A. Fiorenza, J. M. Rakotoson: New properties of small Lebesgue spaces and their applications Mathematische Annalen (Accepted Paper) 2001 A. Fiorenza, A. Mercaldo, J. M. Rakotoson: Regularity and Comparison Results in Grand Sobolev Spaces for Parabolic Equations with Measure Data Applied Mathematics Letters Vol. 14, p. 979-981, 2001 A. Fiorenza: A mean continuity type result for certain Sobolev spaces with variable exponent Comm. Contemp. Math. Vol. 4, N. 3, p. 587-605, 2002 A. Fiorenza, M. Krbec: On optimal decomposition in Zygmund spaces Georgian Math. J. Vol. 9, N. 2, p. 271-286, 2002 D. Cruz-Uribe, A. Fiorenza: The $A_\infty$ property for Young functions and weighted norm inequalities Houston J. Math Vol. 28, N. 1, p. 169-182, 2002 D. Cruz-Uribe, A. Fiorenza: Endpoint estimates and weighted norm inequalities for commutators of fractional integrals Publicacions Matematiques (Accepted Paper) 2002 A. Fiorenza, A. Prignet: Orlicz capacities and applications to some existence questions for elliptic PDEs having measure data ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations (Accepted Paper) 2002 A. Fiorenza, A. Mercaldo, J. M. Rakotoson: Regularity and uniqueness results in Grand Sobolev Spaces for parabolic equations with measure data Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Vol. 8, N. 4, p. 893-906, 2002 D. Cruz-Uribe, A. Fiorenza, C. J. Neugebauer: The maximal function on variable $L^p$ spaces Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae (Accepted Paper) 2002 A. Fiorenza, J. M. Rakotoson: Petits espaces de Lebesgue et quelques applications Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Vol. 334, p. 23-26, 2002 R. Carlone, A. Fiorenza, L. Tentarelli: The action of Volterra integral operators with highly singular kernels on Hölder continuous, Lebesgue and Sobolev functions J. Funct. Anal. Vol. 273, N. 3, p. 1258-1294, 2017 D. Cruz-Uribe, G. Di Fratta, A. Fiorenza: Modular inequalities for the maximal operator in variable Lebesgue spaces Nonlinear Analysis 2017 G. Di Fratta, A. Fiorenza: BMO-type seminorms from Escher-type tessellations Journal of Functional Analysis Vol. 279, N. 3, 2020 G. Di Fratta, A. Fiorenza: A short proof of local regularity of distributional solutions of Poisson's equation Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. Vol. 148, 2020 G. Di Fratta, A. Fiorenza: A unified divergent approach to Hardy-Poincaré inequalities in classical and variable Sobolev Spaces Journal of Functional Analysis 2021 G. Di Fratta, A. Fiorenza, V. Slastikov: On symmetry of energy minimizing harmonic-type maps on cylindrical surfaces Mathematics in Engineering 2021 E. Davoli, G. Di Fratta, A. Fiorenza, L. Happ: A modular Poincaré-Wirtinger type inequality on Lipschitz domains for Sobolev spaces with variable exponents (Submitted Paper) 2023