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Trimester on Partial Differential Equations and Calculus of Variations

\centerline*Centro di Ricerca Matematica ``Ennio De Giorgi'', Pisa*
\centerline*September 1 - December 15, 2006*

*Scientific Committee:* Luigi Ambrosio, Alice Chang, Gianni Dal Maso,
Craig Evans, Felix Otto, Michael Struwe.

*Main Trimester Activities.*

*``Nonlinear evolution problems''*, September 19 to 23. \hfill\break
Organizing committee: L.Ambrosio, A.Chang, M.Struwe.

Preliminary list of speakers: Brendle, Da Fermos, Druet, Ecker, Gursky, Hebey, Huisken, Kuwert, Merle, C.S.Lin, Malchiodi, Mantegazza, Sinestrari, Topping, Yang.

*``Variational methods in Material Science''*,
October 10 to 14. \hfill\break
Organizing committee: L.Ambrosio, G.Dal Maso, F.Tomarelli, F.Otto.

Preliminary list of speakers: Blanc, Braides, Chambolle, Conti, Dal Maso, De Simone, Del Piero,
Fonseca, Francfort, Fragalà, Le Bris, Garroni, Müller, Ortiz,
Seppecher, Tomarelli, Friesecke.

*``Optimal transport: theory and applications''*,
November 14 to 18.\hfill\break
Organizing committee: L.Ambrosio, G.Buttazzo, F.Otto.

Preliminary list of speakers: Bernard, Brenier, Bouchitte', Buttazzo, Cardaliaguet, Carlier,
De Pascale, De Lellis, Fathi, Gangbo, Loeper, McCann, Otto, Savarè, Piccoli,
Pratelli, Sturm, Serfaty.

*Other independent activities.*

*``Four minicourses on regularity problems for Partial Differential
Equations and fine properties of solutions''*, dedicated to the memory of
Filippo Chiarenza and Gene Fabes, September 11 to 15.\hfill\break
Organizing committe: B.Franchi, R.Serapioni, F.Salsa.

*School on Neuromathematics of Vision*, September 3 to 9.\hfill\break
Organizing committee: G.Citti, M.Giaquinta, A.Sarti, G.Tomassini.


*Financial Support.*\hfill\break
A limited number of supports is available to participate in the intensive research period on "Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations".

Prospective applicants may apply:

- either according to the announcement that can be downloaded from the web site (see "grants and open positions")

- or addressing directly to the Center by mail or e-mail.

*Deadline for applications is March 31, 2006.*

\centerline*Long term visitors: tentative dates of their stay in Pisa.*

*M. Struwe.* September 17 to November 17.

*A. Chang.* September 1 to September 25 + extra weeks.

*G. Dal Maso.* September 15 to October 15, + extra weeks.

*F. Otto.* September 15 to October 15, + extra weeks.

*Patrick Bernard.* November.

*Yann Brenier.* One month split in two parts (centered on the first two meetings).

*Irene Fonseca.* First workshop and October 29-November 18.

*Klaus Ecker.* One month between September 1 and October 15.

*Matt Gursky.* Two weeks around the first meeting and two weeks in late October.

*Gerhard Huisken.* September.

*Richard D.James.* October.

*Ernst Kuwert.* One month between September 1 and October 15.

*Chang-Shou Lin.* Two weeks inclusive of the first meeting.

*Andrea Malchiodi.* September.

*Paul Yang.* First three weeks in September.

*Michael Ortiz.* September.

*Gilles Francfort.* To be defined.

*Olivier Druet.* October 10 to November 10, and for the first meeting.

*Emmanuel Hebey.* Two weeks around the first meeting.

Fri Sep 1 – Fri Dec 15, 2006