[CvGmt News] postdoctoral research positions

ckgeom at ihp.fr ckgeom at ihp.fr
Tue Sep 18 11:30:29 CEST 2012

Dear Colleagues,

     Some postdoctoral research positions (from 1 to 2 years) will be
founded by the ANR-10-BLAN 0105 project "Conformal aspects of
geometry" :


    * Profile: Young researcher having obtained a PhD in mathematics not
earlier than 2008 and not later than September 30, 2013, working in a
domain connected with the project's themes (conformal or CR geometry,
special geometric structures, parabolic structures, conformally
invariant operators, etc.).

    * Location: University of Nantes or Paris region.

    * Duration : 12 to 24 months.

    * Starting date : Anytime between January 1st and December 31, 2013.

    * Salary: about 2500 Euro brutto/month (shlightly more than 2000 Euro

    * Application procedure: Send by e-mail to am at math.polytechnique.fr and
Gilles.Carron at math.univ-nantes.fr the application file containing:

        - CV + list of publications;
        - research project;
        - the intended location and the name of the person(s) from the ACG
proposed as supervisor(s);
        - two recommendation letters, including one from the former PhD
supervisor (to be sent to us directly by those who write them);

    * Dead-line for application: November 30, 2012.

    * Results: December 15, 2012.

Please pass on the job ad to anyone you think would be a strong candidate,
or encourage them to contact Gilles Carron or Andrei Moroianu directly
for further details.

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