A. Lerario: Homology invariants of quadratic maps Sissa Digital Library (Phd Thesis) 2011 A. Agrachev, A. Lerario: Systems of Quadratic Inequalities Proc. London Math. Society 2012 A. Lerario: Convex pencils of real quadratic forms Discrete and Computational Geometry 2012 A. Lerario: A real viewpoint on the intersection of complex quadrics and its topology preprint on arXiv (Preprint) 2012 A. Lerario: The total Betti number of the intersection of three real quadrics Advances in Geometry 2014 D. Barilari, A. Lerario: Geometry of Maslov Cycles Geometric Control and Sub-Riemannian Geometry Vol. Springer INdAM , 2014 A. Lerario, E. Lundberg: Statistics on Hilberts Sixteenth Problem International Mathematics Research Notices 2014 A. Lerario: Plenty of Morse functions by peturbing with sums of squares Proc. Gokova Geometry and Topology 2014 A. Lerario: Complexity of intersection of real quadrics and topology of symmetric determinantal varieties Journal of the European Mathematical Society (Accepted Paper) 2014 A. Lerario: Random matrices and the average topology of the intersection of two quadrics Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 2015 S. Y. Lee, A. Lerario, E. Lundberg: Remarks on Wilmshursts Theorem Indiana University Mathematics Journal 2015 A. Agrachev, A. Gentile, A. Lerario: Geodesics and horizontal path spaces in Carnot groups Geometry & Topology 2015 J. Hauenstein, A. Lerario, E. Lundberg, D. Mehta: Experiments on the zeroes of harmonic polynomials using certified counting Experimental Mathematics 2015 Y. Fyodorov, A. Lerario, E. Lundberg: On the number of connected components of random algebraic hypersurfaces Journal of Geometry and Physics 2015 A. Lerario, E. Lundberg: Gap probabilities and Betti numbers of a random intersection of quadrics Discrete and Computational Geometry 2015 A. Lerario: Intrinisic volumes of sets of singular matrices and applications to real algebraic geometry (Submitted Paper) 2015 F. Boarotto, A. Lerario: Homotopy properties of horizontal path spaces and a theorem of Serre in subriemannian geometry (Submitted Paper) 2015 A. Lerario, E. Lundberg: On the zeroes of random harmonic polynomials: the truncated model (Submitted Paper) 2015 A. Lerario, A. Mondino: Homotopy properties of horizontal loop spaces and applications to closed sub-riemannian geodesics Transactions of the American Math Society, Series B. (Accepted Paper) 2015 A. Lerario, L. Rizzi: How many geodesics join two points on a contact sub-Riemannian manifold? Journal of symplectic geometry Vol. Volume 15, N. 1, p. 247 305, 2017 D. Barilari, I. Beschastnyi, A. Lerario: Volume of small balls and sub-Riemannian curvature in 3D contact manifolds Journal of Symplectic Geometry Vol. 18, N. 2, p. 355-384, 2020 A. Lerario, F. Tripaldi: Multicomplexes on Carnot groups and their associated spectral sequence (preprint) 2022