[CvGmt News] seminario di Matematica alla Scuola Normale - aggiornamento

Valeria Giuliani v.giuliani at sns.it
Tue Feb 25 08:59:53 CET 2003

Gentile prof./dott., la avvertiamo che nei prossimi giorni alla Scuola Normale si terrà, nell'ambito del Colloquio De Giorgi, il seguente seminario di matematica:

Giovedì 27 febbraio ore 15:00, Aula Mancini
Prof. Philippe Tchamitchian - Univeristé d'Aix-Marseille III
"The square root problem"
This problem has been raised by Kato in the early 60's, motivated by perturbation theory and functional calculus. It is about the square root of differential operators under divergence form, and consists of the following two questions:
1. in the self-adjoint case, where it is easy to check that this square root has the natural Sobolev space for domain, how does it depend on the coefficients ?
2. In the more general case of maximal accretive operators, not necessarily self-adjoint, does the domain of the square root still coincide with the natural Sobolev space?
These two questions have been completely answered recently, through
the works of Auscher, Hofmann, Lacey, Lewis, McIntosh and the speaker.
The proofs involve ideas from real harmonic analysis, functional calculus and the regularity theory for partial differential operators.
The talk will present how these different aspects have to be taken
into account in answering Kato's questions.

Cordiali saluti
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