E. Paolini: Il Teorema del Disco Topologico di Reifenberg ed il Problema di Plateau in Codimensione Qualunque (Degree Thesis) 1996 E. Paolini: Regularity for minimal boundaries in $R^n$ with mean curvature in $L^n$ manuscripta math. Vol. 97, p. 15-35, 1998 M. Novaga, E. Paolini: A computational approach to fractures in crystal growth Rend. Mat. Acc. Lincei Vol. 10, N. 31, p. 47-56, 1999 L. Ambrosio, E. Paolini: Partial regularity for quasi minimizers of perimeter Ricerche di Matematica Vol. 48, N. supplemento, p. 167-186, 1999 L. Ambrosio, M. Novaga, E. Paolini: Some Regularity Results for Minimal Crystals ESAIM: COCV volume dedicated to J. L. Lions Vol. 8, N. 69--103, 2002 M. Novaga, E. Paolini: Regularity results for some $1$-homogeneous functionals Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications Vol. 3, N. 4, p. 555-566, 2002 E. Paolini: On the Relaxed Total Variation of Singular Maps manuscripta mathematica Vol. 111, p. 499-512, 2003 E. Paolini, E. Stepanov: Qualitative properties of maximum distance minimizers and average distance minimizers in $\mathbf R^n$ J. Math. Sciences (N.Y.) Vol. 122, N. 3, p. 105-122, 2004 M. Novaga, E. Paolini: Regularity results for boundaries in ${\mathrm R}^2$ with prescribed anisotropic curvature Annali di Matematica pura e Applicata Vol. 184, N. 2, p. 239-261, 2005 M. Novaga, E. Paolini: Stability of Crystalline Evolutions Math. Mod. Meth. Appl. Sc. Vol. 15, N. 6, p. 1-17, 2005 G. Bellettini, M. Novaga, E. Paolini: Global solutions to the gradient flow equation of a nonconvex functional SIAM J. on Math. Anal. Vol. 37, N. 5, p. 1657-1687, 2005 M. Miranda Jr, E. Paolini, E. Stepanov: On one-dimensional continua uniformly approximating planar sets Calc. Var. Partial Diff. Equations Vol. 27, N. 3, p. 287-309, 2006 E. Paolini, E. Stepanov: Optimal transportation networks as flat chains Interfaces and Free Boundaries Vol. 8, p. 393-436, 2006 B. Dacorogna, P. Marcellini, E. Paolini: Lipschitz-continuous local isometric immersions: rigid maps and origami J. Math. Pures Appl. Vol. 90, N. 1, p. 66-81, 2008 B. Dacorogna, P. Marcellini, E. Paolini: On the $n$-dimensional Dirichlet problem for isometric maps J. Funct. Anal. Vol. 255, p. 3274-3280, 2008 B. Dacorogna, P. Marcellini, E. Paolini: An explicit solution to a system of implicit differential equations Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire Vol. 25, N. 1, p. 163-171, 2008 E. Paolini, E. Stepanov: Connecting measures by means of branched transportation networks at finite cost J. Math. Sciences (N.Y.) Vol. 157, N. 6, p. 858-873, 2009 G. De Philippis, E. Paolini: A short proof of the minimality of Simons cone Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova Vol. 121, p. 233-241, 2009 B. Dacorogna, P. Marcellini, E. Paolini: Functions with orthogonal Hessian Differential and Integral Equations Vol. 23, N. 1--2, p. 51-60, 2010 B. Dacorogna, P. Marcellini, E. Paolini: Origami and Partial Differential Equations Notices of AMS Vol. 57, N. 5, p. 598-606, 2010 E. Paolini, L. Ulivi: The Steiner problem for infinitely many points Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova Vol. 124, p. 43-56, 2010 E. Paolini: Minimal connections: the classical Steiner problem and generalizations Bruno Pini Mathematical Analysis Seminar Vol. 3, N. 1, p. 72, 2012 B. Dacorogna, P. Marcellini, E. Paolini: The two well problem for piecewise affine maps Adv. Differential Equations Vol. 17, N. 7/8, p. 673--696, 2012 E. Paolini, E. Stepanov: Decomposition of acyclic normal currents in a metric space J. Funct. Anal. Vol. 263, N. 11, p. 3358--3390, 2012 P. Marcellini, E. Paolini: Origami and Partial Differential Equations Imagine Math. p. 241--250, 2012 E. Paolini, E. Stepanov: Existence and regularity results for the Steiner problem Calc. Var. Partial Diff. Equations Vol. 46, N. 3, p. 837-860, 2012 B. Dacorogna, P. Marcellini, E. Paolini: The degenerate two well problem for piecewise affine maps Nonlinear Differ. Equ. Appl. (NoDEA) Vol. 20, N. 2, p. 345--359, 2013 E. Paolini, E. Stepanov: Structure of metric cycles and normal one-dimensional currents J. Funct. Anal. Vol. 264, N. 6, p. 1269--1295, 2013 E. Paolini, E. Stepanov, Y. Teplitskaya: An example of an infinite Steiner tree connecting an uncountable set Adv. Calc. Var. Vol. 8, N. 3, p. 267-290, 2015 E. Paolini: Dehn e Banach-Tarski: opposti paradossi Matematica, Cultura e Società Rivista dellUnione Matematica Italiana Vol. 2, N. 1, p. 81-95, 2017 E. Paolini, E. Stepanov: Flows of measures generated by vector fields Proc. Royal Soc. Edinburgh Ser. A - Mathematics 2018 E. Paolini, A. Tamagnini: Minimal cluster computation for four planar regions with the same area Geometric Flows Vol. 3, N. 1, p. 90--96, 2018 E. Paolini, A. Tamagnini: Minimal clusters of four planar regions with the same area ESAIM: COCV Vol. 24, N. 3, p. 1303-1331, 2018 E. Paolini, V. M. Tortorelli: The quadruple planar bubble enclosing equal areas is symmetric Calc. Var. Vol. 59, N. 1, 2020 M. Novaga, E. Paolini, E. Stepanov, V. M. Tortorelli: Isoperimetric clusters in homogeneous spaces via concentration compactness J. Geom. Anal. Vol. 32, N. 11, p. Article n. 263, 2022 P. Marcellini, E. Paolini: Origami and fractal solutions of differential systems Imagine Math 8 (Accepted Paper) Vol. 8, p. 367-377, 2022 M. Novaga, E. Paolini, E. Stepanov, V. M. Tortorelli: Isoperimetric planar clusters with infinitely many regions Networks and Heterogeneous Media Vol. 18, N. 3, p. 1226-1235, 2023 E. Paolini, E. Stepanov: On the Steiner tree connecting a fractal set (Preprint) 2023 M. Novaga, E. Paolini, V. M. Tortorelli: Locally isoperimetric partitions Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. (Accepted Paper) 2023 D. Cherkashin, E. Paolini, Y. Teplitskaya: Steiner trees with infinitely many terminals on the sides of an angle (preprint) 2024