M. Miranda Jr: Functions of Bounded Variation on "good" Metric Spaces J. Math. Pures Appl. Vol. (9) 82, N. 8, p. 975-1004, 2003 L. Ambrosio, M. Miranda Jr, D. Pallara: Special Functions of Bounded Variation in Doubling Metric Measure Spaces Quad. Mat. Vol. 14, p. 1-45, 2004 M. Miranda Jr, E. Pascali: On a class of differential equations with self-reference Rend. Mat. Appl. Vol. (7) 25, N. 2, p. 155-164, 2005 M. Miranda Jr, E. Pascali: On a type of evolution of self-referred and hereditary phenomena Aequationes Math. Vol. 17, N. 3, p. 253-268, 2006 M. Miranda Jr, E. Paolini, E. Stepanov: On one-dimensional continua uniformly approximating planar sets Calc. Var. Partial Diff. Equations Vol. 27, N. 3, p. 287-309, 2006 M. Miranda Jr, D. Pallara, F. Paronetto, M. Preunkert: On a characterisation of perimeters in $\Bbb R^N$ via heat semigroup Ricerche Mat. Vol. 54, N. 2, p. 615-621, 2006 M. Miranda Jr, D. Pallara, F. Paronetto, M. Preunkert: Heat semigroup and functions of bounded variation on Riemannian manifolds J. Reine Angew. Math. Vol. 613, 2007 M. Miranda Jr, D. Pallara, F. Paronetto, M. Preunkert: Short-time Heat Flow and Functions of Bounded Variation in $R^N$ Ann. Fac. Sci. Toulouse Math. Vol. (6) 16, N. 1, p. 125-145, 2007 U. Massari, M. Miranda, M. Miranda Jr: The Bernstein Problem in Higher Dimensions Boll. Un. Mat. Ital. Vol. 1, N. 2, p. 349-359, 2008 L. Angiuli, M. Miranda Jr, D. Pallara, F. Paronetto: BV functions and parabolic initial boundary value problems on domains Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. Vol. 188, 2009 L. Ambrosio, S. Maniglia, M. Miranda Jr, D. Pallara: BV functions in abstract Wiener spaces J. Funct. Anal. Vol. 258, N. 3, p. 785-813, 2010 L. Ambrosio, S. Maniglia, M. Miranda Jr, D. Pallara: Towards a theory of BV functions in abstract Wiener spaces Physica D Vol. 239, N. 15, p. 1458--1429, 2010 L. Ambrosio, M. Miranda Jr, D. Pallara: Sets with finite perimeter in Wiener spaces, perimeter measure and boundary rectifiability Discrete Contin. Dyn. Sys. 2010 V. Caselles, M. Miranda Jr, M. Novaga: Total Variation and Cheeger Sets in Gauss Space J. Funct. Anal. Vol. 259, N. 6, p. 1491-1516, 2010 P. Koskela, M. Miranda Jr, N. Shammugalingam: Geometric properties of planar BV-extension domains in "Around the research of Vladimir Maz'ya. {I}" Vol. 11, 2010 L. Angiuli, U. Massari, M. Miranda Jr: Geometric properties of heat content (Submitted Paper) 2010 P. Koskela, M. Miranda Jr, N. Shanmugalingam: Geometric properties of planar BV-extension domains International Mathematical Series (N.Y.) Vol. 11, N. 1, p. 255-272, 2010 M. Bramanti, M. Miranda Jr, D. Pallara: Two characterization of BV functions on Carnot groups via the heat semigroup Int. Math. Res. Notices Vol. 17, p. 3845--3876, 2012 V. Caselles, A. Lunardi, M. Miranda Jr, M. Novaga: Perimeter of sublevel sets in infinite dimensional spaces Adv. Calc. Var. Vol. 5, N. 1, p. 59--76, 2012 L. Angiuli, U. Massari, M. Miranda Jr: Geometric properties of the heat content Manuscripta Mathematica (Accepted Paper) 2012 J. Kinnunen, N. Marola, M. Miranda Jr, F. Paronetto: Harnack's inequality for parabolic De Giorgi classes in metric spaces Adv. Differential Equations Vol. 17, N. 9-10, p. 801-832 , 2012 S. Costea, M. Miranda Jr: Newtonian Lorentz Metric Spaces Illinois Journal of Mathematics Vol. 56, N. 2, p. 579-616, 2012 N. Marola, M. Miranda Jr, N. Shanmugalingam: Boundary measures, generalized Gauss-Green formulas and the mean value property in metric measure spaces Revista Mathematica Iberoamericana (Accepted) 2014 M. Miranda Jr, M. Novaga, D. Pallara: An introduction to BV functions in Wiener spaces Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics Vol. 67, p. 245-294, 2015 A. Lunardi, M. Miranda Jr, D. Pallara: BV functions on convex domains in Wiener spaces Potential Analysis Vol. 43, p. 23-48, 2015 L. Ambrosio, M. Miranda Jr, D. Pallara: Some fine properties of $BV$ functions on Wiener spaces Anal. Geom. Metr. Spaces Vol. 3, p. 23-48, 2015 N. Marola, M. Miranda Jr, N. Shanmugalingam: Characterizations of sets of finite perimeter using heat kernels in metric spaces Potential Analysis (Online First Paper) 2016 F. Ferrari, M. Miranda Jr, D. Pallara, A. Pinamonti, Y. Sire: Fractional Laplacians, perimeters and heat semigroups in Carnot groups Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. S Vol. 11, p. 477-491, 2018 D. Addona, G. Menegatti, M. Miranda Jr: Characterization of BV functions on open domains: the Gaussian case and the general case (Submitted Paper) 2019 V. Buffa, G. E. Comi, M. Miranda Jr: On $BV$ functions and essentially bounded divergence-measure fields in metric spaces Rev. Mat. Iberoamericana p. 65, 2021 V. Buffa, M. Miranda Jr: Rough traces of $BV$ functions in metric measure spaces Annales Fennici Mathematici 2021 D. Addona, G. Menegatti, M. Miranda Jr: Characterizations of Sobolev spaces on sublevel sets in abstract Wiener spaces 2022 D. Addona, G. Menegatti, M. Miranda Jr: Gradient contractivity of a rescaled resolvent on domains in Wiener spaces (preprint) 2024 C. Alessi, L. Brasco, M. Miranda Jr: A Schroedinger operator with confining potential having quadratic growth (Preprint) p. 35, 2024