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Geometric Analysis and PDEs,ICM Satellite Conference, Naples

The purpose of the meeting is to provide a forum to explore the interplay between partial
differential equations (PDEs) and the geometric theory of mappings.\par
The generalizations of Cauchy-Riemann and Beltrami equations to higher
dimensions are at the heart of modern Geometric Function Theory. The category of maps that
one usually considers are mappings with finite distortion. When the distortion is bounded, these
mappings are quasiregular mappings – quasiconformal if injective. The potential theory
associated to these mappings is governed by a class of non-linear elliptic equations modeled on
the $p$-Laplacian that are called $A$-harmonic equations. The components of the mappings
under consideration and the logarithm of their modulus are $A$-harmonic functions for an
appropriate choice of $A$. This allows for the use of potential theoretic tools to study mappings
of finite
Far reaching generalizations of many aspects of this theory have been considered in more
general geometric settings like Riemannian manifolds and nilpotent (Carnot) groups. Subelliptic
versions of convexity, solutions to Hamilton Jacobi equations,
and $p$-harmonic functions have been studied in recent years.\par
The purpose of the workshop is to bring together people working in all these different but
related areas, and at the same time, both stimulate an interdisciplinary discussion on these
topics and review recent developments.
Fri Sep 1 – Mon Sep 4, 2006