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School on Calculus of Variations

A Spring school on Calculus of Variations will take place in the Scuola Normale Superiore
from May 20 to May 25, 2002. Invited speakers:

*G.Alberti* (University of Pisa, Italy):

\centerline{``{\it An introduction to Geometric Measure Theory\ }''}

*Z.M.Balogh* (University of Bern, Switzerland):

\centerline{``{\it Symmetrization, Isoperimetric and Sobolev Inequalities\ }''}

*E.N.Barron* (Loyola University of Chicago, U.S.A.):

\centerline{``{\it Calculus of Variations in $L^\infty$\ }''}

*G.Friesecke* (Oxford University, United Kingdom):

\centerline{``{\it Variational methods in quantum many-body theory\ }''}

*T.Lachand-Robert* (University of Chambery, France):

\centerline{{\it ``Variational problems with global constraints\ }''}

More informations can be found on the web page of the school, at the address

Mon May 20 – Sat May 25, 2002