Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

Research Scientist P3

created by maggi on 07 Nov 2017

Deadline: 1 dec 2017

This post is attached to the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Trieste, Italy.

Domain : Natural Sciences - Mathematics Salary : 83 071 USD (Annual Salary) Deadline (Midnight Paris Time) : December 1, 2017

Overview of the functions of the post

Under the direct supervision of the Head of the Mathematics Group Section, the incumbent will initiate, develop and coordinate competitive research and training programmes in a branch of pure or applied Mathematics, preferably one that complements fields currently covered at ICTP. In particular, she-he will:

- Undertake first-rate research in a branch of pure or applied Mathematics, preferably one that complements fields currently covered at ICTP, including partial differential equations and numerical analysis. Suggest, develop and help realize projects related to his-her general area of expertise.

- Act as a liaison between the Mathematics group and other groups around the world, where high-level research is conducted in areas related to his-her expertise. Establish wide cooperation with scientists from developing countries, identify the scientific needs of developing countries and formulate appropriate recommendations.

- Lecture in the Mathematics Diploma and other ICTP programmes, supervise Diploma theses and participate in joint PhD programmes with other institutions.

- Assist the Supervisor in reviewing applications and make selection of post-doctoral fellows, visitors, associates, Diploma students and joint SISSA-ICTP doctoral students.

- Help with the administrative duties of the Mathematics group as assigned by the Supervisor.

- Assist the Supervisor in the organization of ICTP scientific meetings as well as training programmes (schools and lecture courses).

* To apply follow the instructions at the unesco website & send a CV and publication list to *