M. Cirant, A. Goffi: On the existence and uniqueness of solutions to time-dependent fractional MFG SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis Vol. 51, N. 2, p. 913-954, 2018 F. Camilli, A. Goffi: Existence and regularity results for viscous Hamilton-Jacobi equations with Caputo time-fractional derivative NoDEA p. 30, 2019 M. Bardi, A. Goffi: New strong maximum and comparison principles for fully nonlinear degenerate elliptic PDEs Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations Vol. 58, N. no. 184, p. 20, 2019 M. Cirant, A. Goffi: Lipschitz regularity for viscous Hamilton-Jacobi equations with $L^p$ terms Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire Vol. 37, N. 4, p. 757-784, 2020 A. Goffi: Some new Liouville-type results for fully nonlinear PDEs on the Heisenberg group Nonlinear Analysis Vol. 200, 2020 M. Cirant, A. Goffi: On the problem of maximal $L^q$-regularity for viscous Hamilton-Jacobi equations Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis Vol. 240, p. 1521-1534, 2020 A. Goffi, F. Pediconi: A note on the strong maximum principle for fully nonlinear equations on Riemannian manifolds The Journal of Geometric Analysis Vol. 31, N. 8, p. 8641-8665, 2020 M. Cirant, A. Goffi: Maximal $L^q$-regularity for parabolic Hamilton-Jacobi equations and applications to Mean Field Games Annals of PDE Vol. 7, N. 19, 2021 S. Cacace, F. Camilli, A. Goffi: A policy iteration method for Mean Field Games ESAIM:COCV Vol. 27, N. 85, 2021 A. Goffi: Transport equations with nonlocal diffusion and applications to Hamilton-Jacobi equations Journal of Evolution Equations Vol. 21, p. 4261-4317, 2021 A. Goffi: A priori Lipschitz estimates for nonlinear equations with mixed local and nonlocal diffusion via the adjoint-Bernstein method Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana 2022 A. Goffi: Hölder regularity and Liouville properties for nonlinear elliptic inequalities with power-growth gradient terms Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics 2022 M. Cirant, A. Goffi, T. Leonori: Gradient estimates for quasilinear elliptic Neumann problems with unbounded first-order terms (Submitted Paper) 2022 M. Bardi, A. Goffi: Liouville results for fully nonlinear equations modeled on Hörmander vector fields: I. The Heisenberg group Mathematische Annalen Vol. 383, p. 171-201, 2022 A. Goffi, F. Pediconi: Sobolev regularity for nonlinear Poisson equations with Neumann boundary conditions on Riemannian manifolds Forum Mathematicum Vol. 35, N. 2, p. 431-456, 2023 A. Goffi: On the optimal $L^q$-regularity for viscous Hamilton-Jacobi equations with subquadratic growth in the gradient Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 2023 F. Camilli, A. Goffi, C. Mendico: Quantitative and qualitative properties for Hamilton-Jacobi PDEs via the nonlinear adjoint method (Submitted Paper) 2023 A. Goffi: Interior Hölder and Calderón-Zygmund estimates for fully nonlinear equations with natural gradient growth (Submitted Paper) 2023 M. Cirant, A. Goffi: On the Liouville property for fully nonlinear equations with superlinear first-order terms Contemporary Mathematics, AMS, Proceedings of the conference "Geometric and Functional Inequalities and Recent Topics in Nonlinear PDEs" 2023 M. Bardi, A. Goffi: Liouville results for fully nonlinear equations modeled on Hörmander vector fields: II. Carnot groups and Grushin geometries Advances in Differential Equations Vol. 28, N. 7-8, p. 637-684, 2023 A. Goffi, T. Leonori: On maximal regularity estimates for quasilinear evolution equations via the integral Bernstein method Indiana University Mathematics Journal (Accepted Paper) 2023 A. Goffi: On the strong maximum principle for fully nonlinear parabolic equations of second order Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society (Accepted Paper) 2023 A. Goffi: Interior a priori estimates for supersolutions of fully nonlinear subelliptic equations under geometric conditions Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 2024 A. Goffi: High-order estimates for fully nonlinear equations under weak concavity assumptions Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées Vol. 182, p. 223-252, 2024 A. Goffi: Interpolated time-Hölder regularity of solutions of fully nonlinear parabolic equations (Submitted Paper) 2024