C. Mantegazza, A. C. G. Mennucci: Hamilton-Jacobi Equations and Distance Functions on Riemannian Manifolds Appl. Math. Opt. Vol. 47, N. 1, p. 1-25, 2003 A. C. G. Mennucci: Regularity and Variationality of Solutions to Hamilton-Jacobi Equations. part I: regularity ESAIM COCV 2003 A. C. G. Mennucci, G. Sundaramoorthi, A. Yezzi: Sobolev--type metrics in the space of curves (preprint) 2006 A. C. G. Mennucci, G. Sundaramoorthi, A. Yezzi: Sobolev Active Contours International Journal of Computer Vision Vol. 73, N. 3, 2007 A. Duci, A. C. G. Mennucci: Banach-like metrics and metrics of compact sets (preprint) 2007 A. C. G. Mennucci, G. Sapiro, G. Sundaramoorthi, A. Yezzi: New possibilities with Sobolev Active Contours International Journal of Computer Vision Vol. 84, N. 2, p. 113-129, 2008 A. C. G. Mennucci, G. Sundaramoorthi, A. Yezzi: Coarse-to-fine segmentation and tracking using Sobolev Active Contours IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 2008 A. C. G. Mennucci, G. Sundaramoorthi, A. Yezzi: Properties of Sobolev--type metrics in the space of curves INTERFACES AND FREE BOUNDARIES Vol. 10, p. 423-445, 2008 A. C. G. Mennucci, S. Soatto, G. Sundaramoorthi, A. Yezzi: Tracking deforming objects by filtering and prediction in the space of curves. Decision and Control, 2009 held jointly with the 2009 28th Chinese Control Conference. CDC/CCC 2009. Proceedings of the 48th IEEE Conference on . Shanghai, China, December, 2009, p. 2395-2401, 2009 A. C. G. Mennucci: Regularity and Variationality of Solutions to Hamilton-Jacobi Equations. Part II: variationality, existence, uniqueness Applied Mathematics and Optimization (Accepted Paper) 2010 A. C. G. Mennucci: Regularity and Variationality of Solutions to Hamilton-Jacobi Equations. Part II: Variationality, Existence, Uniqueness. APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND OPTIMIZATION Vol. 63, p. 191-216, 2011 A. C. G. Mennucci, S. Soatto, G. Sundaramoorthi, A. Yezzi: A New Geometric Metric in the Space of Curves, and Applications to Tracking Deforming Objects by Prediction and Filtering SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences Vol. 4, N. 1, 2011 P. Harms, A. C. G. Mennucci: Geodesics in infinite dimensional Stiefel and Grassmann manifolds Comptes rendus - Mathématique 2012 E. Bardelli, M. Colombo, A. C. G. Mennucci, A. Yezzi: Multiple Object Tracking via Prediction and Filtering with a Sobolev-type Metric on Curves Fifth Workshop on Non-Rigid Shape Analysis and Deformable Image Alignment (NORDIA'12) p. 10, 2012 A. C. G. Mennucci: On asymmetric distances Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces Vol. 1, p. 200-231, 2013 A. C. G. Mennucci: Metrics of curves in shape optimization and analysis Springer Lecture Notes in Mathematics (chapter in a book) Vol. Level Set and PDE Based Reconstr, p. 205-319, 2013 A. C. G. Mennucci: Geodesics in asymmetric metric spaces Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces Vol. 2, p. 115-153, 2014 A. Duci, A. C. G. Mennucci: Banach-like distances and metrics spaces of compact sets SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences Vol. 8, N. 1, p. 19-66, 2015 E. Bardelli, A. C. G. Mennucci: Probability measures on infinite dimensional Stiefel manifolds Journal of Geometric Mechanics Vol. 9, N. 3, p. 291-316, 2017 A. C. G. Mennucci: Some examples of Riemannian metrics of curves (Lecture Notes) 2019 A. C. G. Mennucci: On Perimeters and Volumes of Fattened Sets International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences Vol. 2019, 2019 A. C. G. Mennucci: Designing metrics; the delta metric for curves ESAIM: COCV Vol. 25, N. 59, 2019 A. C. G. Mennucci: Neighborhoods and manifolds of immersed curves International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 2021 A. C. G. Mennucci: Tightness of Random Walks in Infinite Dimensional Spaces and Manifolds (Preprint) 2022 A. C. G. Mennucci: Separation functions and mild topologies Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces 2023