N. Suppl. 3, p. 1-13, 2018 E. Fried, L. Lussardi: Monotonicity formulae for smooth extremizers of integral functionals Rend. Lincei Mat. Appl. Vol. 30, N. 2, p. 365-377, 2019 L. Lussardi: The Plateau problem in the Calculus of Variations Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Pol. Torino Vol. 77, N. 1, p. 45-82, 2019 G. Bevilacqua, L. Lussardi, A. Marzocchi: Soap film spanning an elastic link Quart. Appl. Math. Vol. 77, N. 3, p. 507-523, 2019 G. Bevilacqua, L. Lussardi, A. Marzocchi: Dimensional reduction of the Kirchhoff-Plateau problem J. Elasticity Vol. 140, N. 1, p. 135-148, 2020 L. Lussardi: The Canham-Helfrich model for the elasticity of biomembranes as a limit of mesoscopic energies Proceedings of the Twenty-First International Conference on Geometry, Integrability and Quantization (Proceedings) Vol. 21, p. 170-180, 2020 K. Brazda, L. Lussardi, U. Stefanelli: Existence of varifold minimizers for the multiphase Canham-Helfrich functional Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations Vol. 59, N. 3, p. 1-26, 2020 A. Chambolle, L. Lussardi, E. Villa: Anisotropic tubular neighborhoods of sets Math. Z. Vol. 299, N. 3-4, p. 18, 2021 A. De Rosa, L. Lussardi: On the anisotropic Kirchhoff-Plateau problem Math. Eng. 2022 S. Don, L. Lussardi, A. Pinamonti, G. Treu: Lipschitz minimizers for a class of integral functionals under the bounded slope condition Nonlinear Analysis Vol. 216, p. 27, 2022 G. Bevilacqua, L. Lussardi, A. Marzocchi: Variational analysis of inextensible elastic curves Proc. Royal Soc. A Vol. 478, p. 20210741, 2022 M. Eleuteri, L. Lussardi, A. Torricelli: Asymptotic analysis of a family of non-local functionals on sets ESAIM COCV Vol. 29, p. 1-15, 2023 L. Lussardi, A. Melchor Hernandez, M. Morandotti: $\Gamma$-convergence of discrete energies modeling self-aggregation of stochastic particles (Submitted Paper) p. 17, 2023 G. Bevilacqua, L. Lussardi, A. Marzocchi: Geometric invariants of non-smooth framed curves INdAM Springer Series (Accepted Paper) 2023 A. Kubin, L. Lussardi, M. Morandotti: Direct minimization of the Canham-Helfrich energy on generalized Gauss graphs J. Geom. Anal. Vol. 34, N. 121, p. 1-25, 2024 G. Bevilacqua, C. Lonati, L. Lussardi, A. Marzocchi: A variational analysis of nematic axisymmetric films: the covariant derivative case (preprint) 2024 F. Ballarin, G. Bevilacqua, L. Lussardi, A. Marzocchi: Elastic membranes spanning deformable curves Z. Angew. Math. Mech. p. e202300890, 2024